The ancestral land of the human race.

An old human race was drawing on the ground, which looked like the trajectory of a star. The tribesman who was boxing and practicing on the side couldn't help but said: "Sui, aren't you promoted to the interior scene?"

“I’m still building, I’m still building!”

Sui yelled, looking crazy, and his soul seemed to be in a state of madness.

The people who were startled by Sui's roar couldn't help but yelled: "If you don't build the interior scene, your tribe will go out to open up wasteland in the future, and your chances of survival will be very small!"

But he was immersed in his own world and didn't care about this man's roar.

Chi frowned and got up and went to find Yuan. Yuan saw Sui constantly sketching on the ground. Chi next to him said, "Sui became like this not long ago. He used to like to watch the stars, but now he looks like this." It's like being obsessed with it.

What are you studying, Suixing! "

Yuan didn't think he was possessed, it was more like enlightenment, and he signaled Ji to stop talking.

Just watch quietly.

If Sui really can't realize it, just wake it up yourself.

Suddenly, the heaven and the earth shook, and the human race also heard the twelve earthly branches established in the heaven. Naturally, they didn't know what was going on.

Or it has nothing to do with them.

But Sui, who was sketching on the ground, was stunned as if he had been struck by lightning.

And he was chanting the sound of the great avenue that the world just responded to.

"Twelve earthly branches, everything in the heaven and earth has yin and yang, so the sixty-year cycle of the year star should essentially be divided into yin and yang, yang branch and yin branch.

Therefore, yin and yang should also be one of the walking routes of the year star. "

"Hey! I understand!!"

Sui laughed loudly, and his old state suddenly took on a new look. He shouted: "The Holy Mother is above, the Holy Father is above, our race is the year of the year. We observe the movement of the stars, the movement of the sun and the moon, and determine the timing of the heavenly stems, and in accordance with the yin and yang." road!"

"Divided into: A, B, B, D, Wu, Xu, Ren, Gui, Geng, Xin. To divide the twelve earthly branches."

"Sixty is the year when the star of the year returns to its position, which is the year of sixty!"

At this moment, Nuwa, who was in the heaven, smiled softly and said: "That's right!"

At the same time, Guiyuan already knew what to do. The star seal in Yuanshen appeared instantly and was activated by the power of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

In an instant, one of the huge stars in the sky above the heaven burst out with endless power.

Sui Xing.

The age star contained the power to control the movement of time and instantly broke through the blockade of heaven and fell towards the coast of the East China Sea. At this time, all the great powers saw that there was a faint gas in the power of the falling star.

It looks extremely weak, but many people with great supernatural powers recognize it at a glance.

This is the Hongmeng Purple Qi that was originally crushed by Emperor Wa.

Di Jun also didn't expect that the Hongmeng Purple Qi he longed for most was actually among the stars!

"Starry formation in Zhoutian, wake up!"

Emperor Jun sacrificed the accompanying treasure, the River Tuluoshu, and used the sun star to mobilize the power of the sun star to communicate with billions of ancient stars in the prehistoric era.


at the same time.

Xi He on the side, as the master of the Taiyin Star, mobilized the power of the Taiyin Star to bless the Hetu Luoshu, and cooperated with the "Zhoutian Starry Formation" to light up the ancient stars.

Taiyi also reacted quickly. The Donghuang Bell appeared in an instant, and the trajectory of the Hongmeng stars inside appeared. When the bell rang, the sound spread throughout the sky.

In an instant.

Countless demon gods and demon generals who were still in heaven all returned to their places, and the star formation formed in the sky instantly.

As the three hundred and sixty-five Da Luo in the heaven controlled the star flags, and cooperated with the power of the Sun Star and the Lunar Star, they successfully launched the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation. The power of the formation was frantically pulling on the Sui Xing that Gui Yuan was shaking with the Star Seal. force.

The power of the star that was about to fall seemed to have endless threads pulling on it.

He must be pulled directly back into the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

Nuwa glanced away, and the immeasurable power of creation instantly appeared in her palms. Billions of laws of creation, and the power of humanity fell all around, transforming into numerous creatures and evolving into endless power to forcefully suppress Zhou Tianxingdou.

The power of the Year Star, which was originally stationary in the void, instantly emitted a bright light.

‘Bang bang bang! ’

The power contained in the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation continued to collapse, and the Sui Xing continued to fall towards the shores of the East China Sea.

Everyone in heaven was stunned.

Why did he suddenly start taking action?

But when I thought about it, it was Hongmeng Purple Qi. Even if it was just a wisp, it would add up to a lot.

Moreover, this week's Star Dou Array is the trump card of Heaven. How can it be said that the authority of such an important star will fall to a human race.

Yuqing and Shangqing looked at each other and transmitted messages to each other.

"It seems that Di Jun has chosen which side to stand on."

"The teacher must have summoned Di Jun, otherwise the twelve earthly branches would not look like something Di Jun could comprehend.

Even if it is enlightenment, it only means understanding the ten heavenly stems related to Yin and Yang. "

"Are we going to take action?"

Shangqing couldn't help but ask.

Yu Qing shook his head secretly, "It's not good to help anyone now, so let's continue reading."

Guiyuan frowned, there was no need to say anything now.

Hongjun must have fallen into the trap.

It's just that Nuwa seems to have been prepared.

You take the twelve earthly branches, right? Then I take the ten days.

You take away my authority as a human being, and I interfere with your starry sky and the flow of heaven.

The exchange was completed in an instant.

The next moment, the entire heaven was shaking crazily, billions of purple energy appeared instantly, the sound of immeasurable avenues circulated, and billions of heavenly laws fell down, forcibly shattering Nuwa's power.

Sui Xing was stuck in place again.

Nuwa's face was solemn. Although she had become the master of humanity in this world, she had already faced some Hongjun and knew that Hongjun was not an easy person to deal with.

The way of heaven has developed several kalpas further than the way of humanity.

The key is that Hongjun still has the Jade Disc of Creation in his hand. This magical weapon from Pangu, even if it is only incomplete, can still exert the power of Pangu, suppressing the will of heaven and earth, and weakening the power of humanity that Nuwa relies on.

If the previous Nuwa had become the Lord of Humanity, she might not be able to defeat Hongjun, but she is not, she is in a higher dimension.

And this is an opportunity.

Once Hongjun is seriously injured, his speed of joining the road will become slower and slower.

"Hongjun, go and fight in Chaos, I'm afraid of breaking this heaven!"

Nuwa looked at Guiyuan and said, "Leave it to you!"

"Okay!" Guiyuan nodded.



For billions of seconds, the heaven and earth shook, and the vast rivers of time and destiny flowed here. Nuwa stepped on them, and the two rivers that were supreme in the prehistoric times were now like mounts.

Carrying Nuwa to Chaos.

Above the sky, a calm voice suddenly came, "Okay!"

Everyone in the heaven looked shocked. The Lord of Heaven and the Lord of Humanity were fighting. They couldn't help but use their spiritual thoughts to go to Chaos, wanting to find out what happened.

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