Outside Jin'ao Island.

Hou Tu was waiting quietly, feeling a little nervous in her heart, hoping that there was a way. Although she didn't understand the secret, she could see it.

Since the last confrontation with the Demon Clan in a large formation, the Wu Clan's luck has skyrocketed, and the birth rate of members of the clan has also increased dramatically.

In addition, Taoist ancestor Hongjun had previously issued a decree: "Demons govern the sky and witches govern the earth." ’

The Wu clan became the well-deserved super overlord of the ancient continent.

They took Buzhou Mountain as their ancestral home and expanded in all directions.

Billions of races either become food for the Witch Clan, flee to further realms, or join the Demon Clan's Heavenly Court and be driven by others.

Fortunately, the prehistoric world has been expanding, and the continents and oceans are vast enough. With the additional members of the Wu Clan, it is simply impossible to occupy all the territory.

The Wu Clan seems to be in full swing, but in fact it is a raging fire.

Taking the prehistoric tribes as their food, the karma they bear is like huge waves in the sky.

Although Hou Tu doesn't want to admit it, the Witch Clan and the Demon Clan are now the most serious creatures that have destroyed the ancient world and the world transformed by Father God.

Karma is not generated randomly. It must be hated by heaven and earth, and by all living beings.

The Wu clan is warlike, and they would be unable to withstand the fight with their hands and feet. Therefore, countless lives were destroyed on the mountain peaks.

She felt that reincarnation would be the Witch Clan's retreat or survival.

The Wu Clan was born out of the turbid energy of the earth. It should be similar to how the Human Clan carries the destiny of humanity, and is a creature born to carry the earth's destiny.

When the Wu Clan was born, the choice was not to dominate the ancient world, but to use the power carried by one's own blood to understand the way of the Earth Immortal and become an 'Earth Immortal'.

Because compared to many immortals, the most powerful thing about the witch clan is their innate mastery of corresponding magical powers.

The Wu clan is a race born to maintain the stability of the ancient continent.

To calm the chaos of time and space, suppress the five elements of wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and regulate the energy of all things, the Witch Clan is more suitable to be a guardian than a hegemon.

The two cannot be generalized.

The originally closed Jin'ao Island opened, and Zhen Yuanzi and Ming He flew out.

"There is indeed a way, but we may need to find a place to talk in detail.

Let’s go back to Wuzhuang Temple first. "

Zhen Yuanzi looked at Hongyun, who was still in a confused state, and recalled what he had reminded him of when he was ready to come out and return home, his thoughts flashing.

Wait until Zhen Yuanzi leaves.

Guiyuan summoned the three people from Liu'er and gave them the ginseng fruit. In addition to Jinjiao, Liu'er and Dapeng naturally also knew what the ginseng fruit was.

He quickly knelt down to thank him. Seeing this, the golden-horned giant beast also quickly knelt down.

"Liu'er, it's almost time for you to go out."

Guiyuan said quietly. When Liu Er heard this, he was startled and asked quickly: "But what did disciple do wrong?"

Since the birth of Liu Er, since Taoist Hongjun said, "The Dharma does not spread to Liu Er", he has suffered countless looks at him, no matter how diligent and respectful he is.

But no one dared to teach him any method or way of practice.

Only Guiyuan was willing to give him this opportunity.

Although it is indeed difficult to gain experience, his gains are also great. It is actually the inheritance of Demon Ancestor Luo Hu who once competed with Dao Ancestor Hongjun.

This made him even more grateful to Guiyuan.

This is the way to enlightenment!

And although Dapeng and Jinjiao usually had quarrels with him and often discussed each other, they still made him feel like fellow Taoists and senior fellow apprentices.

Now that Guiyuan suddenly asked him to leave Jin'ao Island, he subconsciously thought that he had done something wrong and was expelled from Jin'ao Island.

"That's not the case. Now that you have perfected the Golden Immortal, your Tao of Taiyi is in the ancient world, and in the shadow of humanity. You need to go to the ancient world to experience it, and use the world of mortals as a furnace to forge your supreme demon heart. Only then can you be free from the evil spirit. Falling into the inferior category.”

Guiyuan is still very optimistic about Liu Er, after all, this is the successor chosen by Luo Hu.


Liu Er nodded quickly when he heard that Gui Yuan was not driving him out of the island, but letting him go and practice.

"The disciple will go first."

"Yes." Guiyuan nodded, and the six ears turned into a black light and disappeared in place. There are many magical powers in Luohu's inheritance, and this kind of escape method also exists.

Guiyuan just left a breath on Liu Er and ignored him.

Then he looked at Jinjiao and Dapeng.

These two disciples are the ones who practice the way of the world. He thought for a while, looked at Jinjiao and said: "Jinjiao, I will send you back to the place where you were born, where I have an incarnation. It is more suitable for you there. growing up!"

"Okay!" Jin Jiao nodded, Gui Yuan waved his hand, and Jin Jiao entered Gui Yuan's world, then passed through the Gate of Taiyi and re-entered the Devouring Starry Sky World.

The Sky-Swallowing Magic Jar, which is the innate spiritual treasure left behind by the ancestor of Sirius, has been handed over to the golden-horned giant beast. If the golden-horned giant beast wants to improve itself, it must swallow up the other starry sky giant beasts and understand the law before it can improve. Follow your own feet.

Dapeng was in a daze. The senior brother left the island and the junior sister left.

In the end, he was the only one left on Jin'ao Island?

Master serves me alone, how can I be so blessed?

While Dapeng was still stunned, he heard Guiyuan say: "Now I will talk about the law of space, which is the most basic law for opening up the world.

If you have some understanding, you can understand the magical power to open up the world inside your body.

If you can't understand, go back to your immortal volcano! "

"Ah! Okay, okay!"

When Dapeng heard that he was going back to the Immortal Volcano, he quickly became serious.

"The way of space lies in the universe, yin and yang, and the five elements. It is empty and empty again..." Guiyuan said lightly. He did not hide his voice, and it was heard outside Jin'ao Island.

Maybe someone who has some understanding of the laws of space can become a Golden Immortal, or even a Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Time is long.

The prehistoric world was relatively peaceful.

Hou Tu, who returned to the Wu Clan from Wuzhuang Temple, had a heavy heart. Zhen Yuanzi had already completely relayed to her everything Gui Yuan had said to them.

That's why her mind was heavy.

Almost every once in a while, the Wu Clan would set up the ‘Twelve Capital Gods and Evil Formation’ to summon the true form of Pangu, which had become a habit for all living beings.

Even Heaven no longer feels like facing a formidable enemy, and is not even very defensive.

How to develop is how to develop.

As Emperors of Destiny born from the Sun Star, Di Jun and Tai Yi would even use the 'Pangu True Body' to observe and understand.

after all.

Many of the billions of stars in the prehistoric sky were transformed from the hair and eyes of the Great God Pangu, and they all contain the "Pangu Avenue".

Since condensing Pangu's physical body.

It can be said that the Wu Clan's luck is skyrocketing like crazy, surpassing the Demon Clan's heaven, and the accumulated luck golden dragon has skyrocketed to one hundred thousand feet!

When the world mentions ‘Pangu Zhengzong’, the first thing that comes to mind is the Wu Clan.

As for Sanqing, the 'Pangu Authentic Sect', the fortune they enjoyed from the Pangu legacy was largely taken away by the Wu clan, and they could only watch helplessly.

There is nothing that can be done and there is nothing that can be done about it.

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