"Boom boom boom!"

The Hunyuan Heluo Formation has already held the Pangu Banner and the Four Swords of Zhu Xian for an instant.

Although one is said to be an innate treasure, the other is an indestructible one.

But their controllers, Yuqing and Shangqing, have not yet become saints and cannot exert their extremely powerful power.

Now Taizhen is left alone to face Kunpeng, who has blessed the Zhoutian Star Formation.

Seeing this, Guiyuan's boundless turtle body instantly penetrated the endless time and space barrier, and the void shook.


Taiyi controls the Donghuang Bell and follows closely behind.


The five-colored light illuminates the heavens, and the holy power of chaos shocks the world!

Taiyi urged the Donghuang Bell to guide the long river of time and the long river of fate, hoping to suppress Guiyuan.



The sacred and majestic long river of time and the long river of fate are intertwined, reflecting the heavens and the universe, and revealing the life and destiny paths of all beings in the wild.


Guiyuan's turtle claws smashed out, the boundless power shook the entire prehistoric world, and he slammed the Donghuang Bell.

'when! ’

Billions of laws of the great avenue hang down from the Donghuang Bell, resisting Guiyuan's turtle claws.

Ke Guiyuan originally had Chaos Golden Ao particles, plus Chaos Ax Light.

The qualitative power of his attack on Guiyuan is not weaker than that of Donghuang Bell.

Even above it.

"Boom boom boom!"

In the horrified sight of everyone, the Donghuang Bell, which is the most precious treasure of the world, was instantly blown away like rubbish.

But at this moment, Kunpeng is already close to Taizhen, and even endless power is suppressing countless time and space around Taizhen, locking Taizhen's destiny in the past, present, and future.

Must die!

One moment in a billion.

Streams of spiritual light appeared crazily from the returning Yuan Shen, and the power of the ninth-grade white lotus to purify the world swept through the void, repelling the power of thousands of stars.

The virtual twelve-level world-destroying black lotus, which has already grown into a new third-level, explodes with endless world-destroying power and shatters endless starlight.

Xuanyuan controlled the water flag to cover the sky and the sun, and turned into endless water mist to cover Taizhen. The twelve Dinghai Divine Pearls combined with the Heavy Water Xuanzhu have already turned into heavy water. Most of the twelve Dinghai Divine Pearls have turned into heavy water.

The two cooperated with each other, and layers of mist containing countless heavy water blocked Tai Zhen's face.

"Boom boom boom!"

The power of several spiritual treasures frantically resisted Kunpeng's attack.

Kunpeng, who had absorbed the power of the Zhoutian Star Formation, really had a pair of wings like those of hanging clouds, crushing the sky.

A pair of sharp claws, yin and yang blend together and merge into the avenue!


The boundless coercion is erupting!

The sea of ​​chaos surged, setting off a huge wave, as if it had submerged the prehistoric world!

A black shadow that covered the sky jumped out from the sea of ​​chaos, fighting for nine days, and filled the world with murderous intent!

That was clearly the true form of Kunpeng. Its eyes reflected the sun and moon, and countless golden lights bloomed like divine light.

With the help of the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, he really showed off his power.

The long roar swept across all directions!


Instantly collided with those magic weapons.

Two terrifying mana collided, and then turned into ripples, stirring in all directions!


The surrounding space was torn apart instantly!

Ripples tear apart the void, carrying the turbulence of destruction!


In the heaven, everyone was first shocked at Kunpeng's current strength, and then shocked at Guiyuan's ability to use so many terrifying spiritual treasures at once.

Is this guy's magic power infinite?

Guiyuan has the support of one world, and also the support of affiliated worlds. Unless he fights with a real saint level, his mana may be exhausted.

But even if Kun Pengru used the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation to forcefully touch that trace.

But if you haven’t arrived, you haven’t arrived.

Moreover, the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation was originally incompatible with Kunpeng.

Although the Lingbao kept flying upside down, Kunpeng was also blocked, and the starlight around him was shattered.

And just then.

There was a new person in the Zhou Tianxing Dou Formation instantly. Kunpeng's aura dropped crazily, while the other person's aura was expanding crazily, and it was even more terrifying than Kunpeng.


As one of the Sun Star Lords, he can more perfectly absorb the power of Zhoutian Xingdou, and his realm and strength are already stronger than Kunpeng.

This moment.

The aura on Taiyi's body finally broke through that boundary. Taiyi shook the Donghuang Bell in an instant and killed Taizhen.

Taiyi, who briefly entered Hunyuan, did not kill Guiyuan, his target was still Taizhen.

Because he knew that he might not be able to kill Guiyuan in this short period of time.

But it can definitely kill Taizhen.

The spirit treasures that had just flown upside down went to stop them. At this moment, something like a bird's nest fell in front of these spirit treasures.


The endless ripples of mana drove these spiritual treasures back crazily.

Kunpeng faced Guiyuan and growled, "Guiyuan, you want to save him? Get through me first!"

Now that he has Hetu Luoshu to protect him, it is easy for Hunyuan Heluo Formation to stop Guiyuan for a while.

Guiyuan really had murderous intent at this time, his voice was like the endless ice in the depths of the twelfth lunar month, his murderous intent rising to the sky, "In that case, I'll satisfy you!"

In an instant.

A divine spear exuding infinite terrifying murderous intent instantly flew out of Guiyuan's hand, and terrifying ways of killing evil came one after another. The entire sky was dyed blood red at this moment.

I saw the God-killing Spear piercing the direction of Kunpeng at an extremely terrifying speed.

At the same time, the 'Three Borrowed Divine Powers' emerged instantly, and with the help of Kunpeng's Dao Fruit power, they turned into boundless speed and rushed towards West Kunlun.



The sacred majesty, the supreme river of time and the long river of destiny are being led out and making a splash at this moment.

"call out!"


The long river of time and the long river of fate instantly set off huge waves, rushing and intertwining wildly, seeming to evolve into a world-destroying river, covering the sky and the sun.

Kunpeng had no time to realize that he seemed to have lost something.

He discovered to his horror.

All of his ‘past lines’ were locked by the red light, penetrating all the heavens and worlds.

At first, he thought that with his strength in the quasi-sage stage and Hetu Luoshu.

Can hold Guiyuan for a while.

When I see a shot that penetrates infinite time, space, destiny, and cause and effect.

He found out he was wrong!

He frantically activated the Hetu Luoshu above his head, and the power of the Hetu Luoshu's endless water veins flowed down, protecting him around him, transforming into boundless mountains and rivers and wrapping him tightly.

Maybe that's all.

In order to increase some sense of protection in his heart.

But next.

The endless avenue of killing is mixed with the terrifying and boundless evil energy, penetrating all defenses and destroying all true spirits.

Hetu Luoshu was instantly repelled by the boundless evil aura and the killing path. His aura was shattered and he flew back to the heaven.


Kunpeng's heart flashed with great terror.


I saw Kunpeng's true body exploded instantly, and after endless blood burst out, it was completely wiped out before it could even appear red.



The long river of time and the long river of fate intertwined and collided, and disappeared towards the emerging Daluo Daoguo.

Everyone can see it clearly.

Kunpeng in the Northern Underworld.

Kunpeng of Buzhou Mountain.

Kunpeng thirty-three days away.

Kunpeng in heaven...

Traces of his 'past line' emerged in the wave, and were immediately annihilated and obliterated by a dazzling red light!

In an instant.

Heaven and earth were in sorrow, the Yin-Yang Avenue spewed out, blood rained from the sky, and in the far north of the North Sea, Kunpeng's dojo, the Beiming Palace, trembled.

"Ang ang ang!"

The golden dragons of luck in the entire heaven kept wailing, and all the demon clans who recognized Kunpeng as the demon master felt an inexplicable sadness in their hearts.

Yuqing and others were stunned when they saw this scene.

"Kunpeng...has fallen?!"

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