At this time, a spiritual light came to Taiyi, and the power of the Golden Aojia shrouded Taizhen in it. A chaotic golden turtle emerged, roaring to the heaven and earth, and the tortoise shell overflowed with chaotic aura and enveloped Taizhen.

Taiyi was stunned when he saw this, does this guy still have a spiritual treasure? !



Armor bells collide.


A sound that was infinitely far away and echoed from eternity was loud and clear in the vast world.

Ripples of mana surged out, the mountains below shattered crazily and turned into dust, and a billion-mile ravine appeared on the ground.

But now that he is in Hunyuan, the power of controlling the Donghuang Bell is naturally different from before.

The Chaos Golden Ao Armor outside the Golden Ao Armor shattered crazily, and even cracks appeared on the tortoise shell of the Golden Ao Armor, as if it was about to break apart at any time.

Although the origin of Jin Aojia has been lost, it has returned to the innate high-grade spiritual treasure. It can be used as a spiritual treasure that carries the laws of defense. It is not even weaker than the innate top-grade spiritual treasure in terms of defense.

But in the face of Taiyi's use of the Donghuang Bell.

Still ended up like this.

But its effect has been achieved.

Block Donghuang Bell for a quarter.

But this is the moment.

Guiyuan, who had borrowed Kunpeng's extreme speed, had already arrived in front of Taizhen. Countless golden lights fell down, and the Yingluo appeared, turning into a tortoise-shell Qingyun to envelope him.

The sound of heaven and earth echoed around.

"When I get Hunyuan in the future, in the prehistoric world, thousands of races can get tens of thousands and become immortals."

"When I gain Hunyuan in the future, the world will be perfected, and hundreds of millions of chaotic energy will enter the primeval world!"

"When I attain Hunyuan in the future, in the prehistoric world, all sentient beings in the prehistoric world, who chant my name, will be able to obtain the charm of the Tao and step into the great avenue!"

The heavens roared, the avenues roared, heaven and man, and even the unborn tunnels all responded at this moment, and infinite power fell on Guiyuan.

Billions of seconds.

And I took a look at my turtle claws.

Nearly 840 million black turtle particles, 60 giant turtle particles, and one golden turtle particle roared crazily in the Jingyuan Dao Fruit, and endless power penetrated out, condensing the chaotic ax light.


In the horrified eyes of countless great supernatural beings, looking at Taiyi who stood proudly on the waves of the long river of time and the long river of fate, and briefly stepped into Hunyuan, he was repelled by a claw.

Taiyi retreated crazily, and the long river of time and destiny seemed to be broken at this moment, shaking continuously, and Taiyi was directly blasted back to the heaven.

"Do you want to fight again?"

Guiyuanfa's ambition can be repaid at any time when he arrives!

As for borrowing money from Kunpeng, how will the debt be repaid if the creditor dies?

Guiyuan waved his hand, and the God-killing Spear fell back into his hand. Originally, he wanted to leave it to the saint who would target him in the future, but now through his layout and chance.

Nuwa was on his side.

At that time, his opponents will be Sanqing and Zhunti at most.

Enough to deal with.

There was no need to hide anymore, and when he got the God-killing Spear, he immediately thought of these three miscellaneous birds, especially Kunpeng, who had been targeting him since he traveled through time.

Now, as soon as the God-killing Spear comes out, use Kunpeng to attack it.

Moreover, in order to attack Kunpeng, even the Demon Master Palace self-destructed part of its origin just now.

If he doesn't die, who will?

Moreover, Beihai is still sacred like him. Now that Kunpeng is dead, all the luck of Beihai has fallen on him, which makes him feel happy.

Taiyi stood on the Donghuang Bell again, and saw that there was no trace of Kunpeng in the world, and he was furious.

Not only him, but Di Jun as well.

He didn't expect that his plan would eventually lead to Kunpeng's downfall. What method did Guiyuan master, and he could kill Kunpeng in an instant! !

"Return to Yuan!"

The rage was overwhelming.

The terrifying power of the imperial law swept across the sky, and the heaven and earth soared into the sky.

In front of him, the Emperor of Heaven, he directly killed the Demon Master of Heaven. This was like stepping on his face and kicking him hard!

How can I bear this? !

"Come if you want to fight!!"

Guiyuan snorted coldly, transformed into a Taoist body, held the God-killing Spear in his hand, and stared at Di Jun, "Originally, I didn't want to use this thing when you were targeting me or the human race.

In order to tie my hands and feet, you also attacked Taoist Taoist Taoist fellow Taizhen! "

Yuqing nodded and said: "The Emperor of Heaven is responsible for this! The cause and effect disappeared during the Dao dispute, and now it is inappropriate to take action again!"

The same goes for Shangqing, "Indeed!"

But they were all shocked as to what the spear in Guiyuan's hand was!

This was especially true for Zhunti and Jieyin, and Zhunti's spirit trembled.

"That thing is so familiar... I feel like I've seen it before."

Zhunti looked at Jie Yin. He always walked with Jie Yin. He should have seen Jie Yin before.

Jie Yin was silent for a moment and then said: "That is the most precious treasure of the former Demon Ancestor Luohu, the God-killing Spear!"

"Although it is an innate supreme spiritual treasure, it can be compared to an innate supreme treasure when attacked, and because the avenue contained in it is the avenue of killing, and it is contaminated with the boundless evil energy of chaos, it can directly break through the true spirit."

"Kunpeng's true spirit has been shattered and cannot be reunited!"

The great supernatural powers present were a little confused when they heard this. Some of them, the great Luo, had attained Taoism over the years, so they didn't know about the God-killing Spear or Luo Hu.

If Luo Hu is so powerful in the future, why haven't they heard of him?

That's because after Hongjun became enlightened, he deliberately erased Rahu's existence.

The main reason is that Rahu became the supreme and free demon, hiding in the hearts of all living beings in the prehistoric world, and secretly there are world ruins that can swallow up the prehistoric world at any time.

Therefore, the less people know about Rahu, the less its demonic nature will increase.

The word Rahu originally means ‘demon’.

If you talk about it too much, your demonic nature will really come to your mind.

But Yuqing, Shangqing, Jieyin Zhunti and others, and even Taiyi, Dijun and others all knew who Luo Hu was.

That was an existence that could once compete with Dao Ancestor!

And if it was one-on-one, the Dao Ancestor back then might not necessarily win.

It turned out to be the God-killing Spear.

But the question is why Guiyuan has the weapons of the Demon Ancestor.

"Hahaha! Miscellaneous bird! Does it look like you guys are having a lot of fun? Why don't we come and stir things up?"

And just then.

Endless pressure suddenly emerged, and a figure standing tall on the sky emerged. Pangu's physical body reappeared. Di Jiang's voice came from Pangu's physical body, looking at the heaven in the distance.

The ax in his hand seems to be hitting heaven at any time.

Di Jun's anger was stuck there for a moment.

"Di Jiang, do you want to violate the name of Dao Ancestor?" Di Jun growled. He was really worried that the barbarian would strike with an ax at this time.

"Huh? Are you talking about that old man Hongjun? Now that I'm going to chop you with an ax, will he be able to come over?

Now is not the time for Hongjun to be supreme! "

Di Jiang sneered.

Now the whole prehistoric period can see that Emperor Wa and Daozu are not dealing with each other, and they are even completely on opposite sides.

Although they didn't know the reason, they all knew that Daozu now had enemies.

The majesty of the first saint in the prehistoric times had already been torn apart when Emperor Wa stood opposite to the Taoist ancestors.

This is also the reason why Dijiang appears.

Moreover, the Wu clan did not respect Hongjun to begin with, and the news that Houtu sister brought back made them even more angry. Damn it, Hongjun actually restricted the birth of tunnels.

No matter whether their Wu clan is an authentic race or not.

But for the witch clan, especially the Twelve Ancestral Witches, the prehistoric world was transformed by their father god. Since the father god originally established the three paths of heaven, earth and man, Hongjun would be violating the father god by preventing the tunnel from appearing.

In their view, Hongjun was just taking care of Honghuang.

But he was actually helping his master make a decision! !

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