After returning to the Yuan Dynasty from the human race to preach, he returned to the bottom of the North Sea and hid again.

The human race is now sorted out, and the Tao Yun left by Nuwa can protect it for thousands of years.

During these ten thousand years, it was enough for the human race to produce many strong men.

On the other hand, I don’t know what form the Lich Troubles will take in the future.

Like the witch-slaying sword, the demon-slaying flag will definitely not appear.

These two weapons are constructed from the resentment and souls generated by the human race when they die, and can cause great damage to the two Lich clans.

but now.

The human race has Nuwa watching over him. If the two races of lich and witches still dare to do this, it can only be said that they will die.

The key point is that Nuwa clearly regards the human race as her own children.

Normal fighting is a change of human nature.

Nuwa acquiesces, but if you deliberately massacre human beings in order to forge divine weapons, first see if Nuwa's red hydrangea is heavy.

Guiyuan's mind fell back on the group chat.

Now that we have time, we can integrate the world of Tianlong into the world of comprehensive martial arts.

There was already a crack in his flower path after he created the human race in the Guiyuan Realm last time.

It's time to continue our efforts, attract more worlds, and increase more world origin power for the development of Guiyuan Realm.

Until he could create the 'turtle' clan that could carry the humanity of Guiyuan Realm.

With this thought, he just calmed down and was about to deal with Tianlong World.

Guiyuan suddenly raised his eyebrows, "Is there any progress in the incarnation of the mysterious world?"

My mind sinks into a mysterious world...

Western Continent.

The Western Continent is used by Tianzun as a place to seal the rest of the source material. There are many entrances, one of which is the telegraph office of Banxi. During the battle between Banxi and Guiyuan, the Red Angel family was destroyed.

Let God's Corpse follow Alger to continue searching for high-level magic potion.

The western continent was extremely quiet. An endless giant turtle kept walking in the void, and a human figure stood on the head of the endless giant turtle.

"No wonder it can be sealed for so long, fooling the laws used to fool this place, and fooling the 'concept' they want to spread outside.

The door is used to block all directions, leaving no door in, and physically isolating the space.

The mistake is to constantly find loopholes in the essence, preventing it from fully exerting its power.

He is so skillful in using various laws and fabricating various conceptual magical powers. No wonder he and God became the two most powerful ones. "

Guiyuan felt the countless laws surrounding him.

"Everything, everything in the world, can't escape the word Dao." Guiyuan shook his head, and the mysterious corpse was analyzing the remaining laws of Tianzun here.

Try to understand through the sequence relationship and see if you can deduce the future path.

After staying here for so long, coupled with the increase in the body and the appearance of the Celestial Dao Fruit, his incarnation has already analyzed the laws here.

In the final analysis, Tianzun is the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and he is probably a Hunyuan Golden Immortal who went astray.

These so-called old days.

Gaining power is more about swallowing magic potions and mastering power. This is indeed an extremely fast advancement path, but it is essentially an external force, a bit similar to a god's position.

It just means that it turns into its own power through 'digestion'.

But the higher the level, the closer to the existence of the source, the harder it is to control oneself, although this Western Continent is the biggest backer of Tianzun's resurrection and has left many seals.

With the unstable state of the seal, it can prevent the 'God' who is not good at the way of space.

But he couldn't guard against Guiyuan, who was also good at space.

He has found the City of Disaster through the layers of laws.

Because Tianzun's seal is no longer in a perfect state, and it is in this state. If Guiyuan can't find it, then he can only say that he is a waste.

In an instant, he came to the crack in the perfect law. In front of Yu Guiyuan, a dilapidated and dilapidated city appeared. The city walls were covered with traces of countless years, like a long-abandoned ruins. It was unlikely that there would be any more people. Survive this.

But there are so many people in this city, it looks like it is inhabited.

But among the returning souls, they only feel the endless wave of laws lingering in this city of disaster. The strongest ones are the laws of destruction and the laws of yin and yang...

"The real name of the City of Disaster is true. Yin and Yang are reversed and destroy creation. The two sequences represented by this City of Disaster are actually the Yin and Yang sides of the original Creator, using Yin and Yang to control the power of destruction..."

Guiyuan raised his eyebrows.

So is this also the reason why City of Disaster and River of Eternal Darkness are likely to become the fourth pillar after they are combined?

Using yin and yang to directly reverse the foundation of the world and bring the world to an end.

And right now.

The infinite laws that shrouded the City of Disaster suddenly erupted into a layer of fog that shrouded the surroundings.

At this moment.

A man whose whole body was shrouded in a classic black robe walked out. The moment he walked out, the sea of ​​gray mist shrank into his body.

Guiyuan looked at this man and said with a smile:

"Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun. I didn't expect you to leave an incarnation here."

"No matter who you are, this is no place for you!"

Tianzun's eyes looked at Guiyuan.

A pair of eyes that are cold yet full of emotions, rational yet filled with endless madness, chaos and order are all included in these eyes.

The reason for this strange phenomenon is the system, the world, the basic rules, and the source.


Invisible fluctuations appeared all around. During the induction of return to origin, a regular force fell on him, producing a wonderful effect.

Guiyuan's expression became dull, his eyes were dull, and he no longer had any agility.

Seer Path Sequence 0, The Fool's Power - Fooling.

To put it simply, it is a halo of wisdom.

In an instant, Guiyuan's mind suddenly had the question of 'Why do I want to come here. ’

next moment.

The particles in the incarnation flickered with immeasurable divine light and instantly shattered it. In order to better deal with the mysterious world, Guiyuan used the aura of the incarnation to send more particles to this incarnation.

Tianzun looked at Guiyuan who was fooled. There were slippery tentacles protruding from under the black robe behind him, and there were more and more of them. The originally rational and crazy eyes were now slowly gaining the upper hand.

"Inner demon? Calamity energy? It's quite interesting to combine it into a conceptual ability similar to magical powers to affect thinking." Guiyuan was only fooled for a moment and recovered.

[You have observed the 'Fooling of Authority' and integrated it into your own magical power of 'Three Disasters and Nine Disasters', enhancing the use of part of the calamity energy. 】

Guiyuan smiled as he recalled the feeling just now.

It turns out that this is making a fool of authority.

It is inner demons, calamity energy and other negative forces that influence other people's thinking. That's why calamity energy is also called the 'wisdom halo'.

"Like fooling? Then try it yourself!"

Tianzun was stunned, does this person also have the power to fool?

But isn’t this unique to oneself and the Fool?

Guiyuan took action.

In Tianzun's spiritual consciousness, waves similar to those used by Tianzun just now in Guiyuan's hand continued to emit, disturbing Tianzun's thoughts.

at the same time.

A huge turtle claw instantly poked out, and the surrounding laws continued to vibrate. The immeasurable divine light blooming from the body shone, and the terrifying divine light flowed all around. It seemed that the laws surrounding the immeasurable divinity were constantly being destroyed.

It's like the supreme god has descended.

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