In the chaos, a spiritual light constantly shuttled through the chaos, which was naturally Guiyuan who came out of Wahuang Heaven.

In his aura, Guiyuan pondered what Nuwa said just now.

"Eight stars."

He didn't expect that Nuwa's body was actually the existence of Eight Stars.

He can find out from the chat group.

After the strength reaches four stars in all realms, every step forward is extremely difficult.

Because the span of each star is extremely large, it is similar to Liu Shen. Even before she met Shi Hao, she had not changed from five stars in all realms to six stars in all realms in her life.

Unexpectedly, Nuwa actually existed in the Eight Stars. He once asked Nuwa how to break through to the Eight Stars.

Nuwa said that this prehistoric world is already very close to the prehistoric world of a certain "heaven".

If one can reach the Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian in this world, that is, the Hunyuan Daluo will reach the Eight Stars of All Realms by going up two levels.

That's why Nuwa came to this world, because it was a great help to her.

And she also said just now that she didn't expect variables to occur in this kind of world, because the more powerful the world is, the more powerful it is, the more powerful it is, the more powerful it is.

Therefore, the development of the world will definitely become stronger.

Because there are almost certain numbers in the "heaven", she guessed that maybe this is why those "heavens" will perish.

Infinite destiny is like a pool of stagnant water. When it reaches this point, it often needs to be shattered before it can usher in new life.

It is precisely because of this cause and effect that Nuwa is also willing to form an alliance with Guiyuan.

Guiyuan thought of what Nuwa had said to him before he left, and estimated that after the Lich Catastrophe, she planned to use her power to go to a certain powerful world, so she invited Guiyuan to go with her.

And it’s also a prehistoric world.

It's just that that prehistoric world was much more terrifying than his current prehistoric world, but if he could gain anything, he would start with the strength of the Seven Stars of All Realms.

Guiyuan did not refuse, but he also did not agree immediately.

Nuwa was not in a hurry, so she just said something to him.

Guiyuan kept traveling through the chaos, thinking about many things.

And now he finally has time to deal with the Tianlong World. Coupled with the development of many worlds, there are actually many things that need to be dealt with in the chat group.

But things have to happen one by one.

First, separate your mind.

Guiyuan turned over his hand and took out the Demon Master's Palace, also called Kunpeng's Nest, which he got from Kunpeng.

This is Kunpeng's natal spiritual treasure.

It was originally an innate high-grade spiritual treasure.

However, when blocking Guiyuan, Kunpeng self-destructed nearly half of its original source, and the grade had already dropped a lot, and this item was of little use.

"How about refining it into Guiyuan Palace."

Guiyuan looked at the cracked golden turtle armor and the half-damaged Kunpeng nest, and realized that when combined, they could be turned into a new spiritual treasure.

One is the law of defense, and the other is the law of Feng Shui plus the law of space. There is no conflict. The innate restrictions inside may not disappear and become acquired.

Guiyuan threw it to the bottom of the Guiyuan Realm. The Phoenix True Fire that was about to burn the endless void was mixed with the Sun's True Fire and the Samadhi True Fire transformed by the spirit and spirit.

Burn both together.

Then he ignored it and turned over his hand to take out the bead taken from the reincarnation beast. He had already analyzed the endless mysterious laws in it.

A steady stream of information appeared in Guiyuan's mind.

"It's similar to what Nuwa said."

Guiyuan suddenly realized.

If, as Nuwa said, there is indeed a parallel world, then how can we deduce it accurately?

This reincarnation bead can analyze the breath of the world and read the historical context of the world.

Then the 'Reincarnation Pearl' will make the most likely deduction based on the historical context.

If there are no variables, the results of this deduction are almost the same.

The reincarnators will use this to steal the origin and so on in similar worlds.

The more similar origins there are, the higher the accuracy will be when encountering deductions in the future.

“So this Palace of Reincarnation intends to collect similar planes one after another, and then merge them together to push a world to an extremely terrifying level, and then replace it with its heaven.

Strengthen your character? "

Guiyuan pondered.

If there was no chat group, but he had the ability to travel around the world, maybe he would end up like this.

Because this is indeed an extremely efficient method, and the helpless people who are sacrificed are the natives of their own world.

Even if the natives of their own world stay in other worlds, they will leave behind their origins.

But a world without variables.

Mastering the gap in information is a dimensionality reduction attack, which can continuously steal worlds that are already the majority to achieve one's own goals.

"That is to say, in the future our group members may come from some worlds that have changed, or worlds where such organizations exist..."

Guiyuan's thoughts are wandering, and to be honest, this is actually a good thing.

Then he will have more channels by then.

"But in this case, I don't know if there will be reincarnators in the world that has become my affiliated world. It should not be the case."

Guiyuan put the reincarnation bead into his body again and focused on the group chat.

Because of the addition of new people, the group chat that had become slightly silent once again became lively.

Especially when Hong Xuanji challenged Guiyuan before.

This is indeed fun for the group friends.

From time to time, they would be taken out and whipped to death by the group members.

Hong Xuanji was not angry, he just said that he liked to hold Liu Shen and Linglong Immortal to discuss Taoism.

[Wu Yazi: Do you think the group leader has forgotten me? Didn’t he say he would merge the world? It's been a long time, but I'm back to normal thanks to the pills from the Ancient Alchemy Sect.

I even caught toads, so I wouldn't want to catch Xiao Feng too. 】

[Thunder God: The group leader is a busy man, but after I came back from Shao Siming’s world some time ago, Brother Hong told me that the group leader was here, which shocked him.

He didn't dare to deal with it and waited until I came back. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: @Thor God, well, that’s me trying new abilities to enlighten him and me. 】

[Thor God: So is he really the group leader? 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: It’s a piece of my mind. His existence is equivalent to one of my fingers. In fact, it is almost the same as the incarnation of other worlds. 】

[Thor: Got it. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: @Wu Yazi, we are ready to deal with them. Just keep those. No need to look for the origin of the world anymore. 】

[Wu Yazi: Okay. 】

[Snape: Dear Lord, the Potions Professor of Hogwarts salutes you. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: @Snape, oh, it’s you. 】

[Peter: Oh oh oh! I'm actually in the same group as Snape, so can I go to the Harry Potter world? 】

[Peter uploaded the memory "Collecting Seven Horcruxes to Summon Voldemort", which matches the group member 'Snape'... and is not allowed to be downloaded. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (group leader’s lackey): Hey, even Peter knows about Snape’s fate? 】

[Peter: Of course I know, Harry Potter is popular throughout the Western world. 】

[The ancient giant turtle uploaded the document "About the Reincarnation Hall\

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