At least the Hongyun that Guiyuan knew must have died in the end, the Hongmeng Purple Qi disappeared without a trace, and his remaining soul was reincarnated as Shennong.

And his dojo, Huoyundong, became the place used by the three ancestors of the human race, the Three Sovereigns and the Five Emperors to suppress the fate of the human race.

There are two situations now.

It is very likely that Hongyun's destiny appeared. When Nuwa became the master of humanity, Hongyun realized something related to humanity.

And another possibility.

Naturally, this is Hongjun’s layout.

Nuwa shattered Hongmeng Ziqi, which was regarded as a move to Hongjun, and she also leveraged the general trend of heaven with the help of human nature.

Hongyun has a Hongmeng Purple Qi of his own. If Hongjun wants to arrange it on Hongyun, it will be easy.

But it is impossible for Guiyuan to randomly investigate Hongyun's situation, and he really may not be able to investigate.

It's just that he can't figure it out.

If Hongjun wanted to promote Hongyun to become a saint of heaven, he didn't understand what Hongyun could be praised for.

"It seems that we will have to take Hongyun's changes into account in the future..."

Guiyuan thought about it, but didn't say anything and continued to look at the visitor.

Guiyuan shook his head and said quietly, "I can give you some advice from fellow Taoist Zhen Yuanzi and fellow Taoist Minghe, but it's not necessary for fellow Taoist Houtu."

Hou Tu was helpless.

The cause and effect between the Wu Clan and Guiyuan was already forged when the Wu Clan used the Dutian Shensha Formation for the first time.

Furthermore, Hou Dijiang completely regarded Guiyuan as a roadblock for the Wu clan to unify the ancient world.

As long as I find an opportunity, I will target Guiyuan.

Zhen Yuanzi sent a message to Hou Tu, "I will ask for fellow Taoist Hou Tu."

Houtu nodded.

"Hongyun please stay outside too."

Guiyuan knew what they were looking for him for without even asking, so he said quietly.

Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help but ask: "Why can't Hongyun go in?"

They took Hongyun with them to prevent anything from happening to him.

In this current state, if no one protects him, Hongyun will probably be in danger of falling once a quasi-sage strongman takes action.

"He has Hongmeng Purple Qi on him. If you want Hongjun to know everything you talked about, then bring him in."

"It just so happens that Hou Tu is around to watch him. Being around here, we can respond immediately if something happens."

After hearing this, Zhen Yuanzi had no choice but to nod. After all, what they were going to talk about was indeed very important.

"Then please leave it to fellow Taoist Houtu."


And there is Houtu outside Jin'ao Island.

Hou Tu is now a Hunyuan Golden Immortal. In the prehistoric era, unless Taozu and Emperor Wa took action.

In the future, Tu's strength will be enough to cope with it.

The innate formation of Jin'ao Island emerged, Hunyuan tortoise shell appeared on Jin'ao Island, and countless layers of defensive laws intertwined into layers of divine chains of laws.

The Divine Law Chain locked Jin'ao Island layer by layer, and the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag was used to cover the entire surrounding area with the help of surrounding water vapor.

Among the five flags, the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag is the most powerful in disrupting the secrets of heaven and obscuring cause and effect.

On Jin'ao Island, the three of them came to Guiyuan Palace.

After listening to the descriptions of the two men, Guiyuan made some calculations and realized that the underworld had been discovered, but as they thought, it was impossible to enter that place.

Needless to say, Hongjun should have arranged it with the help of the power of heaven.

Although the way of heaven will not restrict the appearance of tunnels.

But Hongjun will, I'm afraid that guy started thinking about this matter during the Tribulation of the Three Clans. It wasn't until he became a saint that he took the prehistoric world into his own hands step by step.

It is used to restrict the development of the tunnel, so that even the symbol of the tunnel, the underworld, cannot be born together with the heaven.

Use reincarnation to wash away your own marks?

Guiyuan actually had already thought of a way, and said quietly: "I do have a way."

"Please give me some advice from Half Master."

Minghe and Zhen Yuanzi looked at each other. They didn't expect that Guiyuan really had a way.

"Now your idea is to enter the underworld, or to let you use reincarnation to cleanse the way of the three corpses, or to let Hou Tu exert Hunyuan combat power in the entire prehistoric world?"

"Don't these three things go together?"

When Zhen Yuanzi heard that Guiyuan separated these three things, he couldn't help but ask. According to what Hou Tu said, the barrier of the world that shrouded the underworld was impossible for anyone under Hunyuan Daluo to break.

The only way she could think of was to make a big ambition to transform herself into reincarnation and step into Hunyuan so that the underworld could be born, and then they could use the power of reincarnation.

"If it's the first one, I have two ways. One is to take you in, and the other is to just ask a Hunyuan Daluo to take action..."

‘Hunyuan Daluo? ’

Zhen Yuanzi quickly flashed a name, Wahuang.

With the relationship between Banshi and Daozu, it is naturally impossible to say that they asked Daozu to take action. And now that they have a deeper understanding, they found that Daozu's original mission was not based on benefiting all souls.

But there is another layout.

Even if it is a conspiracy, it is still a conspiracy, and it is based on one's own interests.

Then we can only ask another person to take action, that is, Emperor Wa, who is high in the Chaos Emperor Heaven.

Listening to Guiyuan's tone, Ming He seemed to say that as long as he spoke, Emperor Wa would take action. He was a saint, how could Guiyuan have such a loud tone?

Nowadays, even the Sanqings, the Westerners, the Emperor Jun of Heaven, Taiyi, etc., as long as they have not become enlightened, they are all respectful in Wahuang Heaven.

But Zhen Yuanzi thought in another direction. Banshi was the Holy Father of the human race, and Emperor Wa was the Holy Mother of the human race. He originally thought that it was Banshi who pointed out that Emperor Wa would get this honorary name.

But now he heard Ban Shi say that he could ask Emperor Wa to come out as long as he wanted.

The relationship between Banshi and Emperor Wa was much closer than he imagined.

It's not that Half-Master is the Holy Father of the human race that makes them close, but the closeness makes Half-Master become the Holy Father of the human race.

"But in this case, reincarnation will not be born, it will just let you enter the underworld."

Guiyuan said calmly, if he opens his mouth, Nuwa will definitely help him.

Moreover, among the reincarnations, there is also the reincarnation of the human world that is closely related to the human race.

"Please also ask Half Master to teach us how to cleanse ourselves of the Three Corpses if there is no reincarnation."

Zhen Yuanzi continued to ask for advice. He was wondering how to cleanse the three corpses in the Tao Fruit even if they entered the underworld and there was no reincarnation.

The two should be integrated with each other.

Why did Guiyuan also subdivide it?

Guiyuan smiled and said: "There is reincarnation in my Guiyuan world, and I should be able to cleanse the Three Corpses. But there is a drawback. My reincarnation is definitely weaker than the prehistoric one.

It is very likely that your true souls will be blinded, because if you don’t understand the mystery of reincarnation yourself, you will probably fall short in the end..."


Zhen Yuanzi and Ming He looked at each other, and both could see the surprise in each other. Is there reincarnation in Guiyuan's own world?

No wonder I can give guidance to fellow Taoist monks.

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