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Chapter 234 Come here, something is wrong with Hongyun!

After Guiyuan returned to Beihai and settled the affairs of the Qin Dynasty world, his mind fell into the Guiyuan world.

There are five figures floating in the Guiyuan world, squinting their eyes slightly, seeming to be sleeping but not sleeping.

"Let me see if you intruders are who I think you are."

"Huh? There is still power to block..."

With the thought of returning to Yuan, the inner demons poured into the minds of the five people.

Guiyuan discovered that there was a mark composed of laws in the minds of the five people, preventing him from investigating.

This imprint was deeply imprinted on the soul consciousness of the five of them.

The power on this mark is the power of the reincarnation beast.

When someone wants to forcefully invade their mind and obtain memories through external forces, it will actively stop them.

If it can't be stopped.

This mark will change from a protective function to a reminder for these people, directly annihilating their souls, leaving nothing behind.

But to him, the mark was as if it didn't exist at all, and it broke open with a light poke.

"It seems like it should be the things I know."

All the memories of the five people, including the deepest secrets hidden in their hearts, the memories they had long forgotten, and even the memories of the fetal period, were presented to him in detail.

"The reincarnator."

Guiyuan pondered, judging from the information about these five people, these people were the reincarnations he knew, and they were backed by the Reincarnation Hall.

And these people came to the world of Qin Dynasty for the first time.

But in the minds of these people, there are also works one after another. They are the reincarnations that people on earth become after death, but as they return to the Yuan, they continue to look down.

I found that these people knew far fewer works than he did, and some of the works were incomplete and not as good as he knew.

To make an analogy, the development of the earth only reached ten years ago in his previous life.

It just happened to be the world where Thor and the others were, and they happened to see it.

Needless to say.

The earth should be the world of the Samsara Palace, and these reincarnators should be the natives of the world controlled by the Samsara Palace.

"But how does the Reincarnation Palace know about these worlds?"

Guiyuan did not find this in the memories of these people, they would only take it for granted.

Although these people belong to a large organization called the Immortal Society in the Reincarnation Hall.

But they are just the lower level inside, although they know much better than many people, such as the big world, the middle world, the small world, etc.

But they don't know what's more secret.

However, the world they know is somewhat different from the world they travel through.

Return to Yuan to ponder.

Needless to say, those works were created by the Samsara Palace to facilitate the invasion of the world by these reincarnations.

It is somewhat similar to what Nuwa told him. Some people use various means to steal the origin of Fengyun World and use it to brand legends and evolve the general trend.

This Samsara Palace is somewhat similar to those people.

It’s just that those people before were all self-employed.

Things like the Palace of Reincarnation have become a group, and large numbers of people are dispatched, and the efficiency is much faster than those individuals who can travel through time.

The way the Samsara Palace releases reincarnators is also very rough.

Invaders from the small world are directly launched into the world to invade; invaders from the medium world occupy the body of a native of this world with their souls; invaders from the large world must be born in that world and be reborn. Then practice cultivation again to become one from the soul to the body inside and outside.

But here's the thing.

If the Reincarnation Hall knew all the processes of this world.

Why was this the first time that the invaders of the Qin Dynasty world were invaded, and why were the invaders allowed to enter these worlds.

If you want to invade, there is only one possibility, that is, this world is not under the control of the Samsara Palace.

"And this bead." There was a bead floating in Guiyuan's eyes. It was left by the reincarnation beast. It seems that it should be the source of the passage for their reincarnations to come to this world.

This may have deeper information, and there may be reasons why the Samsara Palace knows the information about those worlds.

The power of the soul surged out, but did not directly and roughly invade it.

The power of the soul invades this bead like threads.

They are not as rough as those five people, and the true spirits of those five people have long gone into reincarnation in the Guiyuan world where they were thrown by Guiyuan.

This bead is the certificate for the Reincarnation Palace to open the reincarnation passage. If it is too rough, it may instantly arouse the stress reaction inside and directly shatter it.

as expected.

As soon as the power of Guiyuan's soul entered, he felt the power of the law that was more complex than the imprint deep in the souls of the five people.

If you want to crack it, it may take some time.

Guiyuan was not placed in the Guiyuan Realm to avoid any problems, but was placed directly in the ancient world and covered with Pangu's aura.

Although he has already checked it, he shouldn't find any problems.

But it’s better to be careful.

The power of the soul is constantly analyzing the things inside, peeling off cocoons...

Guiyuan put it aside and was about to go to deal with Tianlong World, which had not been dealt with after being 'dealt with' twice.

The Taiyi Gate that was just called stopped again.

In an instant, it transformed into a Tao body and burst out of the water.

Because he sensed that there were four auras that were constantly traveling through countless dimensions of time and space.

Except for one of them, which was filled with the aura of killing, he was not very familiar with it.

But in the ancient world, the only one with such an aura was Styx, the Lord of the Blood Sea.

The other three are all acquaintances.

Houtu, Zhenyuanzi, Hongyun.


Guiyuan has long had ideas about the authentic saints he has designated. Hou Tu is one, Zhen Yuanzi is one, and Minghe should also be one.

Minghe is in charge of Abi, who kills people without any trace of cause and effect. Isn't Yuantu killing people legally?

Plus the karma fire red lotus that can burn karma.

It just so happens that Emperor Fengdu is in charge of the underworld. He is responsible for burning karma and judging evil people in the underworld. The Asura clan he created is good at killing, and it just happens that they can use their murderous nature to suppress the evildoers who fall into the underworld.

It seems that when Hou Tu saw Styx creating the Asura clan, he felt inspired and went to the Blood Sea to find Styx.

But Guiyuan could not imagine why they came together.

"Meet the teacher!"

"I've seen half a division!"

"I've met fellow Taoist Guiyuan!"

Hou Tu, Zhen Yuanzi and Ming He all saluted, but Gui Yuan ignored Hou Tu's etiquette and said, "The karma between Hou Tu and me has been eliminated, so don't call me teacher again."

Then he looked at Hongyun and was a little surprised to see that his aura was chaotic, "Could it be that Fellow Taoist Hongyun has enlightened?"

"Yes. After Saint Nuwa became enlightened, Hongyun seemed to have some enlightenment, and now he seems to be caught in the process of enlightenment. If he can understand the way to becoming a saint, he may be able to get rid of the original cause and effect."

"After Nuwa became enlightened?"

Guiyuan glanced at Hongyun and withdrew his gaze. Hongyun had come to enlightenment at the wrong time.

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