Everyone is watching what will happen if it continues.

After all, there are only a few people who know the inside story now, and some of them even don't know what the function of reincarnation is.

But Hou Tu took action.

Instead of using great mana to complete it, the endless laws of reincarnation mixed with the power of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian forcibly pulled the incomplete reincarnation disk.



The entire prehistoric world is shaking, billions of laws are overflowing, and the entire netherworld is trembling. The reincarnation disk is the foundation of the underworld. Hou Tu's behavior will naturally involve the origin of the underworld.

"Since it is incomplete, why not break it and then stand it up!!"

As the extremely majestic sound sounded, it seemed as if there was a supreme force pulling on the reincarnation disk. It was extremely huge and eternal, and it seemed that the body of the God of Houtu standing tall in the sky was completely peeling off the reincarnation disk from the underworld.

The boundless laws of earth and the laws of reincarnation emerged, but the reincarnation disk made a crackling sound.

The supreme treasure that should have been born in the underworld was shattered like glass at this moment.

The cracks on the body of the reincarnation disk are constantly emerging.

Every time it is broken, all living beings can't help but feel fear emerging in their hearts, as if a great terror may befall them at any time.


Suddenly, there seemed to be endless purple energy falling from the horizon, and the voices of billions of avenues condensed into one sentence.

"The reincarnation disk is the foundation of the ancient world and cannot be touched lightly!"

Everyone saw that countless purple energy condensed into a human figure in a trance, which seemed to be empty but not empty, seemed to be real but not real, seemed to exist in the past, present, and future, and seemed to not exist in any time and space, boundless and vast.

"Meet the teacher!"

"Meet Dao Ancestor!"

Everyone who came to the sea of ​​​​blood saluted, except one person, who returned home.

Guiyuan and Hongjun did not have any kindness, so there was no need to salute. The method he practiced was not taught by Hongjun. He could even call him "Hongjun" directly.

"Houtu, reincarnation is the opportunity of life! You swallowed reincarnation and turned it into the land of your witch clan. This is using your own selfishness to become the selfishness of a clan!"

Hongjun said calmly, and everyone was stunned.

Hou Tu said quietly: "Hongjun, when will the great Taoist ancestors start talking nonsense?"

Regardless of Hongjun's appearance, the endless law and the power of Hunyuan Daluo are still devouring the reincarnation disk crazily.

"Have you ever seen Emperor Wa come out to stop me?"

"Taiqing, Yuqing, Shangqing. Don't stop me! Hou Tu's trip is going against heaven!"

Hongjun's voice was extremely dull.

Yuqing and Shangqing looked at each other and then looked at Taiqing.

Taiqing shook his head secretly. Just now, he just had the slightest thought, and then he began to have obscure ideas, and his Pangu authentic Qi was unsettled.

"What Hou Tu did was an act of good fortune, and it is the responsibility of her Pangu bloodline. If Sanqing wants to stop it, are you not afraid of the backlash from your own fate?"

"Not to mention, Pangu's will has only come out once."

Nuwa appeared quietly, without any strange phenomena like Hongjun's trip, but when she appeared, everyone's eyes fell on her.

"Hongjun, if you are injured, go back and recuperate.

Don’t worry that you won’t be able to complete your own affairs by then.

Now that the emergence of the tunnel has become a general trend, you insist on stopping it..."

Nuwa said softly.

The sentient beings felt awe-inspiring, lowering their heads and not knowing what they were thinking. They were even terrified, worried that they had heard something they shouldn't have heard.

Hongjun's emotionless eyes showed emotions for the first time.

Nuwa was too lazy to tell him, "You can do it all, and I can do it too. Why not?"

Hongjun didn't respond, but quietly disappeared from the place at this moment.

Guiyuan watched the confrontation between the two quietly, and his eyes also fell on Houtu Lianhua's action of swallowing the reincarnation disk.

[You have observed the reincarnation disk, understood the laws of reincarnation, integrated it into your own reincarnation in the Yuan Realm, and improved it. 】

[You have observed the method of reincarnation, and you try to integrate it into your own gate of Taiyi, so that reincarnation can come to its world. 】

There are countless insights about reincarnation emerging among the returning souls.

Not only is the sea of ​​blood changing, but the Guiyuan world of Guiyuan is also changing.

Return to Yuanjie.

It has been built at the bottom of the "Yellow Spring" in the Guiyuan world and many affiliated worlds.

The originally extremely rough reincarnation began to become more refined.

It seems that it was originally just a black hole on each level, and souls that had been cleansed of their sins were thrown into the black hole.

"The true spirit is immortal, so all living beings have the opportunity to seek the Tao."

"Reincarnation is not just as simple as maintaining the balance of heaven and earth, but also making its true spirit immortal. This allows all living beings to have the opportunity to attain enlightenment in countless lives."

When Guiyuan was building reincarnation, although he was extremely familiar with it and knew its function, his understanding of the law of reincarnation could only be said to be acceptable.

Now I see Hou Tu using the power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian to induce reincarnation.

Naturally, I have a deep understanding.

The ground flowers appeared behind Guiyuan, and there were more and more cracks on the ground flowers in the center.

However, not many people paid attention to Guiyuan's vision.

Because even Taiqing is comprehending.

Nuwa watched quietly and whispered to herself: "The heel advantage is really great."

And the reincarnation disk, which was originally full of cracks, seemed to have reached a certain critical point.


Suddenly broken.

All living beings feel as if their hearts are empty at this moment.

Countless fragments are floating in the sky above the underworld, and countless laws of reincarnation have emerged in the underworld. Especially the Sanqing, the three saints, now feel that the origin of heaven and earth is being lost crazily.

But they did not remind Hou Tu.

They knew Houtu knew.

One billionth of a moment.

The Houtu God's body, which was already full of cracks, swallowed all reincarnations into it at this moment.

The power of the supreme Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian continuously refines it.

‘Boom! ’

next moment.

Houtu God's body shattered suddenly.

Eleven figures flew out from it, and they were the remaining eleven ancestral witches.

Only Houtu was left floating in the air.

Her true form of the ancestral witch burst out with overwhelming divine light, illuminating the heavens and the universe, allowing hundreds of millions of creatures in the prehistoric times to witness this scene with their own eyes.

Hou Tu groaned,

"Today, when I arrive in the Netherworld, I should open the reincarnation. The reincarnation is incomplete and incomplete. I will refine it with my supreme strength, and then use my body to become the place of reincarnation of heaven and earth, open the door to all good, and complete the prehistoric world!"

As soon as these words came out, the scene of countless sentient beings appeared behind Hou Tu, and the heaven and earth were drawn by her at this moment.


As the oath fell, Hou Tu's true form of the ancestral witch instantly turned into the reincarnation disk just like before, spinning continuously in the sky of the underworld, with infinite divine power, and the aura of heaven shrouding it was retreating crazily.

An eternal aura emerged that seemed to hold the power of all spirits.

On the reincarnation disk that emerged, the three evil paths existing in the reincarnation disk that had been refined by Houtu appeared one after another.

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