In a billionth of a second, a giant turtle appeared in the heaven, its whole body shimmering with chaotic spiritual light, exuding the aura of eternal immortality, and the power of chaos and the power of law hanging from its body, which was supreme and sacred.


Guiyuan growled and probed with his tortoise claws.

The majestic power of Hunyuan and the laws were guided out, and in an instant, the phantom of a divine ax was outlined and attached to the turtle claws.

As the aura of endless chaos turned into ax light and swung out.

The whole world seemed to be completely still.

The original power of the stars in the sky is shattering crazily, turning into endless void smoke, reversing the chaos of chaos.

The solidified star began to fall at an extremely fast speed again. The place in heaven did not seem to be like Nuwa and Hongjun's direct confrontation.

But the power of the Suixing is proof of their fight.


Di Jun planned to let Fuxi control the Zhoutian Star Formation, as long as he could fully unleash the power of the Zhoutian Star Formation except him and Xihe.

But Fuxi did not respond.

Seeing this, Di Jun roared in a low voice: "Kunpeng, do it!!"

Everyone saw the wings of Kunpeng, which had been hanging down for 90,000 miles, spread out, and instantly grabbed Hetu Luoshu and flew out of the heaven.

Because Di Jun and Xi He, the core members of Zhou Tian Xing Dou, were still controlling it, and coupled with the suppression of Donghuang Bell, the power of the formation was not weakened.

But Kunpeng's action of leaving the heaven caused many innate saints to wonder.

next moment.

The expressions of Yuqing and Shangqing changed instantly, and they roared: "Emperor Jun! How dare you!"

Sure enough, Kunpeng, who flew out of the heaven using extreme speed, instantly activated the Hunyuan Heluo Formation in the Hetu Luoshu.

The power of the ancient water veins was mobilized and turned into the infinite power of mountains and rivers. The entire Hunyuan Heluo Formation mobilized the power of the endless water veins.

Moreover, in this grand formation, there is also the power of timing, and the vast power is condensed in the grand formation.

‘Boom! ’

Billions of tunnel auras circulate, turning into a world where tens of millions of laws condense.

Rushing towards West Kunlun, time and space are shattered along the way, yin and yang are divided, and endless wind, water, and fire are spawned and broken on the way to this world.

But one person had already reacted.

A picture scroll instantly flew out of the heaven, and the picture scroll unfolded. It was frantically dividing the power of the mountains and rivers in the Hunyuan Heluo Formation. The world on that side seemed to be constantly being pulled, slowing down a little. .

In West Kunlun, a spiritual light soared into the sky, transforming into a cold and noble temperament.

Seeing the terrifying and boundless supreme world that seemed to be crushing everything coming towards him, because of her dispute with Xihe, she naturally wouldn't go to the heaven to congratulate her.

She was also watching the fight just now!

But she didn't expect that Di Jun would actually take action against her at this moment.

"Why is Emperor Wa's Map of Mountains, Rivers and Country in Guiyuan's place!"

"What is imprinted in the Mountains and Rivers Society Map is a small world of ancient times! Is this also what you expected? Return to Yuan!"

"However, the Hunyuan Heluo Formation is a Hunyuan Formation after all. With the power of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, this mountain, river, and state map is still relatively difficult to deal with."

Zhunti shook his head and said.

Sure enough, as his words fell, the aura of the Shanhe Sheji Map shattered, and the derived world would definitely not be able to compete with the world derived from the Hunyuan Heluo Formation.

But that's enough for this moment.

Yuqing and Shangqing took action, and the Pangu flag was instantly sacrificed. The chaotic sword energy that cut through the Hongmeng instantly shook the stars in the sky, disturbed the energy of the ancient mountains and rivers, and headed towards the Hunyuan Heluo Formation to suppress and kill.

The Shangqing on the other side was even more ruthless, and boundless ferocious energy instantly emerged, rendering the entire heaven as if it were a boundless battlefield. The four swords of Zhu Xian also blasted towards the Hunyuan Heluo formation.

Di Jun growled: "Yuqing, Shangqing. Are you enemies of Dao Ancestor?"

Shangqing sneered, "I don't have any objection to you dealing with Emperor Wa or fellow Taoist Guiyuan. Fellow Taoist Tao Zhen has become a hermit, withdrawing from Taoist disputes and not involved in cause and effect.

You also plan to kill her at this moment! "

Yu Qing said calmly: "I don't know what it means to be an enemy of the teacher by preventing you from killing fellow Taoist Taizhen. If you can show the teacher's decree, I will take back the Four Swords of Killing Immortals!"

The power of the Hunyuan Heluo Formation in the three directions was shattered crazily. Taizhen saw countless thunder and fire mingling together, and the sound of gold and iron colliding resounded all around.

Gather the power of all parties and blast towards the formation.

Guiyuan Turtle Claw suddenly shot towards the Zhoutian Star Formation again, and the stars were falling crazily.

At the same time, the endless law spreads out from the body, "Heaven and earth are always quiet!"

One billionth of a moment.

The three forces of heaven, earth, and humanity in the Guiyuan Realm merged, and the Great Formation of Great Desolate Heaven and Earth combined with the Great Formation of Ten Thousand Immortals turned into endless magical inscriptions and moved toward the Hunyuan Heluo Formation to suppress it.

First, the power of heaven immobilizes the power of the formation, then the power of earth is used to dismantle the power of the formation, and then the power of humanity is used to attack the core of the formation.

'boom! ’

The entire prehistoric world exploded, and everyone at the collision point saw the sky lighting up with endless light, and then a black hole of nothingness appeared and was swallowed up by the light.

Everyone was shocked.

"Fellow Daoist Guiyuan's strength has improved again, how come it has improved so fast!"

"With this magical power, I actually saw traces of the Zhoutian Star Formation, the Earth Fetal Membrane Formation, and the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation on it."

"The key is that Fellow Daoist Guiyuan actually focused all three formations on his own magical power."

The main reason is that Guiyuan's progress is too fast.

Every time he takes a shot, he is much stronger than before.

This Guiyuan mana is actually so strong. In this situation, he can still have his hands free to suppress the Hunyuan Heluo Formation and shake the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

And the understanding is too terrifying, so he directly uses the essence of the three great formations to turn it into his own magical power.

Seeing this, Emperor Jun instantly harnessed the supreme power in the Zhoutian Star Formation and stopped pulling on the stars, letting them fall.

He fully guides the mighty power of the stars in the sky, communicates and links 365 star flags, and guides billions of prehistoric stars to spread their starlight.


It didn't take long.

The prehistoric sky instantly burst out with the light of billions of stars, illuminating the entire prehistoric world like a starry ocean world.

All the power of the stars converged on Kunpeng.

In an instant.

Kunpeng's momentum surged wildly.

Quasi-Saint late period.

The pinnacle of quasi-sage!

Even vaguely, he finally broke through that layer of boundaries.

Di Jun gave up Sui Xing, and the power of the chaos formation fell directly on Kunpeng. Kunpeng roared: "Kill!"

He had vaguely felt what Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian was before, and he took charge of two Hunyuan formations at once, allowing him to touch this glimmer of opportunity.

Even if he cannot enter Hunyuan Daluo, his cultivation level will definitely greatly improve and surpass Fuxi.

'Fortunately, Emperor Xi was not standing next to His Majesty, otherwise it would have been Emperor Xi who got this opportunity at this time. ’

Kunpeng's eyes pierced through the heavens, and he harnessed the power of the two supreme formations to kill Taizhen!

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