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Chapter 225 Fuxi’s enlightenment and the theory of demon clan

Soon, the story of Gui Yuan and the Human Immortal Martial Arts passed down by the human race had spread throughout the entire prehistoric era.

Many people with great supernatural powers heard that this was deduced by Guiyuan and Nuwa to teach it to the human race. One of them is the only ancient existence in the ancient world that is still walking to prove the Tao.

Although he is just a Hunyuan Golden Immortal, there are probably very few among the quasi-sages who can compete with him, and even dare to confront Dao Ancestor.

One is the second person to become a saint after Tao Ancestor, and he did not follow the rules and become a destined saint as determined by Tao Ancestor. Instead, he realized the birth of the human race through his own enlightenment, and used the human race to carry humanity and became the master of humanity.

His personality is higher than that of the heavenly saints, and he controls all human beings.

The two deduced together must contain the supreme way, so it is natural to study it.

Fuxi, who had previously realized that he was on the wrong path, had already arrived in the chaos, traveling through the endless dimensions of time and space, and entered the Emperor Wa's heaven.

He did not come when Nuwa was preaching, but was observing the human race. Although Nuwa became a saint, he did not say to abolish her brother-sister relationship with Fuxi.

He wanted to listen to Nuwa's sermon, and although he wouldn't listen to it as often as he wanted, he wouldn't be so eager and reserved either.

In an instant.

A colorful ray of light soared across the sky of Emperor Wa, and a sacred phoenix spread its wings and flew high. Its feathers were like burning flames, shining with colorful light.

The five colors flicker, among which there are innate Taoist texts, like shadows, appearing, the first text is called virtue, the wing text is called righteousness, the back text is called etiquette, the imprinted text is called benevolence, and the belly text is called faith.

"Mother, Master Fuxi has arrived."

"Let brother come in."

An elegant but majestic voice sounded, the golden phoenix chirped, opening up a golden avenue, and the vast sea of ​​clouds instantly dispersed, revealing a grand palace.

"Sir, please come in."

Fuxi nodded. This golden phoenix seemed to have been created by his sister. His bloodline was so pure that he seemed to have returned to the direct descendants of the phoenix they had encountered during the Dragon, Phoenix and Han Tribulation.

Even now, his cultivation has reached the level of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and the karma belonging to the Phoenix Clan has not been traced to him at all.

Sure enough, one person attained enlightenment, and chickens and dogs ascended to heaven.

Fuxi followed Jinfeng towards the Wa Palace.

The closer he got, the deeper Fuxi's impression became. He practiced the Eight Diagrams, and the Eight Diagrams were actually heaven and earth.

At this moment, he seemed to feel that he was approaching a grand world.

Jinfeng led Fuxi into the palace, and Fuxi saw his always dignified and graceful sister sitting sideways on the couch, with a cute little boy feeding her spiritual fruit next to her.

"Little sister."

"Brother is here! You can sit down wherever you want, you're welcome." Nuwa's voice was a little lazy, as if she had just spent an extremely long sleep.

Jinfeng next to him quickly moved a chair.

After Fuxi sat down, he looked at Nuwa who was completely different from the Nuwa he knew. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

It was as if there was an endless layer of overlapping barriers between them.

Mainly he didn't know what to say.

Chatting court?

But even if Emperor Jun and Taiyi want to become saints now, they still need Nuwa's nod, because she is the master of humanity.

Talking about the human race?

He is the Xihuang of the demon clan, so talking about the human race is a bit awkward.

During this hesitation, Fuxi said dryly, "My brother has not yet congratulated my little sister on her becoming a saint."

Nuwa smiled and said: "Brother, why are you so cautious? We come from the same origin, so I won't become a saint, so let's just be born like this.

Why, don't you care about your court affairs that day? "

Hearing Nuwa's teasing, Fuxi sighed and said: "Alas... By the way, Your Majesty, didn't they come to see you?"

"Here he comes, secretly and openly he wants me to support his Heavenly Court. Even in the future, I will become the only Wa Saint in the Heavenly Court, and I can abolish any important ministers in the Heavenly Court below the Emperor of Heaven and the emperors..."

"Di Jun has spent a lot of money."

Nuwa shook her head and said: "Just talking, maybe it will be like this for a long time, but with Emperor Jun's emperor's character, once he becomes enlightened, he will definitely weaken the power of other demon emperors in the future, except Dong Huang. "

When Fuxi heard this, he understood what Nuwa was thinking, "Could it be that the human race will outlaw the demon clan and become the overlord of the world in the future? But let's not mention that there are hundreds of millions of demon clan under the demon clan, countless true immortals, and golden immortals. There are quite a few. Taiyi is the general and Daluo is the commander.

There is also a quasi-sage sitting in charge..."

"The demon clan... the demon is just a concept, a concept proposed by Emperor Jun who wanted to use false cultivation.

If it were before the birth of the Wu Clan, Di Jun might have succeeded, but now...

Among the demon clan, how many races recognize themselves as demons?

Although the demon clan is spread all over the ancient wilderness, the starry sky is like a burning fire. That's because the demon clan is still developing, and the benefits are still sufficient, until the growth rate of power stagnates.

Internal conflicts are bound to occur, and by then the conflicts that were originally covered up by the growth of power will erupt, such as wolves eating sheep and tigers eating rabbits.

Once the battle between the Monster Clan and the Witch Clan comes to a disadvantage, the Monster Clan will instantly collapse. "

Nuwa said calmly: "Actually, if I support him, and with a little operation, he can indeed become the Emperor of Heaven and have a chance. But why? Why should I help him?"

Fuxi was silent. Even if Nuwa joined Demon Ting, in fact, it was because he joined Demon Ting that Nu Wa followed suit. You can't say how high Nu Wa's recognition of Demon Ting is.

"So the saint of humanity will appear in the human race, right?"

"There are three saints in humanity. One is the Lord of all spirits, and it is for me. The third must and will definitely appear in the human race."

Fuxi couldn't help but ask: "The Lord of All Spirits? Then why not give it to Di Jun?"

"If I had considered it before, I won't consider it now."


"The two races of lich and demon are the whetstones of the human race. If one saint is left to Emperor Jun or Taiyi, the two saints of the human race will not be able to work together in the future to share the fate of the human race. At that time, all the creatures in the prehistoric era will be involved in a great disaster. among.

This is why human nature is so changeable. This is why I prefer that the two saints are among the human race. " Nuwa said with a smile.

"You mean the two human races you created?"


Nuwa said bluntly, "Also, brother, your chance of becoming enlightened lies in the human race."

"My way lies in the human race?" Fuxi was stunned for a moment when he heard Nuwa's words. Although he calculated that his path was wrong because of the way of the Three Corpses, he never thought that the chance of his enlightenment lay in the human race.

"You didn't realize your own way while listening to the way of immortals.

But now that the Way of the Three Corpses has penetrated deeply into the Dao Fruit, the best way for you at present is to practice the Way of Human Immortality, and use your sister and my strength to eliminate the influence of the Way of the Three Corpses on you.

With the help of the luck of the human race, if there is help from Guiyuan among the human race, it is still possible to help you achieve enlightenment. "

Nuwa bit into a spiritual fruit, the juice splashed, and she smiled.

Fuxi heard Nuwa's instructions and nodded: "Then what should I do next?"

"Do what you want. The time has not come yet. You will know when it does. Let's talk about it here. You go back and think about it carefully. I have already eliminated the calamity and karma that have enveloped you in the great calamity for you, and shielded you from it. The obstacles to your heavenly deduction have been removed.

At the critical moment, you will naturally have an idea and the Tao will come from your heart.

And this..."

Nuwa waved her hand casually, and a gourd fell into Fuxi's hand, "This gourd is called the gourd to attract demons, and it contains a banner, which is called the banner to attract demons.

The demon clan has imprinted a trace of the true spirit on it, which can control the life and death of the true spirit and communicate regardless of distance. It can solve the problem of how to solve the slow scheduling problem of the Zhoutian Star Array that he is troubled by now.

This gourd is for you to use to complete the cause and effect of Taiyi and Dijun who asked you to observe the spiritual treasure. "

Fuxi held the gourd and nodded: "Okay!"

Fuxi took the gourd and left the palace of Wa. While walking in chaos, he was thinking about what Nuwa said. There must be many things that Nuwa has not told him.

For example, why since she jumped out of the framework of the demon clan, she did not consider the witch clan and so on.

However, Nuwa's frank attitude does not shy away from the relationship between them. It can only be said that the bigger reason is that there are some things that he is not enough to know with his current strength and identity.

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