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Chapter 228 Little God from another world, you did your best!


Hit by a claw, Zun, whose thoughts were disturbed as a result, collapsed immediately and turned into a transparent insect with twelve segments.

This was the moment when he let the Time Worm clone bear Guiyuan's punch on his behalf.

The Worm of Time is the ability of the Apprentice Sequence 0, and he naturally possesses it.

Infinite extraordinary characteristics instantly separated from the Worm of Time, and transformed into the Heavenly Lord again. His eyes flashed, who is this person?

Why is it so easy to take control of him?

In a billion seconds, Tianzun launched another attack.

There seemed to be a door opening in front of Tianzun, one after another. It was not one door, but countless doors, as if they were ten thousand, with slippery tentacles reaching into the door.

Guiyuan felt the law of space fluctuating behind him.

Using the power of the "door" in the most superficial way, Guiyuan felt the tentacles about to wrap around him and was about to shatter them.

Suddenly, he stopped making any movement.

He forgot what he was going to do!

Tianzun stole all his thoughts at this moment!

And when the tip of the first tentacle reached Guiyuan, a "chichi" sound sounded, like magma suddenly cooling.

Guiyuan had no idea of ​​fighting back, but the particles contained in his body burst out with extremely terrifying power to resist and eliminate this power.

Guiyuan regained control of his thoughts and said with a smile, "What an interesting ability."

Seeing that several of his attacks had no effect on Guiyuan.

The crazy look in Tianzun's eyes became more intense.

The next moment, Tianzun's hands moved dexterously, as if controlling a puppet. Guiyuan felt that there were silk threads on his body connecting his hands.

Accept His control and become His puppet.

In the mysterious worldview, it is the thread of the spiritual body.

Immediately afterwards, Guiyuan felt that his flesh and blood seemed to come to life, and there was another will awakening inside, belonging to Tianzun's will.


Tianzun buried the worm of time in Guiyuan's body, trying to devour Guiyuan.

At the same time, Guiyuan's flesh and blood began to stir, as if preparing to rebel. First, a big bag bulged here.

After disappearing, another fleshy snake appeared there. The tortoise shell began to grow strange scales. From under Guiyuan's tortoise shell, smooth tentacles similar to those of Tianzun appeared.

"There are so many tricks." Guiyuan felt that the infinite particles in his body seemed to disappear, and his Tao body completely lost its power.

Tianzun once again committed theft and stole the terrifying power contained in the Guiyuan Divine Body.

"This world is really interesting. You must incorporate it into yourself as soon as possible. It will definitely directly promote the blooming of your own divine flower!"

Guiyuan's thoughts flashed through.


"Heaven and earth are always quiet!"

Guiyuan had enough fun and immediately used the rules that were completely overriding the control of Tianzun.

The Eternal Immortality instantly suppressed all the strange phenomena in the body, and all the flesh sprouts that were constantly spreading out retracted, and the decayed scales returned to their miraculous state.

The heaven and earth are always quiet, sealing all Tianzun's power within his body.

There are more and more tentacles behind Tianzun, and the crazy color in his eyes is getting thicker and thicker. Using these methods makes him one step closer to losing control.

Tianzun himself "died", and only his will remained, waiting to be resurrected in the bodies of future generations.

This incarnation is just used by Tianzun to protect his backhand in the Western Continent.

But this is just the incarnation of Tianzun's will. Even if Tianzun in his full glory stands in front of Guiyuan, he may not be able to win, let alone just the incarnation of his will.

It doesn't have much power itself.

If you want to exert greater power, you have to pay a greater price.

For the mysterious world, the price can almost be classified into one - loss of control.

"Little god from another world, you did your best." Guiyuan said with a smile.

"You are not from our world." Tianzun looked at Guiyuan and said with certainty using his last rationality.

The means used by the man in front of him were compared to Him and God.

Whether it was the seemingly indestructible body or the ability to suppress his sequence ability, it was a power he had never seen before.

And it is not a power that exists on earth or even in the stars.


The words are over.

Guiyuan used 'Heaven and Earth to be Ever Quiet' to completely obliterate this incarnation.

He was experiencing the power of this incarnation just now. In fact, he was letting the 'Mysterious Corpse' see the incarnation of the Heavenly Lord.

The "ho ho" sound coming from the mouth of the mysterious corpse today has no meaning or any specific meaning. It is a chaotic and crazy sound.

His appearance changed.

A translucent dark cloak made of densely packed granular worms appeared. There was no body in the cloak, only a mask like a door.

There were worms crawling on the door mask.

There is an eye on the door, which is extremely smooth. If you look closely, you will see that it is full of translucent insects.

The three forces of Fool, Error, and Door are intertwined in the mysterious corpse.

The Mysterious Corpse is the incarnation of Gui Yuan and is cut out using the method of combining Tao with the help of the three sequence magic potions of the 'Lord of Mysteries'. It coincides with Tianzun's route. Let the Mysterious Corpse look directly at Tianzun and gain a lot.

According to the mysterious rules, if you look directly at a higher-level existence, you will definitely gain benefits and madness.

Even if it is not the real person, the incarnation is full of the power of the three sequences of Fool, Door, and Error.

The Mysterious Corpse is frantically absorbing the effects of the Heavenly Lord's incarnation just now. This situation is just because too much knowledge has been acquired in an instant.

It's just that I ate too much at once and haven't digested it all.

If Guiyuan's incarnation is here to suppress it, nothing will happen at all.

Guiyuan looked at the city of disaster below.

Because Tianzun's will noticed that someone was attacking the City of Disaster, he condensed the will of the City of Disaster and tried to repel the enemy.

But I didn't expect it to be Guiyuan.

Now after condensing the incarnation, the power of the seal is much weaker. The power belonging to the red priest sequence emerges from Guiyuan's body, and the originally peaceful city of disaster begins to tremble.

‘Boom! ! ’

This area began to shake violently, like an eight-magnitude earthquake. Invisible fluctuations moved in all directions. The aura of destruction swept all around. The surrounding space and time were constantly shattering, and the 'concept of destruction' was destroying everything.

When the aura of destruction swept over Guiyuan, it was naturally blocked by the power escaping from Guiyuan's body.

The entire ruins rose from the ground, and the dust-like mist above was completely cleared away, revealing the original appearance of the City of Disaster.

Guiyuan opened his mouth and swallowed, and the huge City of Disaster poured into his mouth. His mouth was like a space tunnel. The closer the City of Disaster got, it seemed that there was an infinite force compressing it.

When it finally reached Guiyuan's mouth, it was only the size of a fist and was swallowed by him instantly.

‘Got it. ’

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