
Guiyuan through the perspective of human clay statues.

After watching Sanqing become a saint.

He also thought that the two saints from the West would become saints immediately after seeing the physical body of Pangu that suddenly appeared and absorbing the Taoist charm of the three saints in heaven and earth.

It is like a clay sculpture transformed into a statue of a god, full of spirituality.

Guiyuan Ke never taught Hou Tu to do this.

He only taught Hou Tu that he could use Pangu's physical body to induce reincarnation, and then absorb the reincarnation and transform it into his own body.

Of course, if Pangu's physical body is stronger, the consumption of ancestral witches will naturally be less.

This is full of spirituality, and even if Pangu returns, it is naturally the best choice.

Some time ago, the Wu clan continued to practice condensing Pangu's physical body, and they must have been thinking about this matter.

He didn't say it before because he couldn't imagine what would happen if Pangu's physical body was condensed when Sanqing became a saint.

Since he couldn't guarantee it himself, he naturally wouldn't say anything.

But the Wu clan did it.

Apart from him and Hongjun, there was also Nuwa who knew that the Three Pure Ones became saints on the same day.

Guiyuan turned around and looked at the location of Wa Huangtian.

"The layout is like the spring breeze and drizzle, it is really silent but there are traces everywhere!" Guiyuan fell on the membrane of heaven and earth and looked at the figure standing tall against the sky and the earth.

If nothing goes as he expected, reincarnation should be about to happen.

But I heard the sound of the Great Law, and the roar of billions of laws sounded, "I know your purpose, this is indeed my shortcoming, the guy of the Samsara God and Demon self-destructed.

I buried him in the authentic origin of the ancient that my descendants can complete this reincarnation.

I didn’t expect you to come up with such a method, you are worthy of being my heir! "

"In that case, I leave it to you."

After Pangu finished speaking, the original Pangu's physical body began to change, turning into a supreme goddess with unparalleled grace, taking one step towards the Netherworld Sea of ​​Blood.

The moment Houtu stepped into the sea of ​​blood in the underworld, the color of the sky changed, the earth roared, the wind and clouds rolled back, and the billowing aura of death spread in all directions

Seeing this, Guiyuan quickly entered the wilderness, constantly shuttled through the infinite time and space barriers, and fell into the Netherworld and Blood Sea.

Reincarnation is about to happen, and he will naturally not miss it, let alone this time.

It was probably the reincarnation created by the Hunyuan level himself, and coupled with the awakening of the tunnel, he felt that this time should make his tunnel fruit mature.

Hou Tu landed here and looked at Gui Yuan who had just arrived at the Netherworld Blood Sea.

"Previously, I thanked fellow Taoist Guiyuan for your guidance!"

Hou Tu's voices overlapped one after another, and there seemed to be twelve voices.

The Houtu at this time is not Houtu, but it is also Houtu.

It's just that all the power of the Twelve Capitals' Divine Evil Formation is on Hou Tu's body. Originally, the Twelve Capitals' Divine Evil Formation could only summon Pangu's physical body.

But because Pangu's physical body had spirituality, he also knew Hou Tu's intention.

Therefore, the power of the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation was used to transform the body of the Houtu God more suitable for reincarnation.

In the sight of all those with great supernatural powers, the boundless sea of ​​blood was separated by a terrifying and boundless force, and Styx, as the lord of the sea of ​​blood, was watching quietly.

Seeing this, everyone was stunned. Does Styx know anything?

And what Hou Tu said just now, thank you fellow Taoist Guiyuan for your guidance.

Could it be that Gui pointed out this matter? Not only that, they also saw Zhen Yuanzi here, standing side by side with Styx.

Some people with great supernatural powers were stunned. Why did they feel that the ancient world they were relatively familiar with had become so unfamiliar.

"what is that?"

"It turns out that there is a world in the deepest part of the prehistoric world. This world is too grand."

"Could that be the so-called reincarnation? When the Great God Pangu appeared just now, didn't he say something about reincarnation, gods and demons?"

"What are the Witch Clan doing?"

Many people with great supernatural powers are confused.

But Sanqing, who had just become a saint, made some calculations with his fingers, his mind was shaken, and he couldn't help but cast his eyes on Guiyuan. Could it be that Guiyuan had also planned this matter?

In particular, Yuanshi frowned even more as he was currently the only 'pure' heavenly saint who expounded teachings and established the principles of heaven. He had already received more information from heaven.

Eyes twinkling.

The figure left the Sanqing Palace on Kunlun in an instant and landed on the sea of ​​blood. The saint stepped on it, even the extremely filthy sea of ​​blood was like flowers and golden lotuses.

Tongtian followed closely behind, stepping on the four swords of Zhuxian with hidden aura, walking side by side with Yuanshi, overlooking Houtu, as if waiting for something.

This statue of the Houtu God of Hunyuan stepped out of the underworld.

Hou Tu waved his hand, and the endless evil energy at the bottom of the blood sea quietly separated, lurking at the bottom of the ancient world, and the underworld world covered by millions of miles of mist appeared in front of the entire ancient world.

And that layer was extremely thick, like the hardest magic circle in the world.

The barrier of the world that originally blocked Houtu and Styx, now Houtu gently put his hand on it and said softly: "I'm here."

The world that seemed dead and silent was like a child at this moment, constantly vibrating and beating. The endless dead silence and the air of the netherworld overflowed from this world.

Houtu strolled in.

With a wave of his palm, the endless law of reincarnation filled the world, along with the boundless power of Hunyuan Daluo.

A steady stream of power is raging in this eternal and extremely majestic world.

With the explosion of power, Houtu's body began to release aura.

"Come out!"

The overlapping sounds contain extremely firm power.

On the dome, a huge wheel suddenly appeared spinning slowly, and the aura was extremely vast, as if it was earth-shattering.

It was surrounded by Dao Yun, and countless chains of world rules were wrapped around it. It suddenly landed in the center of the underworld and gradually opened, with a mysterious and mysterious meaning of reincarnation spreading.

When all those with great supernatural powers see this roulette wheel, their hearts tremble and they have their own true name.

"Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk?"

But they discovered that there were only three of the six paths of reincarnation.

"So reincarnation has not been perfected yet? Hou Tu came here to perfect it?"

All those with great supernatural powers were shocked. Is this the reincarnation that the Great God Pangu said?

At the beginning of reincarnation, Houtu God's body seemed to bear countless pressures, and cracks like broken glass began to appear all over his body.

Guiyuan raised his eyebrows, this samsara disk actually only has three evil realms?

The realm of hell, the realm of animals, the realm of hungry ghosts.

There is no such thing as the Three Good Paths.

No wonder it can't be born, it's not perfect at all.

The Tao governs reincarnation, so naturally it cannot be said that it only punishes evil, but also promotes good. Without the emergence of the Three Good Ways, it is impossible to promote good to living beings.

At this time, Laozi, who did not know when he appeared, explained in a low voice: "If you cannot perfect it, you will not be reborn. This is the rule set by Pangu Father God after he became enlightened. This time the reincarnation was induced by the earth, it was entirely through the power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Moreover, the strength of this body is constantly weakening in the struggle with the will of heaven and earth.

Although she doesn't know what she wants to do, if she doesn't hurry up, even if she is Pangu Zhengzong, once the formation is broken.

It is very likely that she will be directly crushed to pieces by the will of heaven and earth and the thoughts of all spirits carried by reincarnation in an instant, and she will fall completely! "

After hearing this explanation of Lao Tzu, many people with great supernatural powers became even more confused about the purpose of the witch clan.

Doing such a thing at the risk of death is definitely not just to show off the strength of your witch clan, or the power of the Twelve Heavenly Gods.

And it doesn’t seem like it needs to be perfected.

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