Wuzhuang Temple.

Zhen Yuanzi was also comprehending the human immortal martial arts. Soon he opened his eyes, his mind was shaken, and he murmured: "I didn't expect that half a master would find another way, the human immortal way, the earth immortal way..."

Although Guiyuan is said to have been deduced together with Nuwa, Zhen Yuanzi feels that the main credit here is not like what some people say that Nuwa takes the main credit.

After all, Nuwa is the lord of saints and the master of 'humanity'. This martial arts is more suitable for human race to learn. Nuwa created human race, so she naturally understands human race best.

Zhen Yuanzi felt that Guiyuan was the most mysterious thing in the ancient world. Many innate saints only knew the three realms of heaven, earth and man. They only knew the concept, but did not know the specific meaning.

Ke Guiyuan knows what the ‘authentic’ is in charge of.

He even guided him to enlightenment and knew who the designated master of the 'tunnel' was, but Guiyuan's heels had nothing to do with the 'tunnel'.

That Guiyuan knows the 'authentic way' does not mean he does not know the 'human way'.

In addition, after returning to Yuan Dynasty to survive the tribulation in Buzhou Mountain, Nuwa created the human race, and even took charge of the "humanity", evolving with "humanity" to seize the glimmer of life for all sentient beings in the wild.

You said it had nothing to do with Guiyuan, but Zhen Yuanzi didn't believe it.

"With the earth as the way, the way of the earth immortal is really wonderful..."

Zhen Yuanzi realized that the power of the prehistoric mountains and rivers under his control was becoming more and more perfect. In the past, he only regarded the Book of the Earth as a spiritual treasure that could summon the power of the earth, but he did not expect that this thing was actually a tool for his enlightenment.

He was born with the Book of the Earth in his arms, and he was born with the ability to mobilize the power of ancient mountains and rivers.

Moreover, Nuwa's action of shattering the Hongmeng purple energy and condensing the divine position awakened him.

The way of earth immortals is to use earth to nourish immortals and to use immortals to accumulate earth.

In fact, he can use the book of the earth to distribute the power of the ancient mountains and rivers. Many people who practice the earth immortal way are nourishing the ancient earth. He, the earth immortal who takes the ancient earth as his "land", will also increase his strength.

And they nourished the ancient earth, and the ancient world fed back their strength.

Even going deeper, the mountains and rivers under one's control can be used to build one's own paradise of caves and heavens, with caves within the caves.

Overlapping with each other, the origin of the 'authentic' will continue to strengthen, and the prehistoric world will also continue to strengthen.

The path of the earthly immortal is the path that is most consistent with the 'authentic' immortality.

But Zhen Yuanzi is troubled.

Now the way of killing the three corpses has penetrated too deeply into his Dao Fruit. If he wants to cultivate the way of the Earth Immortal, he cannot bypass the Way of the Three Corpses. He only has some understanding of the way of the Earth Immortal.

He believed that his understanding and opportunities were not as strong as those of Saint Nuwa.

There is no way to completely transform the Way of the Three Corpses into another form by taking a path similar to becoming the master of the ‘Human Way’.

Like the way of the three corpses shown by Saint Nuwa, there are almost no traces of the way of the three corpses left on it.

On the contrary, it seemed that she was like this after discussing the Tao with Hongjun and absorbing the essence of Hongjun's Tao.

He thought he couldn't do this.

‘I don’t know how fellow Taoist Houtu is thinking about it…’

"Fellow Taoist Zhenyuan, Houtu has come to ask for an audience!"

"Styx asks to see you!"

At this time, two soft shouts pulled Zhen Yuanzi out of his thoughts. Unexpectedly, just as his mind moved, Hou Tu came.

"You two, please come in!"

After that, Hou Tu and Ming He appeared in Wuzhuang Temple.

Because of Zhen Yuanzi's enlightenment, he became more and more familiar with the control of his Earth Book, not just summoning the Earth Fetal Membrane Formation.

Moreover, he was already able to control this large formation so skillfully that the people watching outside could not even react the moment he opened the large formation. He was also able to move and swim in the earth veins within a radius of hundreds of millions of miles around Wuzhuang Temple.

"Houtu met fellow Taoist Zhen Yuanzi and met fellow Taoist Hongyun."

Hou Tu looked at Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun, who was sitting cross-legged on a futon next to him, and said, but Hongyun was closing his mind tightly at the moment, like a wooden chicken, without any reaction to the outside world.

"Styx has met two of them."

"Zhen Yuanzi has met you two, and I ask for your forgiveness. When Saint Nuwa was transformed into a human race some time ago, she seemed to have touched my friends. Now she seems to have realized something. She is in a state of isolation from the soul."

"That's a good thing."

Hou Tu nodded, Hongyun had the greatest opportunity in the world, the Hongmeng Purple Qi. Don't look at Saint Nuwa scattering the Hongmeng Purple Qi around, seemingly not caring at all.

That's because Nuwa became the master of "humanity".

The status of the Lord of 'Humanity' is even higher than that of the Saints of Heaven.

But the saints of heaven are already the top among all sentient beings, and not everyone is Nuwa.

Therefore, it is indeed a good thing that Hongyun can gain some insights.

After the two sat down, Hou Tu talked about the magnificent world he and others had discovered.

That place should be the underworld that Gui Yuan mentioned, and Hou Tu didn't hold anything back, saying that he went to ask Gui Yuan for advice.

Learned his mission.

She has already realized that she has reincarnated into reincarnation and can only be born from the underworld by being completely 'authentic'.

But Hou Tu didn't want to do this. If she reincarnated, the Wu Clan's Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation would be incomplete.

Can no longer deal with the demon clan.

It was difficult for her to make this determination. She did have her own way, but for the sake of her own way, she could not make the Witch Clan completely lose hope of competing with the Monster Clan.

That's why she came to look for Zhen Yuanzi.

The only one who can understand her is Zhen Yuanzi.

And when Zhen Yuanzi said the word reincarnation in Hou Tu.

"Reincarnation? Maybe this is the solution to the three corpses."

Zhen Yuanzi felt something in his heart.

Saint Nuwa relied on all human beings to eliminate the influence of the Hongmeng Purple Qi and the Three Corpses.

And they want to pursue the 'authentic' saint, whether they can eliminate the three corpses through reincarnation.

The problem is that in order to try this method, reincarnation must occur.

But now if you want to be born in reincarnation, you must let the body of Houtu transform into reincarnation.

Although Zhen Yuanzi has many insights into the ways of earthly immortals, he has not studied the matter of reincarnation.

He had no way to resolve Hou Tu's concerns.

The three of them discussed the pros and cons of Taoism and exchanged experiences with each other.

The framework of ‘authenticity’ has gradually been perfected, but the key question remains, how should ‘authenticity’ be born?

If the earth body turns into reincarnation and is completely limited to reincarnation, not to mention that the Wu clan is under the struggle for hegemony and will no longer have the power to fight, and it is not in line with their original assumptions.

Soon, Zhen Yuanzi said: "Perhaps, we can ask Half Master for advice."

"You mean teacher?"

Hou Tu asked, after hearing what the two said, Ming He was a little confused?


"Beihai's holy return to the Yuan Dynasty was the one who taught me the way of the Earth Immortal. The path of the Earth Immortal was based on the ancient land. Now I have walked on the ancient land and traveled to the five parts of the southeast, northwest, and middle parts of the ancient land.

The aura of the prehistoric era was imprinted on the Book of the Earth, but the way of the three corpses went too deep. I realized that reincarnation might be the way for the other "authentic" saints to get rid of the way of the three corpses, except fellow Taoist Hou Tu.

And if reincarnation is the key, now we are in a dead end.

Perhaps only half of the division can break through this situation. "Zhen Yuanzi turned over the book from the ground, and the book from the ground slowly unfolded with the momentum of the ancient mountains and rivers imprinted on it.

It turned into a miniature version of the prehistoric map, with the endless power of mountains and rivers swarming in, and the power of mountains, rivers and rivers condensed scenes of countless strange phenomena on the earth.

Spring is warm, flowers are blooming, and hundreds of birds are chirping.

The fruits are abundant and the beasts are happy.

Snowflakes are falling, and creatures are hibernating.

Thousands of things are here.

At this moment.

Houtu and Minghe secretly admired the vision in the book of the earth after seeing it. It was so real. It seemed that Zhen Yuanzi had indeed worked hard.

"Then let's go!"

"You go ahead, I still have to maintain the formation here!" Zhen Yuanzi shook his head, "If only three corpses go, it will be disrespectful to half a division. But if we leave this place, Fellow Daoist Hongyun may be in danger .”

"Just bring it with you." Houtu said with a smile.

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