The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 219 Go to the human race to preach, the Asura clan

"It turns out that is the boundless realm of chaos."

When Guiyuan was traveling back, he had a startling glimpse and saw the so-called boundless chaotic world. Pieces of chaos spread like bubbles across an endless void.

While traveling, he even saw some extremely bright chaotic lights, perhaps some of the "heavens" that Nuwa said.

Even with just a quick glance, Guiyuan seemed to feel a noble power.

In group chat.

[Qin Shuang: Our world has undergone tremendous changes just now. Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun and I all found that the speed of tempering our skills has increased, and the power of our moves seems to have become much greater. 】

[Pluto: My world also changed just now. The sky above the entire universe was filled with terrifying thunder, but it quickly disappeared.

Originally, I felt that my strength, which had reached its upper limit, could be improved again. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (the group leader’s lackey): It sounds like because your world has become a subsidiary world of the group leader, the world limit for becoming a subsidiary world will be increased. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: Well, before I used Bailu to reverse time and space to see Nuwa, Nuwa directly handed over the Fengyun World to me, so the Fengyun World is now my affiliated world. 】

[Qin Shuang: Nuwa? 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: So the world of wind and cloud, which originally took a long time to pull, has now been solved. 】

[Qin Shuang: The group leader is awesome. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: In the future, the Small Thousand Worlds, that is, the worlds of two stars and below in all realms, I can pull them without the origin. There is no need to give the origin of the world to me. I can just sell it to the group chat to get points. 】

[Huang Rong:! ! ! ! Fortunately I acted quickly. 】

[Zhang Sanfeng: It seems that the strength of the group leader has improved very quickly. 】

[The prehistoric giant turtle sends a red envelope. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: Those who practice martial arts can take a look at this. This is a new system that I deduced. It is divided into body tempering, awakening, inner scene, outer scene, and Dharma. Currently, it can be regarded as a path that can lead to the four stars of all realms.

Currently there are only body tempering and awakening, and I will post the cultivation methods for interior and exterior scenes on the group chat, which will give the members of the group chat an additional cultivation system. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: But I will continue to deduce the future path. If there are any problems during the cultivation, you can tell me. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (the group leader’s lackey): The group leader is awesome! The way of immortality sounds a bit powerful. 】

[Hong Xuanji: This sounds a bit like our martial arts. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: This is part of the fusion of your world, but it should be about 50% to 2 times stronger than you at the same level. This depends on the quality of the condensed inner scene and the Dharma. 】

After Guiyuan finished speaking, his eyes suddenly fell to the distance, where was the Wa Palace. It was originally hidden in the chaos, but now it is showing its aura. It seems that the discussion is over.

It's time for him to go back.

Instantly transformed into a Tao body and fell into the ancient world. Now that the way of heaven and humanity emerged, the oppression of their monks by the ancient world became more and more serious.

When reincarnation comes out again, the three realms of heaven, earth and man will be perfected, and the laws of heaven and earth will be stricter.

This is probably why there will be fewer and fewer golden immortals walking outside in the future.

After becoming a god, many fragments will be broken out of the ancient world. I am afraid that those fragments will become the paradise of immortals at that time, with the broken ancient continent as the center, like countless stars surrounding it.

After Guiyuan returned to Beihai, nothing changed on Jin'ao Island.

The three little ones are still practicing, exchanging ideas from time to time to digest what Guiyuan taught before.

Guiyuan did not go to the island, but turned into a Taoist body and flew towards the East China Sea. Now that the way of human immortality has been deduced, the best test subject is naturally the newly born human race.

Use the way of human immortals to run against the fate of human beings.

And it is also in line with the power of enlightenment. Initiating Yang Shen's alter ego makes half of his concept of 'Holy Father' disappear instantly. The higher the enlightened identity and the higher the world level, the more concepts are digested.

No wonder Nuwa followed Nuwa's path, or maybe it was a bit difficult to directly ban Nuwa.

The palace of Wa is wide open.

"Fellow Taoists, please go back. This sermon is over."

"From now on, if all human beings are not disordered and the world changes, Nuwa will no longer be in the wilderness."

"Thank you, Saint Nuwa!"

Two voices came from the Wa Palace, and a stream of spiritual light flew from the Wa Palace. Among them was a bloody light stepping on the red lotus, and two sharp weapons around him broke through the chaos energy.

Back to prehistoric times.

Straight into the bottom of the wilderness, the red light revealed the Tao body inside again.

Styx's face was filled with joy.

Mainly when he was listening to Nuwa talking about the way of creation.

He is blessed to the soul.

Since Saint Nuwa used the Three Lights Divine Water and the Nine Heavens Breathing Earth to create a race to become a saint, she can do it too.

Now he has an understanding of the laws of creation.

In addition, he also cultivates the law of soul.

So when he was listening to the sermon, he suddenly realized that Nuwa could create people to achieve great merit and become saints, why couldn't he do it?

Styx took out the five elements of earth and spiritual water, imitated Nuwa in creating humans, and created a new race.

But it's a pity.

Although he has achieved success in studying the laws of creation, it is really impossible for him to create and light up the true spirit and give life like Nuwa. The fabricated clay figurine has no spirituality.

They just look like dolls.

After thinking silently.

Styx's eyes lit up slightly as he thought of the characteristics of his 'blood god son'.

"Would it be easier if I blended into the fabricated clay figures as the 'Blood God Son' and gave them life as the Lord of the Blood Sea?"

The material can be the blood of the Sea of ​​Blood, which is transformed from the dirty blood of the Great God Pangu.

It's an excellent treasure in itself.

He is already sure of creating a tribe.

Styx waved his hand, the blood sea swayed, and the water of the blood sea formed from the origin of the blood sea emerged in his hand.


When the Styx once again used the soil and water of the Blood Sea to shape 129,600 clay figures, a trace of physical pain flashed in his eyes, and he injected the 'blood god's son' into the clay figures.

But in an instant, the heaven and earth shook, and countless lightning tribulations condensed on the sea of ​​​​blood, aiming at the 129,600 clay figures.

The terrifying power stunned Ming He. He did not have the strength of Saint Nuwa, and Gui Yuan helped him block Hongjun.

The next second.

He took the initiative to disperse the rest of the clay figures, leaving only three thousand, and used the law of the soul and the special characteristics of the Blood God Son to awaken the spirituality within them.



I saw these three thousand clay figures opening their smart eyes one by one, exuding extremely rich vitality.

The man is ugly, but the woman is gorgeous and charming!

"Since you were created by our ancestors, let's name them 'Ashura Clan'!"

I saw the Styx flying in the air.

"The way of heaven is above. Today, I, the Ming River, want to create a clan, the Asura clan. I see the world is constantly killing and killing, and the desires of all living beings are hard to satisfy. The Lord Asura kills the cripples and casts souls with blood..."

"Asura, come out!"


Styx established the Asura clan he created, and the world shook crazily, and golden clouds of merit began to gather in the sky.

The purple air comes from the east for hundreds of millions of miles, and the rays of rays of light dye the heavens.

Such visions have been detected by countless powerful beings.

"Is Styx going to be sanctified?"

Many powerful people who had just returned to the ancient world were stunned. Styx was too quick to act. The eyes of many powerful people who had just come out of Wa Palace all fell on Styx.

They mainly wanted to see whether the creation of a race could lead to sanctification.

If they could, they would definitely think about it.

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