Ning Zhong looked at Young Siming and said with a smile: "Come and play with me when you have time, and I will take you to see Mount Hua!"

Shao Siming said softly: "Okay."

After finishing speaking, the four Thors disappeared in front of Shao Siming.

Shao Siming felt a little regretful in his heart.

If I had started to use the group chat to strengthen myself when I joined the group chat, then the tragedy would not have happened later.

I couldn't help but take a deep breath. Now that the foreign enemy has been solved, what should I do next?

It's right here.


A vast will that cannot be described in words came, the space seemed to be imprisoned, and time pressed the pause button.

Shao Siming seemed to be exiled, but his eyes could still see things, but he couldn't control his body.

For an instant, the world blurred and spun.

Shao Siming felt his body being pulled by an invisible force, as if he had passed through some invisible barrier.

Everything before her eyes began to blur, colors began to fade and sounds became distant.

In the colorful world, it seems that only black and white are left.

She felt herself being sucked into a vortex, a huge vortex in which her consciousness was spinning, spinning, spinning...

Suddenly, everything stopped.

The world of black and white has returned to the world of color.

She opened her eyes and found that she was standing in a place that had been destroyed long ago, with pillars standing all around, and it was extremely dark.

She was standing on a stage.

Shao Siming looked at this extremely familiar environment. She looked around and saw a familiar figure, that was Da Siming.

And Donghuang Taiyi, who had already died, was ordering them to find Canglong Qisu.

I was shocked, could she have gone back to the past?

Shao Siming's mind moved and he looked at the group chat.

[Ancient Giant Turtle: @Shao Siming, my deal with the world has turned everything back in time and space, to a time before the invaders came, but only you know about this. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: Moreover, your lifespan has passed, and the sharp boundary of time and space in the entire world has returned to that moment, but you have not. 】

When Shao Siming saw this, his heart suddenly felt sour, and tears could not help filling his big eyes, and he quickly sent a message.

[Shao Siming: Okay, thank you group leader! Thanks to the group leader! 】

[Huang Rong: I just said that the group leader is very nice. But I'm a little confused, what's going on with those people? Why can he travel across the world, and the power one of them has is like Deidara's world? 】

[Deidara: Aren’t they the world where the Otsutsuki clan lives? 】

[Thor God: And they seem to control our destiny like the group leader, and they also know who I am...]

[Prehistoric Giant Turtle: I will answer this matter after I finish analyzing it. Don't worry too much. 】

Fight to break the world.

In the palace where the original Maple City has been renamed Dan City.

Kohe reappeared in the alchemy room and saw Medusa searching for something in his alchemy room.

Medusa secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Furukawa suddenly appear, "You're back."


"What are you going to do?"

"I have something to do, so I wasted a little time. I will start refining your elixir now."

Furukawa shook his head and didn't explain anything.

However, Medusa sensed some fighting energy fluctuations in Furukawa's body, which meant that he had just returned from the battle. She looked at him deeply and snorted: "There are only two or three days left. Don't be unable to refine it by then."

"Don't worry, my alchemy skills have improved recently. Refining this is easy."

Kohe explained casually, and just as he was about to let Medusa out, a figure appeared in the alchemy room.

An old man wearing a green robe, with long hair hanging over his shoulders, looked free and easy, and his appearance was not ordinary.

"Senior Feng."

Feng Xian saw Furukawa and said, "This little girl came to me just now and said that your breath has disappeared, and she was extremely anxious.

I went out and walked around for a few times, but I didn't notice your breath. I was still thinking about who is so powerful..."

Furukawa looked at Medusa, this beautiful snake...

Medusa snorted coldly, "I'm just worried that I don't have any more elixirs."

"There were some things that I had to deal with just now, but I'd rather bother Senior Feng."

"How long are you away from Dou Zun? I can't wait to go to Yunlan Sect. These bastards from the Soul Palace actually harmed Yao Chen like this!"

Feng Xian looked livid and asked Dou Zun.

"Within two months."


After Feng Xian finished speaking, he glanced at Medusa and Gu He and shook his head secretly.

Then he disappeared from the eyes of the two people.

Medusa disappeared without saying a word after Feng Xian disappeared.

Kohe sighed in his heart. Originally, he wanted to keep a distance from Medusa.

But the problem is that he needs to let Medusa help him solve the Soul Palace.

After so many visits, Medusa no longer had any interest in Xiao Yan.

Rather, some thoughts were on him.

But he was focused on Yun Yun, and even after thinking about solving the Yun Lan Sect's Soul Palace, he planned to propose marriage to Yun Yun.

He didn't even think about how to deal with Medusa.

And he couldn't ask the group chat members. If those group members knew about it, they would just say "I heard that the Gudan Sect provoked the beautiful snake, and I was the first to come and laugh!" 】

"Ignore it for now. But the world invader..."

What Guhe cares about is this. This thing looks even weirder than the last time in the abyss world.

These people actually know the trajectory of their destiny.

It is very likely that we will continue to encounter these things in the future.

There will even be a grander war than the one in the abyss world.

Furukawa's heart tightened, it seemed that his movements were going to speed up.

Douluo World.

Feng Xiaotian reappeared in the God Realm, and the Shura God and others around him were no longer surprised to see Feng Xiaotian reappearing.

Destruction said with some envy: "Going to help Tiandao?"

Sure enough, the direct lineage is different.

"Yes. You can discuss the specific matters regarding world cooperation."

Feng Xiaotian knocked on the armrest. He also had thoughts about the world invaders. It seemed that he was not getting strong enough. It seemed that he had to go to Fengyun World, where there were many strong people.

Maybe it can help him get stronger faster.

We still need to find a way to speed up our cultivation. Feng Xiaotian looked at Shura God and others and said, "To speed up the development of soul guides, the underlying forces must be armed.


After a while, the army began to be mobilized. Go and help the mixed martial arts world completely unify the mixed martial arts world. "

Shura and others looked at each other, but now Feng Xiaotian is the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao, since he said so, this is what he said.

"In that place, although their masters are indeed strong, the bottom layer is too weak and can be solved quickly."

"Well, I'll discuss it with Master Zhang and others. We need to speed up the pace."

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