The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 216 Hong Xuanji regrets, Linglong Immortal is delighted


Wu Wenhou Mansion.

Hong Xuanji carefully read the newcomer prompts this time and took a deep breath. It turns out that there is really a world outside the world, not his so-called world.

But really from a higher level, it comes from another world.

Not only that.

The group leader who destroyed him with one hand controls the fate of many group members. The group leader is really not from their world, but the group leader must also know his fate, so he proposed to use Huang Tianshi Dragon Armor as a lottery.

Hong Xuanji, who was calm about everything, showed a wry smile for the first time.

And he also carefully studied those chat records.

The world that originally had many group members became a subsidiary world of the group leader and became the highest heaven.

[Linglong Immortal: Thank you to the group leader for informing me. This is Xiaoxian’s reward to the group leader. By the way, I would like to ask, what should I do if I want to get rid of my original fate? 】

[Linglong Immortal Master sent an exclusive red envelope to the ancient giant turtle. 】

[Huang Rong: In fact, newcomers can open up their own permissions. If it is not particularly private, we can also find a solution together. Even if we can't solve it, isn't there still Liu Shen? 】

[Linglong Immortal Master releases the authority of the destiny track. 】

[Linglong Immortal: Thank you all. 】

Hong Xuanji saw another newcomer, and he got his own destiny just after he appeared. He practiced martial arts and studied the book of sages for decades, and he never regretted anything he did.

But this time, the temptation was indeed too great and affected his mind. Otherwise, with his character, he would not have been so arrogant at the beginning.

after all.

Hong Xuanji naturally also wanted to know his own fate.

Although the group leader doesn't mind his offense, the problem is that he has already offended.

An opportunity to know the trajectory of your own destiny.

He also wanted to know why the name of the group he joined was called 'Being Refined as a Magical Weapon'. This didn't sound like a good thing.

When he saw the group leader, he casually posted the fate of another newcomer.

Now this opportunity has been wasted by him, and it has entered his own personal panel.

[ID: Hong Xuanji]

[Plane: Sun God]

[Strength: Four Stars in All Realms (Great Thousand Manifestations of Saints)]

[Points required for strengthening: 500000]

[Points: 12000]

I found that the points earned from the Creation Scripture and Taishang Alchemy Scripture that I uploaded have almost bottomed out.

Because he was the challenger, he lost the legal battle, and all the points used to gather the group leader's body were paid by him.

This time, he lost all his money.

"You have to find an opportunity to establish a good relationship with the group leader so that you can know what your so-called fate is..." Hong Xuanji frowned.

After Guiyuan received it, a Taoist text appeared in front of him. There was still a little breath in this Taoist text, so that the recipient could quickly learn the above skills.

Yes, this is a practice.

And it's not a simple exercise.

"Great Wish Technique!"

In the eternal world, among the three thousand avenues, destiny comes first, cause and effect comes second, and desire comes third.

[You have observed the Great Wish Technique and learned how to use the origin of the world to combine it with the Future Immortal Sutra, the understanding of the Dharma of Self-Immortality and Others, and understand the magical power - borrowing the power of heaven and earth, borrowing your own blessings, and borrowing the fruits of others. 】

Guiyuan's mind changes, this magical power is very interesting.

If it is magnified, then the method of borrowing and enlightenment used by the two sages of the West is a pie in the sky for the way of heaven. The predecessors borrowed money and the descendants repaid it.

However, the two sages in the West can come up with this method, which is equivalent to the Hongmeng Taoist in the eternal world who has realized this great wish technique, and is indeed a person with outstanding talent.

This Linglong Immortal is quite good at being a human being.

Hong Xuanji has been in a high position for a long time. It can be said that because he is of the same mind as Yang Pan, he can be said to have all the power in the court. When he sees the chat group, he will naturally want to take it for himself.

Linglong Immortal Lord is on the contrary a bit more peaceful.

Among the returning souls, there is now a little more golden light shining. This is the "three borrowing" magical powers. For example, Linglong Immortal Lord and the Two Saints of the West can borrow the power of heaven and earth, and even many merits and fortunes.

Or you can use luck from your future self to accomplish things now. In short, you can increase leverage and gain more than you originally achieved.

The third kind of borrowing is to borrow the merits of others. You can borrow anything, even yourself. As for how to repay, it depends on the method of repayment.

"No wonder the Second Sage of the West owed so much karma in the East and nothing happened. It turns out that this method led the creditors to the many gods who entered the West..."

The two Westerners may have been planning this for a long time. They will continue to owe debts and debts, and in the end they will beat the creditor to death or become one of their own, and then they will settle the accounts with their own family.

To spread one's own way and repay debts, this is why Western religion will become Buddhism in the future, with Many Treasures Tathagata as the master of Buddhism.

It won’t be bankruptcy and reorganization, offset the debt, then re-skin and then go public...

"If I learn this method, I may be able to perfect the rules of heaven to restrict the two people in the West."

Guiyuan thought about it, but he didn't expect that by chance, he also figured out a bargaining chip to restrict the two Westerners. According to his calculation, these two guys converted from Hinayana Buddhism to Mahayana Buddhism. Westerners did not switch to Buddhism casually.

It must be that he wants the cause and effect to disappear, and the way of heaven can only suffer from this secret loss.

After all, there is no relatively complete mechanism in Tiandao's program, but now I can make up for this mechanism.

Naturally, he would not say that it was to bring Heaven closer, but to restrict the Two Saints of the West.

Today, the Six Saints of Heaven and the Three Pure Ones have not yet figured out how to deal with it. Nuwa has become an ally with him and even shattered the Hongmeng Purple Qi, becoming the master of humanity herself.

The two people in the West formed a causal relationship with him because of the burning of the lamp.

In turn, my own 'Three Borrows' magical powers will become a way to restrict them, so that they don't dare to be too arrogant.

My mind returned to the group chat and I saw Linglong Immortal Lord’s question.

[Ancient Giant Turtle: Because your world was born from the Gate of Eternal Life, that is to say, your world is essentially created by man. If you want to transcend.

Or else banish the world consciousness of the original world, which is Fang Han.

Either we should practice other paths, transcend the original cultivation system of the eternal world, and then use great magic power, great supernatural powers, and great perseverance to break through the shackles of the world itself. 】

[Prehistoric Giant Turtle: Choose one of our prehistoric worlds, Liu Shen's Perfect World, and Wang Jinyang's full-height world as a system. You should be able to get started quickly with your own qualifications and realm. 】

[Linglong Immortal: Thanks to the group leader for your guidance. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: Well, knowing your own destiny is a major advantage in itself. There should be some time before your four thousandth birthday, as long as your love disaster does not fall on Fang Han.

Then it is very unlikely that you will be bound to him in the future and become enlightened by yourself. 】

[Linglong Immortal: Xiaoxian understands. 】

[Linglong Immortal Master uploaded "Big Dragon Phrase Technique" and received 100,000 points. 】

[Linglong Immortal Master uploaded "Big World Technique" and obtained 300,000 points. 】

[Linglong Immortal Master uploaded "Great Body Protection Technique" and obtained 200,000 points. 】

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