"Besides, you have used the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation and the Hunyuan Heluo Formation, but you don't allow us to use the Dutian Shensha Formation?"

Di Jiang said calmly, "Alternatively, we don't have to fight against your formation, but it depends on whether the other heavens in your heaven can block our axe!"

Di Jun's expression froze.

In the Heavenly Court, apart from the Hunyuan Heluo Formation and the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, what else can stop the Dutianshensha Formation?

"It's all gone."

During the stalemate, an elegant and holy figure quietly fell down and said lightly.

Although it was just a soft voice, it was like a loud bell among countless great supernatural powers. The long river of time and the long river of fate that surged above the sky quietly disappeared at this moment.

A supreme power swept around the wilderness, resurrecting the creatures that had just died due to the fight between the two sides, and all the destroyed mountains and rivers were restored.

Smooth the turbulent space flow and sort out the disturbed yin and yang of the five elements.

"Empress has mercy!"

Everyone salutes.

In front of Emperor Wa, not even the emperor dared to make a mistake.

Hetu Luoshu returned to Di Jun's hands.

The Zhou Tianxing Dou array dispersed, revealing the figures of Di Jun and Xi He again. Taiyi also returned to the heaven holding the East Emperor Bell tightly.

The two brothers looked at each other and saw each other's anger. It was obvious that Emperor Wa was going off the rails.

But there was also a shock!

Emperor Wa appeared, why didn’t Daozu appear?

Could it be during the confrontation between Daozu and Emperor Wa?

Daozu lost?

"Don't get into any more entanglements!" At this time, an indifferent but majestic voice came from the sky. Di Jun's face stiffened for a moment, and then returned to normal.

At present, it seems that Emperor Wa is actually stronger than Daozu!

Di Jun couldn't help but ask: "But my clan's demon master Kunpeng was killed by Guiyuan Town. Shouldn't we repay the cause and effect?"

"This is Kunpeng's calamity. When Kunpeng formed a cause and effect with Guiyuan in Beihai, he should have suffered this calamity!"

The voice as grand as the sound of heaven gave a rare explanation, and then disappeared without a trace.

Di Jun really had eaten the most miserable thing in the world, but he couldn't tell.

He originally thought that he had taken charge of the twelve earthly branches, seized part of the human rights, perfected the Hunyuan Heluo Formation, and then took the opportunity to kill Taizhen, seize her Shaoyin Qi, and perfect Xihe's Yin Way.

Who knows, Emperor Wa has a back-up plan.

Even Emperor Wa left.

But Guiyuan still resisted the two formations with one person, and also allowed Suixing to fall to the human race, causing the Zhoutianxingdou formation to lose its changes.

Even Kunpeng fell.

For Heaven, this is undoubtedly a broken arm.

This was a top quasi-sage, and he actually fell like this.

The wedding in heaven ended with a great loss in heaven.

One after another spiritual light left the heaven. This heavenly wedding banquet was indeed a big profit. They watched a great show, although they did not see the fight between Emperor Wa and Daozu with their own eyes.

You can see how everyone handles the results at the end.

Needless to say, Emperor Wa must have had the upper hand. This was big news. The heavenly wedding banquet was like a huge stone smashed into a pool, creating huge waves.

But it doesn't mean that the matter is over, but the aftermath is still to come.

Wa Palace.

Guiyuan and Nuwa sat opposite each other, with the boy obediently serving tea to them. Nuwa smiled and said, "Did you go somewhere else some time ago?"

"Well, let's deal with some things. Is Hongjun's move this time also part of your guess?"

Guiyuan drank tea and felt the Taoism flowing through his body. This tea is good tea.

Nuwa bit the blood-colored bodhi seed, "Of course, I just learned about it from the twelve zodiac signs sent to heaven by Emperor Jun. Do you really think that his secret actions can't be discovered? He doesn't understand the value of the Lord of Humanity."

Nuwa stretched out, revealing her graceful figure. Jinfeng beside her lowered her head, her eyes full of surprise. In her eyes, Nuwa had always been elegant and holy.

Or when there is only one person, he is more casual, but it seems that he never has the majesty of a saint in front of Guiyuan.

It seems that for Nuwa, Guiyuan is an existence of the same level.

"Originally, if Di Jun had completed the wedding obediently, or if he had not stopped the fall of Sui Xing.

Let's have an exchange of interests.

Nothing will happen. But he still wants to act like a demon to kill Taizhen. Needless to say, he must want to get rid of it once and for all, if Xihe absorbs Taizhen's Shaoyin energy.

Xihe's strength will definitely rise again, and the power of the Zhoutian Star Formation will rise again to make up for the losses caused by the fall of the Sui Star. "

"So what happens next is also what you expected? Do you already have backup plans to deal with the fact that he will kill Taizhen?"

"I'm not here. But isn't it you? You will definitely take action if you are there. Although you are indifferent, you still value some emotions.

Like Hou Tu, although you said you didn't help her, didn't you also help her through Zhen Yuanzi? "

Guiyuan just drank tea silently. His dislike of the Wu clan did not mean his dislike of Hou Tu.

"Houtu... help if you can. She is a supreme power in many worlds. She is not necessarily a witch, but also has innate gods, etc. Anyway, it is no problem to have good relations with her, and she has no place with you. The battle of grids.”

"And this time Hongjun fought with me, he was partially injured, which slowed down part of his speed of joining the path. It shouldn't be that difficult for the tunnel to appear."

Guiyuan looked at Nuwa deeply, which could actually hurt Hongjun.

Nuwa smiled and said, "Tell me about you. What have you seen?"

Guiyuan thought for a while and asked, "Do you know about the Reincarnation Hall?"

"what is that?"

"Do not you know?"

Guiyuan thought that Nuwa must have been to many worlds and should have encountered the Palace of Reincarnation, but who knew that she had not.

"That is, they will send people called 'reincarnations' to destroy the world and steal the origin..."

"I have encountered this type before."

Nuwa nodded, "It's just that I have never encountered the Reincarnation Hall before."

"So I just want to ask, the world I went to was essentially uninvaded, but why did the reincarnations he sent know the development trajectory of that world..."

"Isn't it normal? If that world comes under the influence of a certain 'heaven', it means that there will be many similar worlds existing at the same time. They may get those similar worlds and then find that world based on the breath.

But some developments are essentially developed according to the partial context of that ‘heaven’. "

Guiyuan thought that he had learned from his memory that those people did know a lot about the world of Qin Dynasty, but it was a little different.

Some continue with the Seven Kingdoms' struggle for hegemony, some Ying Zheng died directly in the Zhao Kingdom, and some of the protagonists are not those three little brats, but other people.

"This is equivalent to many prehistoric worlds.

At least most of the prehistoric ones I know are similar.

It's just that the variables are different.

In your prehistoric times, the variable is you, and your variable is more powerful than many variables. At least you have realized the path to transcendence.

Some variables die as soon as they appear, and a few stand out and become strong but never have a chance to transcend. "

Nuwa made an analogy.


"It is the road to fighting for the concept of personhood."

Guiyuan continued to ask, "Now that I have offended the Reincarnation Hall, what should I do if I want to deal with it?"

This is a rare opportunity to naturally clarify any doubts.

Nuwa said lightly: "Most of those who use this method are from the Heavenly Dao of a certain world, so most of them are in the Seven Stars of the Realms, so I don't recommend that you go to him to cause trouble now."

"The Seven Stars of All Realms?"

Guiyuan listened to Nuwa's words, and these seven stars in all realms should be a watershed.

"By the way, what state have you reached now?"

Only after Guiyuan did he realize that he seemed to have never asked about Nuwa's realm.


He asked about Nuwa's true body. She didn't believe that this Nuwa was Nuwa's true body.

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