Flowers are falling from the sky, golden lotuses are flowing from the ground, and five-note fairy music is resounding throughout the heavens and the world!

The shocking vision of evolution and creation.

It is the Lord of Humanity, Emperor Wa, who has arrived!

"Meet Emperor Wa!"

Even the three senior brothers, Sanqing, immediately stood up and saluted respectfully after sensing Nuwa's arrival.

Nuwa nodded slightly in return, then looked at Guiyuan and said:

"I've met fellow Taoist Guiyuan!"

Everyone couldn't help but look at Guiyuan. Good guy, Guiyuan's relationship with Guiyuan is so close?

Does the saint have to pay tribute to Guiyuan?

It couldn't really be as everyone speculated. Emperor Wa really had a closer relationship with Guiyuan than the relationship between fellow Taoists.

There was a smile on Nuwa's lips, and a faint smile appeared on her holy and flawless face. In an instant, she was like a peony blooming, luxurious and bright, exuding an approachable atmosphere.

"I have met fellow Taoist Nuwa."

Guiyuan nodded.

"The auspicious time has come!"

Nuwa sacrificed the precious red hydrangea and came to the front of Lingxiao Hall.

All the guests stood up and looked at Emperor Jun and Xihe.

"The way of heaven is above. Today, my emperor Jun is in charge of the Avenue of the Sun. Adhering to his mission, he will witness the heavenly marriage with his Taoist companion Xihe, evolve the avenue of yin and yang, and benefit the world!"

"The way of heaven is above. Today, Wu Xihe is in charge of the Taiyin Avenue. Adhering to his mission, he and his Taoist companion Di Jun will witness the heavenly marriage, evolve the Yin and Yang Avenue, and benefit the world!"

Nuwa's red hydrangea also floated above the two of them.

As Emperor Jun and Xihe swore an oath to heaven and earth, Nuwa stirred up the red hydrangea.

A red marriage thread flew towards them, with Di Jun and Xi He at both ends. The two felt telepathic and held the two ends of the rope.

"Today, I, Nuwa, feel this way and specially preside over the heavenly marriage to bring peace to heaven and earth."


After that, everyone's eyes were opened to all kinds of magic.

As the vows of the three people were completed, a golden condensation of merit was seen between heaven and earth.



next moment.

The sky shook wildly.

The golden clouds of merit began to gather all over the sky.

The golden pillar of merit is divided into four parts.

Di Jun and Xi He each got three and a half levels.

The red hydrangea, the most precious treasure of marriage, received two and a half layers, and Nuwa, the witness, received half a layer, but all these Nuwa poured into the red hydrangea.

After the heavenly marriage was recognized by the world, all the powerful men clearly felt that the 'Yin Yang Avenue' became more and more clear, and they all bowed respectfully to the two.

Guiyuan looked at Di Jun, it was almost about to begin, and Nuwa, who was originally presiding over the heavenly wedding, also looked at Di Jun. She should also know what Di Jun was definitely going to do this time.

"Hunyuan Heluo Formation, rise!"


After receiving the merits of heavenly marriage, Emperor Jun directly sacrificed the most precious treasure associated with life, the River Tuluo Shu.


what happened?

Saw this scene.

All the guests who came to the wedding banquet were stunned.

They never thought that Heaven would activate the ‘Hunyuan Heluo Formation’ on the Emperor’s happy day.

Is this going to start a war? Or declare a protest against the Wu tribe?

next moment.

Emperor Jun controls Hetu Luoshu and swears by his status as the Emperor of Heaven.

"The way of heaven is above. I am Emperor Jun, the lord of heaven. In order to benefit the ancient world, assist in the movement of the time sequence of heaven and earth, and perfect the time sequence of heaven and earth, I have specially divided the twelve earthly branches."

"Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, Hai!"

"The twelve clans correspond to the twelve earthly branches, and the timing of the rotation is controlled!"

"Rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig. Twelve years constitute a cycle, and the cycle begins again and again. I beg Heaven to learn from this!"



When Emperor Jun established the twelve earthly branches and the twelve zodiac signs, divided the earthly branches, and set up the time sequence of heaven and earth, he was immediately recognized by heaven, and a majestic golden cloud of heavenly merit descended.

Not only that, because the established earthly branches are based on the life and death of all things, the holy virtues of humanity also fly together.

In an instant.

Flowers are falling from the sky and golden lotuses are flowing from the ground.

The sound of the great avenue resounded throughout the heavens and the world, and the heavenly merits and human saintly virtues descended together, and the entire heaven seemed to be reflected in a golden ocean.

Saw this scene.

The top powers such as Sanqing, Jieyin, and Zhunti all looked at the sky, showing disbelief.

But Di Jun's movements had not stopped yet, and at this moment, in the heaven, figures jumped out one after another.

The breath filled the air and turned into zodiac patterns.

The figures who came out all looked to the sky and solemnly swore an oath.

"Heavenly Dao is above, Shu Yi, the general under the command of Heavenly Court, and the leader of the Five-Colored Ox Clan. Today I am willing to use the power of my race to assist the movement of the time sequence of heaven and earth and complete the deficiencies in the timing of Heavenly Dao's control!"

"Heavenly Dao is above, Niu Er, the general under the command of Heavenly Court, and the leader of the Wucai Niu clan. Today I am willing to use the power of the race to assist the movement of heaven and earth's time order and complete the deficiencies in the time order of Heavenly Dao!"

"Heavenly Dao above is Long Wu, the general under the command of Heavenly Court and the leader of the Black Dragon Clan. Today, he is willing to use the power of his race to assist the movement of heaven and earth's time order and complete the deficiencies in the timing of Heavenly Dao's control!"


As the twelve zodiac signs swear their destiny, racial fate and position in heaven to the way of heaven.

Hetu Luoshu began to accept the power of the twelve zodiac signs. When Hetu Luoshu burst out the monstrous rules of the great road, deducing the true meaning of heaven and earth, the directions of billions of mountains, rivers and rivers were manifested.

Because after Di Jun perfected the twelve earthly branches, the prehistoric world truly had the concepts of 'time rings' and 'twelve veins and branches of heaven and earth'.

The ancient land is divided into twelve veins and branches, each branch blessings a part of the origin of the ancient land and the avenue of time, and also contains the shadow of each of the twelve zodiac signs.

The magic of Hetu Luoshu is becoming more and more terrifying, and the Hunyuan Heluo Formation contained in it also has the concept of time, as if it is no longer a space, but a complete world.

At this moment.

The majestic heavenly virtues and humane virtues continue to decline.

Di Jun got half.

Hetu Luoshu got two levels.

The remaining three levels are divided equally among the twelve zodiac signs.

"Seize the power of humanity and perfect the Hunyuan Heluo Formation in the Hetu Luoshu..." Guiyuan raised his eyebrows. Di Jun actually knew the twelve earthly branches.

Not quite right.

Even if the ten heavenly stems are deduced from the yin and yang of the year stars, how can we know the twelve earthly branches deduced from the rise and rest of all things.

Guiyuan looked at Nuwa, but Nuwa was not angry at all, she was still holy and elegant.

It seemed to have been expected.

Everyone looked at Emperor Jun, who was bathed in the merits of heaven and the holy virtues of humanity. His face was expressionless now, and they knew that he had been planning this for a long time.

Just waiting for the moment of heavenly marriage to be announced to heaven and earth.

And just then.

The heaven and earth shook again, but this time the shaking was not in the heaven, but in a more distant place. All the top powers used their magical powers to observe where the shaking was.

But nothing was seen.

However, everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on Emperor Wa, because now in the ancient continent, there were only a few places that could block the prying eyes of so many great powers.

The Pangu Palace of the Wu Clan, the immortal volcano in the south, the depths of Buzhou Mountain, the depths of the East China Sea and the edge of the East China Sea!

And looking at the place, it’s the edge of the East China Sea!

Needless to say, it is the coast of the East China Sea.

Nuwa casually revealed the scene inside, which was reflected in the entire heaven.

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