The news that the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen of Heaven were about to get married spread throughout the ancient world, and even Emperor Wa, the Lord of Humanity, presided over the marriage to witness the marriage.

Many people with great powers heard that Emperor Jun and the Empress were getting married. Since Xi He appeared during the last battle in the Immortal Court, everyone assumed that Xi He had already joined the Heavenly Court.

Moreover, everyone knows that Xi He, who conforms to the Tao of Taiyin, is destined to become the Queen of Heaven and be in charge of Taiyin.

Now that they are officially married, it proves that this is indeed the case.

Surprisingly, they thought it was just a matter of heaven, but they didn't expect that Emperor Wa was also involved.

Some people with great supernatural powers who originally did not want to be associated with Heaven heard about Emperor Wa.

I changed my mind about not wanting to go.

After all, if he could make an impression on Emperor Wa, that would be a great opportunity.

Because of the name of Emperor Wa.

Countless famous Daluo and Quasi-Sage powerful men from the ancient times left their respective caves one by one and headed towards the thirty-third heaven above Mount Buzhou.

The first level of heaven has four gates in the east, south, west and north. They deal with the southeast, northwest and northwest of the prehistoric times. They can be visited from four directions.

Among them, Dongtianmen and Nantianmen have the largest number of guests entering.

One by one the monks entered the first level of heaven.

The fairy spirit is lingering and the rays are shining brightly.

Wisps of pure stars fell from the vast stars, and the mist turned into wisps of star power that filled the surroundings.

Look around.

The splendid palaces rise and fall among the auspicious clouds.

The innate glazed tiles are dazzling, the stars and divine gold are shining, the cranes and auspicious beasts are soaring and playing, and the Tianhe Spiritual Lake is densely covered with groups.

Countless demon soldiers and demon generals clad in starlight shuttle back and forth on patrol.

Countless graceful fairy maidens play various musical instruments, and all kinds of graceful notes spread throughout the sky, making people feel relaxed and happy, and it is difficult to get back to their senses for a long time.

Everywhere you look, there is no place that is not unparalleled in beauty and beauty.

"This is just the first level of heaven."

Da Luo exclaimed, every level of this demon clan's heaven is a top-notch paradise.

And the entire Demon Clan Heavenly Palace has a total of thirty-third heavens!

Although Heaven has been established for a long time, many people have never been to Heaven.

The guests of the grand ceremony were awakened by the palace goddess and respectfully invited to the 33rd heaven. Each time they ascended to another heaven, their hearts became more and more shocked.

When reaching the thirty-third heaven.

All the guests saw thousands of golden lights rolling in red neon, and thousands of auspicious auras spraying purple mist.

There are several giant pillars of innate spiritual jade in the inner wall, with golden-scaled red-bearded dragons twining around them. There are also several long bridges, with colorful feathers flying in the air and red-crested phoenixes hovering on the bridges.

There were dozens of Da Luo demon generals on both sides.

One of them is leaning on the beam, holding a scepter, and there are more than a dozen golden-armored gods on all sides, each holding a halberd, a whip, and a sword.

Two rows of fairies with graceful figures and unparalleled grace stood aside, each with a smile in their eyes, looking at all the guests who came to attend the ceremony.

"The two people from the West came hand in hand with Zhunti to congratulate the Emperor of Heaven on his great joy. They presented two taels of bitter bamboo leaves with innate spiritual roots and lotus seeds of the sixth-grade golden lotus born from the twelve-grade golden lotus of merit. I wish the emperor and the queen of heaven will always be united and share joys and sorrows."

"Pangu's authentic Jade Purity, Shangqing came to congratulate the Emperor of Heaven on his great joy, and presented two Nine-turn Golden Pills, the best acquired ones; a pair of Lingbao Yin and Yang Swords, and a pair of innate Shangqing Jingxin Talisman!

Taoist friends from Taiqing entered the world to gain experience and hope that the Emperor of Heaven will take care of him. "

As the day approaches.

Almost all the famous top powers from the prehistoric world have come.

Taiyi's cousin, Emperor Jun, went to Chongtian Gate with Emperor Xi and Fuxi to greet Sanqing, Jieyin, and Zhunti, the five future saints of heaven.

Upon hearing the congratulatory gifts from Zhunti and Jieyin, Taiyi and Fuxi looked at each other.

They all saw the disdain of the other party. You said that you were poor in the West before. After the Taozu divided the treasures, the gifts were still so stingy despite how many spiritual treasures the West had collected.

And I heard that in addition to the west and north, there are always magical gold and spiritual plants disappearing in the east and south.

Needless to say, everyone knows who did it.

Only two people can be shameless enough to do these sneaky things.

But these two are after all the saints of heaven appointed by the Taoist ancestors.

Although Nuwa attained enlightenment and abandoned the Hongmeng Purple Qi and became the master of the human realm, it also shows that Hongjun is really accurate in seeing people.

Therefore, it is better not to offend Zhunti and Jieyin.


Right now.

A figure quietly descended to the 33rd level of heaven.

"Fellow Taoist Guiyuan is here!"

Sensing his aura, Taiyi and Jieyin Zhunti nodded in greeting, then came to the outside of Chongtian Gate again and saluted Guiyuan.

"I've met fellow Taoist Guiyuan!"

"I've met fellow Taoist Guiyuan!"

Taiyi and Fuxi saw Guiyuan. Although the relationship between Guiyuan and Heaven was not very good, Guiyuan was at least the top power in the world, and could even be said to be the 'first person among the saints'.

Living in the North Sea, it is extremely mysterious.

But every time he takes action, he will be shocked.

Even though Taiyi was very unconvinced, he never looked down upon Guiyuan.

As for Fuxi, his expression was much friendlier.

Regarding the relationship between Emperor Wa and Guiyuan, Fuxi even regarded Guiyuan as his 'brother-in-law'. Moreover, he was inspired by Guiyuan's human-immortal martial arts.

I also have a little bit of preaching grace.

"I've met two fellow Taoists!"

Guiyuan nodded in greeting, glanced at Fuxi, and said with a smile: "It seems that fellow Taoist Fuxi has found his own way."

"It was also given by fellow Taoist Guiyuan." Fuxi nodded.

Taiyi glanced at Fuxi. Since the last time Fuxi came back from the human race, he had rarely talked with him, and rarely borrowed his Donghuang Bell to watch the changes in the Hongmeng stars.

"This is a congratulatory gift."

Guiyuan sent congratulatory gifts.

When Taiyi saw it handed to the person singing the ceremony next to him, he said: "Fellow Taoist Guiyuan, please come in!"

"The Lord of Jin'ao Island in Beihai, the Holy Father of the Human Race, Holy Guiyuan of Beihai, presents two ninth-grade black lotus seeds and two ninth-grade white lotus seeds, wishing the Emperor and Heavenly Queen complete perfection."

Then they stepped into the Lingxiao Palace together and saw countless guests who came to congratulate them.

"I've met fellow Taoist Guiyuan!"

"I've met Senior Guiyuan!"

The quasi-sages and Daluo heard that he was returning to the Yuan Dynasty when they sang the ceremony, and they all stood up to salute him.

Lingxiao Palace is divided into three areas.

At the front are many quasi-sages.

Guiyuan was invited to a table in the front row by Taiyi.

Yuqing, Shangqing, Jieyin, Zhunti and other top experts stood up and saluted with smiles one by one.

"I've met fellow Taoist Guiyuan!"

"I've met fellow Taoist Guiyuan!"

"I've met fellow Taoists!"

Guiyuan returned the gift and took the opportunity to scan around. Zhen Yuanzi, Hongyun, and Minghe were not there. It seemed that they were still discussing tunnel-related matters.

Taiqing didn't come either, so he must have felt something.

Just in time.

Guiyuan had just sat down.




Nine golden dragons, nine phoenixes, and nine unicorns pulled the chariot, and the vast aura reflected the entire sky into a sea of ​​purple clouds.

Guiyuan raised his eyebrows when he saw those golden dragons, golden phoenixes, and unicorns.

This Emperor Jun does have some abilities. Although the three tribes rarely intervene in the catastrophe, there are always some unwilling beings who want to go further.

Emperor Jun is wearing the Zhou Tianxing Emperor robe, and the majesty of the Heavenly Emperor is still clearly displayed.

"Greetings to Your Majesty, and hello to the Queen of Heaven!"

"Meet the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen of Heaven!"

"I have seen the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen of Heaven!"

Emperor Jun took Dahong Bingdilian and walked down Xihu with Xihe.

The cool and cool Chang Xi was on the sidelines to send off her sister's wedding.

When Xihe saw such a grand scene in heaven.

Her flawless and pretty face couldn't help but show a touch of joy. This was the reason why she chose to enter the heaven, and was admired by thousands of people!


Right now.

A golden phoenix flew from high in the sky, and a holy, elegant, graceful, and eternal figure stood on top of the golden phoenix.

Every time I read the last chapter, it is the greatest help to the author!

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