The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 224 Urgent Divine Thunder, don’t be impatient yet.

"What? Are you anxious again when I spread martial arts?"

Guiyuan said with a smile that in the original trajectory, educating the human race should be Taiqing's achievement of enlightenment, but according to the original view, this should be just an introduction.

Aren’t the likes of Chanjiao and Jiejiao not relying on the human race?

The most fundamental reason why the Three Pure Ones can become saints is that they are Pangu Zhengzong. Their own identities still have the merit of opening the heaven, so they will eventually become saints.

Otherwise, if you really think that you can become a saint by relying on the human race, you are thinking too much.

It's just that Taiqing may have received Hongjun's guidance and took over the teachings of the human race. It can be said that Taiqing is equivalent to the role of the holy father of the human race.

Otherwise, the human race will have to discuss everything with Nuwa in the future. Nuwa's authority is too great.

The human race is the race that carries the destiny of the human race. This is probably jointly formulated by Pangu or the prehistoric world. Since the status of the human race cannot be changed, then control the human race and make it a puppet.

Taiqing was used by Hongjun to restrict Nuwa's authority.

"So this is why Nuwa immediately designated me as the Holy Father, to occupy the great righteousness first, and then even if Taiqing established a human sect, it would be just an external sect without the merit of enlightenment..."

Guiyuan thought about it, he had never underestimated anyone, especially the Six Saints of Heavenly Dao who would become enlightened in the future. Some of their plans really require you to go deep into the game to find out what is there.


The lightning tribulation in the sky shone brighter and brighter, but Guiyuan was not afraid at all. He didn't even need to take action, the Nuwa Daoyun shrouding the shores of the East China Sea could block it.

Although Nuwa's Taoist charm does not prevent natural disasters, it also allows humans to hone themselves in natural disasters.

But disasters like the Zixiao Divine Thunder can definitely be defended against.

"I told you not to rush!"

As Guiyuan's mind fell, the human-creating whip in the soul suddenly appeared.

There was no need for him to pay attention to his magic power. In an instant, the body of the human-creating whip flashed with immeasurable divine light, and suddenly rose into the wind. The surrounding earth shook, and the thoughts of endless creatures condensed from the ancient world.

With a sudden swing, like a green dragon rising out of the sea, the world was at peace, and it instantly blasted towards the thunder clouds in the sky.

The infinite time and space barrier, the dimensions are broken layer by layer, and the sound of breaking glass is like a crazy explosion.

'boom! ’

The seemingly overwhelming thunder calamity was instantly shattered by the human-creating whip. The human-creating whip even absorbed the power of the thunder calamity to nourish itself. Guiyuan summoned it back and put it into the soul to analyze the thoughts of humanity inside.

I don’t know how long it took.

All the enlightened humans woke up. Yuan and Gui respectfully thanked Gui Yuan and said, "Thank you, father, for your teaching!!"

"Thank you Holy Father for your teaching!!"

The rest of the humans roared together.

Yuan and Gui have relatively broad knowledge, but they have not practiced the exercises, but they can also realize that this set of cultivation methods is the most suitable for the human race, like their innate human race.

The obstacles in the acupoints are so weak that they can penetrate 129,600 acupoints in an instant.

Moreover, the human race can master it quickly through experience and mental strength.

After stimulating the countless magical powers in the physical body, their fighting power is no longer afraid of those monsters with innate inheritance.

"Yes. Practice it carefully. If you have any questions, you can pray to the statue of the Holy Father and I will hear you."

Guiyuan nodded.

Then it disappeared without a trace like bubbles in the sun. All the people did not leave immediately, but continued to kneel on the ground until Yuan shouted loudly: "The ceremony is over!"

The rest of the human race raised their heads and looked at the place where Guiyuan had just preached with admiration.

"Now our human race has the inheritance passed down by the Holy Father! We believe that we are no weaker than all the races in the wild, and we should continue to strengthen ourselves and stand upright with ourselves.

If you don’t understand anything about martial arts, you can come and ask me! "

"From now on, this is the ancestral court of martial arts!"

Yuan shouted loudly, his heart no longer as pessimistic as before. How could the human race with a mother's love and father's guidance be weaker than other races in the prehistoric times!

After hearing this, Fuxi was very worried. He left his sister's sage Dao Yun and regained his magic power.

He immediately tried the human immortal martial arts passed down from Guiyuan.

Soon he opened the ancestral aperture between his eyebrows and built the inner world. In his mind, which was still hazy at first, a figure appeared. Fuxi, who had the body of a snake and a tail, stretched out his fingers.

Countless Bagua runes poured out, and the mind as hazy as chaos began to emerge from the world at an extremely fast speed.

Heaven and earth are filled with wind and thunder, water, volcanoes and swamps.

Fuxi took a deep breath and said, "My way is to use the Eight Diagrams to create the world. I should have been able to create the Hunyuan with my own way, but when did I feel that my way was wrong?"

I should imprint the Bagua with Taoism, and the Bagua reverses the four images, and the four images transform into Yin and Yang, Yin and Yang merge into one to form Chaos, then enter into the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and then evolve into Chaos... and finally become the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal..."

Fuxi's eyes were vague and uncertain. When did he start to doubt his own way?

During this period of time, he gained a lot from his life in the human race. He saw that the human race would not give up even in the face of hardships, and saw that the human heart is determined to conquer the heavens...

This period of experience is only a short period of time in his long and sacred life.

Experience is not based on time, but on events.

It is very likely that it will be more useful in the hundreds of years that the human race has experienced than it has been in the past thousands of years.

Until Guiyuan passed down the Human Immortal Martial Arts, the key is the time to seek one's own heart. For the newly cultivated human race, it is the sublimation of will, but for Fuxi.

Especially for Fuxi, who was drifting away from Nuwa, it was like a process of torturing himself.

Fuxi rose into the sky, and the spread of human immortal martial arts. The messengers hidden among the human race would definitely make the entire prehistoric world aware of it.

Because of the Nuwa Dao Yun, the development of the human race cannot be seen at all through the soul. Even if they know that the human race is special, it was discovered when Nuwa created the human race.

Therefore, the human race is filled with all kinds of messengers, which are used to observe the human race.

When the human race caused such a big sensation, no one believed that the human race was not special. They had not observed it before, just like the spiritual coal hidden in the ground.

The Human Immortal Martial Arts is like a fire that will ignite the human race and sweep across the entire prehistoric world in an instant.

It won't take long for the human race to no longer be babies in the hotbed of sage Daoyun.

They will officially show their fangs to all races in the wild.

Fuxi was floating in the sky, but did not act immediately. He was hesitating. He first looked towards the sky, which was the Wa Palace. He vaguely saw that the Wa Palace seemed to have a large door, waiting for him to enter.

Then he looked towards Buzhou Mountain, which was the Heavenly Court, a place where he had the same goals and worked hard for it for a long, long time.

He took a deep breath and said, "I joined Heavenly Court, not for Heavenly Court, but to practice my way. Now that I have found the direction of my way, maybe it's time to do something for myself."

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