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Chapter 220 River Styx: Contributing to the diversity of life in the wild

Sanqing, who returned from the Wa Palace, was naturally also thinking about this matter. Although they were not good at the laws of creation, after the sermon of Saint Nuwa.

They had some insights, but after some insights, they found that the Hongmeng Purple Qi in the Yuanshen did not react at all.

The Hongmeng Purple Qi showed no response, indicating that the creation of the ethnic group seemed useless to them.

"Is it only suitable for Nuwa to create a tribe of saints?" Yuqing frowned. Yuqing and Shangqing's eyes fell on Taiqing, who was still comprehending. Among them, Taiqing had the highest talent.

And when I was listening to the sermon just now, I Taiqing had the best understanding.

"Brother?" Yuqing and Shangqing asked as they looked at Taiqing who woke up from trance.

"No." Taiqing said helplessly: "It seems that our guess is correct. It is very simple to simply create a race, but it is impossible to become a saint, and it is impossible to create magical creatures like the human race."

"Perhaps this is the great opportunity that the teacher said at the beginning. The human race is a creature born according to humanity. It was created by the saint Nuwa, and even became the master of humanity due to its birth.

Cut off the master-disciple relationship with your teacher and start a new one. "

"The human race, this race can only say that Nuwa is an opportunity. Even if there is no Nuwa, there is someone else who can create it, but only with her hands.

Saint Nuwa happened to be the chosen one. "

Yuqing nodded, "Besides, the human race is born with an innate Taoist body, one element is the body, yin and yang are the male and female, occupying the three talents of heaven, earth and man, the four poles are four limbs, the five elements are heart, liver, spleen, stomach and kidney, seven meridians, eight meridians, twelve meridians, three hundred and sixty-five There are one hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred small orifices in the big hole.

It is simply a small world, seemingly similar to the great god Pangu..."

"And it's also in line with the number of human beings. I can only say that Saint Nuwa occupies the right time, place and people!" Taiqing nodded.

Shangqing said a little depressed: "So, it is impossible to create a group of people to be holy?"

Although Taiqing and Yuqing didn't want to admit it, they had to nod.

"Hey, it's opportunity. It's impossible without opportunity." Yuqing shook his head, but said with some doubts:

"But why Saint Nuwa knew this, and I can figure out why she created the human race. It is possible for the human race to become the master of humanity and create a human race of one yuan.

Obviously, the human race of three thousand at the beginning was already the limit of heaven, but Saint Nuwa also abolished the Hongmeng Purple Qi and scattered them across the world.

Why did she do this and how did she know to do it..."

This is also what Sanqing cares about. Originally, Hongjun accepted them as disciples and regarded Sanqing as the first senior brother, second senior brother, and third senior brother among the Six Saints of Heaven.

The three of them were still happy.

Why now it seems that Nuwa, who was originally their junior sister, became a saint before them, and she is not the saint of heaven as originally designated by her teacher, but the Lord of humanity.

Now that humanity is born, they already know that the three realms of heaven, earth, and man are running side by side.

Their teacher is the spokesperson of the way of heaven, so he can appoint a saint of the way of heaven to spread the way of heaven.

However, Nuwa became the master of humanity. Not only did she become a saint before them, but she also stood above them. If they involved humanity in the future, they would have to discuss it with Nuwa.


But when it comes to all living things...

How could this keep them from being depressed? Even Taiqing, who practiced the Way of Wuwei, was a little uneasy, and they were more concerned about how Nuwa knew about it?

"Do you think you will return to Yuan..."

Yuqing said suddenly.


"Yes, I was in Buzhou Mountain when I returned to Yuan to overcome the tribulation. I remember that Saint Nuwa's dojo was in Buzhou Mountain. Not long after that, Saint Nuwa became a saint."

Yuqing's words made both Taiqing and Shangqing start to think about it.

Suddenly, their thoughts were interrupted by a sudden earthquake.

Their hearts were shaken. They had just recovered from the vision of Nuwa becoming a saint, and they were more sensitive to these visions of heaven and earth.

It was discovered that the vibration came from the bottom of the primitive world, the sea of ​​​​blood.

Sanqing used his great supernatural power to look at the sea of ​​blood in the underworld.

Seeing Styx create the Asura clan, Sanqing knew that Styx's move would not succeed. After all, compared to the human race, they could see through the Asura clan at a glance.

Far worse than the human race.

But when they saw the cloud of merit, Shangqing frowned, "How do you create the Asura clan with merit? Brothers, how about we try?"

This is not like their speculation. They originally thought that the specialness of the human race can make people become saints. Why is it that Styx's creation of the Asura race now has merit?

"You can try it."

Walking in the ancient continent, Houtu was thinking about reincarnation. Suddenly his mind was shaken. Through the law of earth, he saw the Asura clan created by the Styx and its merits.

Blessing to the soul.

She thought about what Gui Yuan said, if heaven acts on behalf of heaven, then wouldn't there be no underworld to act on behalf of earth?

Perhaps, the Netherworld Blood Sea is where the tunnel is located.

"Authentic... This Asura clan is related to the Sea of ​​Blood, which may be the reason why they can obtain merit, but it is far inferior to becoming a saint."

"The Styx was born with the blood of Father God, and the rest are of the same origin as us. Zhen Yuanzi was born with the Book of the Earth. He can be an authentic saint. So Styx should also be an authentic saint?"

"So the Asura clan he created is actually similar to the Witch clan?"

Hou Tu thought about it in her mind. The more she thought about it, the more certain she became. Maybe she should go to the Netherworld Blood Sea to have a look.

After that, he dived towards the ground very quickly.

Styx was a little depressed. Although he did gain merit by creating the Asura clan, the merit was not as great as he imagined.

"So it still doesn't work?"

"No, no, it's obviously successful. Why is it even impossible to kill two corpses with so little merit?"

"The Asura clan can continue to create!!"

When Styx looked at the three thousand Asura clan, he didn't believe it.

If one race doesn’t work, then I will continue to create.

Thinking of this, Styx began to think about how to perfect the Asura clan.

Styx tried his best to create a group of people using his own essence and blood, his own legal principles, and his own soul.

"God is above..."


As a result, after Styx continued to create three tribes with full confidence, Heaven really felt it and sent down merits. Even the powerful people who had been paying attention were deceived. What happened to Styx?

Do you dislike the lack of merit and plan to accumulate it through quantity?


Styx felt the laws gushing out of his body and his own insights. The twelve karma red lotuses on the soles of his feet fell on his soul. A corpse instantly separated from Styx's soul and fell on the karma red lotus.

When he thought it was more than that, the merit disappeared.

And there was a clear understanding in his heart that the Asura clan he created was perfect, and it was useless to continue to create it. This called Styx a little desperate.

"The ways of heaven are unfair, the ways of heaven are unfair!"

Styx deduced in his mind that he had completed the merits of creating a tribe. Even if he continued to create, he would not be able to obtain the merits.

Styx let out a breath and quickly recovered.

Now being able to kill two corpses is considered good. The helpless Styx named Asura, the first of the four newly created tribes, as Tianbo Xun, Brahma, Lust, and Shiva.

They are responsible for commanding the people of the four tribes and are called Asura Kings.

In addition, the second person is the auxiliary person, who is the asura general Indra, Vishnu, Rutra, and the ghost mother.

The vigorous creation of the Asura clan has finally come to an end among many great supernatural beings. They thought that the Styx River could produce something. At present, it seems that the path of creating a clan cannot be sanctified.

But it would be nice to get some merit.

Who doesn’t know how to create a tribe?

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