"But this will eventually offend Emperor Wa. The human race is the son and daughter of Emperor Wa."

Di Jun continued that he also wanted to win the support of Emperor Wa to become a saint.

After all, Emperor Wa is the master of humanity, in charge of the evolution of all living things, and controls all spirits.

"Then you're not afraid of offending me?"

Hongjun's words made Di Jun's heart tremble, as if the next moment a supreme force would crush him.

Di Jun hurriedly saluted: "Di Jun doesn't dare."

"When you go to Emperor Wa's Heaven this time, you still don't know that for Nuwa, the human race is more important than the demon race.

There are three saints in the human realm: the Lord of all spirits, the Lord of humanity, and the Lord of the human race.

As the Lord of Humanity, Nuwa has already obtained two other Hongmeng Imperial Qi.

If she still has demons in her heart, why not give you the position of Lord of All Spirits.

It shows that in her heart, there is someone else in the position of the Lord of All Spirits. "

Di Jun was silent.

It turns out that Nuwa had the opportunity to become a saint, but she really didn’t have anything to show him...

"Nu Wa's position as the Lord of All Spirits and the Lord of the Human Race is reserved for the Human Race.

So is it still unclear what the fate of the demon clan that now represents all spirits will be? "

Di Jun continued to be silent.

If this is the case, what else is unclear about it?

It is nothing more than a stepping stone for the demon race to become the human race.

If it were before, Di Jun would only think it was a joke when he heard that the demon race would become a stepping stone for the human race.

The demon clan has hundreds of millions of demon soldiers and generals, and he, Xihe, Taiyi, Kunpeng, and Fuxi are all the strongest among the quasi-sages.

Not to mention there are two Hunyuan formations.

But according to Tao Ancestor's deduction, the human race now has the way to return to the original human immortality. With the reproduction speed of the human race, coupled with the human immortality way that is extremely suitable for them, the human race today is growing extremely rapidly.

If there are two more saints, the demon clan will have no choice but to crush them.

Hongjun continued: "I will help you perfect the Hunyuan Heluo Formation and mobilize more power from the ancient mountains and rivers. I can also disrupt the earthly evil energy of the Dutian Shensha Formation.

Besides, Zhen Yuanzi is on good terms with Hou Tu..."

After saying that, he tapped his fingers, and a flash of light entered Di Jun's mind.

Di Jun felt the numerous laws that perfected the Hunyuan Heluo Formation appearing in his mind, and finished analyzing what Hongjun said.

He nodded and saluted.

"Follow the Taoist ancestor's decree!"

"You gain enlightenment as the master of the Sun Star, and then you possess the energy of the Emperor Dao of Ziwei. You should know, are you the sun in the sky, or the Ziwei of human beings?"

Di Jun just turned around when he heard an indifferent voice and turned around to ask for details.

But he found that he was already outside the Zixiao Palace, looking straight at the gate. The palace was deep and dark, except for a figure that seemed to be there but seemed to be there forever.

Haotian and Yaochi were still where they were, still inviting him to enter, as if Di Jun had not entered at all.

"Emperor of Heaven?"

Haotian looked at the stunned Di Jun and called him quickly.

Di Jun smiled and said: "Then I will go back first. If you two are free, you can come to heaven as a guest, and I will treat you like a turtle shell!"

After saying that, it turned into golden light and shuttled through the chaos, cutting through the earth, wind, water and fire, and left the chaos here.

Haotian and Yaochi looked at each other, looked back, and found that the Zixiao Palace door that had just been opened was now closed, and they knew what had happened.

Haotian and Yaochi sighed: "Teacher is really powerful."

Di Jun, who returned to heaven, was thinking about what Hongjun said. He was not a fool. Hongjun was obviously using him as a pawn to fight against humanity.

Di Jun's position is actually the most embarrassing.

He is the Heavenly Emperor of Heaven, and he is supposed to be the one who rules over all spirits. The position of Lord of All Spirits belongs to him, but a human race happens to come out.

Moreover, there is support from the Lord of Humanity behind this human race.

"The sun in the sky, the humane crape myrtle?"

Di Jun thought about the last words Hongjun said to him, which related to things that happened a long time ago, when he was still on the Sun Star and had not yet transformed.

He realized that the purple star was not far away from the sun.

There are three treasures in the sky, the sun, moon and stars.

The sun is Yang, and Yang is the sky.

The star is actually the Purple Star, which is actually the human star among the Three Jewels.

When Emperor Jun was transforming, he used the sun star to overlook the ancient land and observe the majesty of the three clans of dragon and phoenix.

At that time, he was thinking about unifying the ancient world, so he used the power of Hetu Luoshu. Continuously stealing the imperial aura from Ziwei Star to enhance his fate as the Emperor of Destiny

Only by using the Sun Star Lord to suppress the transformation of Ziwei Star can he finally have the status of Heavenly Emperor.

The opportunity of heaven also fell into his hands.

Otherwise, in the competition with Immortal Court, they may not be able to defeat Immortal Court with the support of Dao Ancestor.

"Are you taking sides?"

Di Jun took a deep breath, his eyes dark.

As one after another figures flew out from the heaven, scattered all over the ancient continent, these were the messengers of the demon clan.

Guiyuan, who was far away in Beihai, looked at Bai Ze in front of him.

Bai Ze bowed and bowed.

"I've seen the Great Immortal Guiyuan!"

Although Guiyuan did not deal with Tianting, he would not show off to Bai Ze. Guiyuan was as famous as His Majesty and Donghuang, and his relationship with Emperor Wa seemed to be very close.

Bai Ze naturally wants to respect him.

"Bai Ze, why are you here?" Guiyuan asked.

Bai Ze bowed his head and said: "Reporting to the Great Immortal Guiyuan, I am here under the entrustment of His Majesty. His Majesty will marry Taiyin Xingxi and the goddess in a thousand years. We, the demon clan, send you an invitation and hope that the Great Immortal will come!"

After Bai Ze finished speaking, he handed over the invitation.

Guiyuan raised his eyebrows, is this a heavenly marriage?

"I know it. I will go there when the time comes. Please step back."

Bai Ze respectfully put down the invitation made of innate spiritual jade and turned into a white light and left.

Now on the Beihai side, even the power of Heaven has begun to shrink.

Even Kunpeng, who was still at odds with Guiyuan, no longer appeared in front of Guiyuan.

This is the deterrent power of Guiyuan.

Guiyuan Yuanshen finished reading the invitation and put it away.

If it was just a heavenly marriage, he would definitely not go.

But Nuwa's wedding ceremony, this kind of thing, if it were said by Nuwa in the past, it should be done.

But now Nuwa, logically speaking, should not go.

But Nuwa still chose to go.

This shows that there may be another hidden story behind this day's wedding.

Moreover, many things that have happened recently show that the peaceful situation in the ancient times has become more and more treacherous with the arrival of the ten-thousand-year period mentioned by Zeng Hongjun.

The changes in the red clouds, Taiqing also went down the mountain.

Plus this heavenly marriage.

To be honest, Guiyuan thought it was Hongjun who made the move, but he hadn't thought about how Hongjun made the move.

So if you go to heaven this time, you should be able to see it.

Although this guy Hongjun is very thoughtful, his strategies are often scheming. They just say that the antelope hangs its horns before they have any effect.

You don't even know how he did it.

"A great calamity is about to occur!"

Returning to Yuan depends on the prehistoric times. Part of the karma that was supposed to be liquidated due to the destruction of the Immortal Court was now being slaughtered after the development of the lich and the birth of the human race.

Part of the calamity energy that had weakened slightly began to pervade again.

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