Kunlun Mountain.

Taiqing suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed with a little spiritual light. He couldn't help but look to the sky, where the chaos was. He sat on the futon and hesitated for a long time.

With a long sigh in his heart, he finally stood up and walked toward the outside world. Yuqing and Shangqing, who were practicing in secret, opened their eyes at the same time and looked at Taiqing.

"Brother, you have realized the way to become a saint."

Now that Sanqing has been holding back his breath since returning from the Wa Palace, not to mention that the Wu Clan now relies on Pangu's physical body to occupy most of their Pangu luck, which makes them even more unhappy.

They are all frantically meditating and wondering how to become saints.

Now that Taiqing has taken action, Yuqing and Shangqing naturally thought that Taiqing had realized the way to becoming a saint, so they came to inquire.

"I have an opportunity, but I need to go for a walk." Taiqing said in a calm voice without explaining in detail.


When Yuqing and Shangqing saw Taiqing's appearance, according to the eldest brother's temperament, they must have had some insights, and they were excited.

Why do the Wu clan show off their evil deeds, increase their luck, and shamelessly occupy the name of Pangu Zongzong?

Apart from the Twelve Ancestral Witches, the most critical thing is their Hunyuan Formation.

That's the key.

As long as the eldest brother becomes a saint first, their Pangu Zongzong title will come back, and it also proves that they are indeed destined saints and should become saints.

Taiqing went down to the Kunlun Mountains.

Hetu Luoshu appeared around Emperor Jun, and the laws of the Emperor's Way were extremely oppressive. Emperor Jun quickly opened his eyes, and there seemed to be countless stars floating in his eyes.

Xi He on the side also opened his eyes and looked at Di Jun. The two of them seemed to have the same feeling.

"We are destined to be married in heaven. Maybe it's time for us to get married, and the sun and yin can be officially united."

Di Jun said with a smile.

Xihe also felt something, and nodded slightly, "That's good, it just so happens that we can also tell the truth."

"The matter of marriage seems to be related to the red hydrangea in Emperor Wa's hand. Maybe we can ask her to be the officiant."

Di Jun said.

"Will Emperor Kewa agree?"

"Go and try first. If Emperor Wa is willing, some people who don't want to come will come because of Emperor Wa's face."

Di Jun acted decisively, and he and Xihe turned into auras and flew towards the chaos outside the sky. As soon as they arrived at the chaos, Di Jun's face froze, but he soon returned to normal.

Hetu Luoshu enveloped him and Xihe, with countless laws and chaotic energy canceling each other out, and the auras blended, and the yin and yang energy pushed the two forward.

Wahuang Heaven is the ashram of the saints. As long as the saints allow it, they can find it by silently reciting their true names.

Just like the original Zixiao Palace.

Before they even looked for it, a colorful golden phoenix appeared in front of them.

Di Jun and Xi He quickly saluted and said, "I have met Taoist Fellow Jinfeng!"

The Golden Phoenix is ​​Nuwa's mount, and it seems to be walking on behalf of Emperor Wa on weekdays, just like Haotian and Yaochi in Zixiao Palace.

Of course, you have to respect him, and regardless of his status, Jinfeng is also a quasi-sage.

"I have met the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen of Heaven. Your Majesty, Emperor Wa, already knows your intention and said that it is feasible. Wait until the day of the wedding, and your Majesty, Emperor Wa, will move forward."

"Then we will respectfully invite Emperor Wa during our stay."

Di Jun and Xi He turned back as soon as they arrived in Chaos. After returning to Heaven, Di Jun looked calm, but Xi He sighed a little, "Emperor Wa seems to have slowly separated from the demon clan and only takes the name of Emperor Wa."

Xihe didn't expect that they didn't even see Emperor Wa's face.

"It doesn't matter. It's better to rely on yourself than to rely on anyone."

Di Jun knocked on the armrest. After Fuxi came back from the human race, he did not go directly back to the heaven. Instead, he went directly to the Wa Palace. After returning, Fuxi gave him the demon-calling gourd.

It is said that a trace of the true spirit of the elite demon clan can be refined into it, which can be used to control and control the demon clan.

"You should rest first and think about who to invite."

"I'm going to do something."

After Di Jun finished speaking, he took a step forward and turned into a golden light, passing through the infinite time and space barrier and disappearing into the heaven.

"I have met the Emperor of Heaven. The teacher is waiting for you."

Outside the Zixiao Palace, two boys carved in pink and jade saluted Emperor Jun who reappeared in the chaos.


Di Jun nodded friendly towards the two of them, and the door of Zixiao Palace opened wide.

The Zixiao Palace, which was once crowded with guests, was no longer deserted.

Now there is only one person sitting on the futon with a calm expression.

This was the first time he entered Zixiao Palace after the sermon, but now his mood was different.

"Tao Ancestor." Emperor Jun walked into Zixiao Palace and saluted.

Hongjun was wearing a Wuji Taoist robe and a Wuji crown, sitting high on a chaotic futon, with the mighty power of billions of avenues hanging from his head, exuding an aura of mystery and mystery.

He opened his eyes.

Those simple and bright pupils revealed a hint of gray, not a trace of emotional fluctuations could be seen, and not a single breath of life could be felt.

No time, no space.

No past, no future.

In a daze, Di Jun seemed to see a whole world unfolding in front of him.

The majesty of the Emperor that Di Junyun had cultivated for so many years was overwhelmed by Hongjun at this time.

"After the celestial marriage, the moon and stars return to their positions, and the power of the sun, moon and stars is perfectly gathered in the Zhoutian Starry Formation." Hongjun said softly.

Di Jun looked embarrassed.

Although the Taoist ancestor once said, witches control the sky and demons control the earth.

But most monsters with low intelligence or low cultivation still survive in the ancient world, and usually rely on the essence of the sun, moon and stars to practice. Even beasts with no intelligence want to become monsters.

It also requires the power of the stars.

Therefore, although part of the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation in Heaven will be intercepted and used for the training of many demon gods and demon clan elites, it does not mean that all of them must be removed.

Although he knew that if all of them were intercepted, it would definitely enhance the strength of the demon clan and weaken the witch clan.

But the problem is that if this is done, some races in the prehistoric era that have not joined the demon clan will be completely cut off from the power of the stars for cultivation.

The resentment is overwhelming.

Di Jun hesitated, but this was Daozu's order.

After coming to Chaos just now, he heard the message from the Taoist Ancestor, and only went to the Wa Palace. He returned to the Heavenly Court and then came to the Zixiao Palace.

"Humans are spirits of humanity, and their bodies are transformed from Nine Heavens Breathing Soil and Three Lights Divine Water. They are inherently spiritual treasures of heaven and earth. Eating them can increase demonic power.

Moreover, humans are born with spiritual intelligence, and swallowing it can also enhance their spiritual intelligence. "

Hongjun's words made Di Jun's face look even darker, and he couldn't help but say: "Tao Ancestor, there is a holy Tao Yun on the shore of the East China Sea where the human race is now. How can the demon race get in?"

And this is something that offends Emperor Wa.

"It's coming soon, and the human race now has people with immortal martial arts. The battle between the demon race and the human race is for the position of the Lord of All Spirits, and the battle is inevitable.

If the Monster Clan wants to fight against the Witch Clan, the Human Clan is the best resource! "

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