All sentient beings only heard the loving voice of Hou Tu Guangbo, "All sentient beings are good, and reincarnation can establish the three virtuous paths. Those with great merits can enter the divine path, transform all beings into the innate sacred, and follow the extraordinary..."

Hou Tu's words were not finished yet, and he continued: "You can also enter the human world, and you can reincarnate all human beings! Although there is no innate divine superiority, there are all kinds of possibilities!"

"Or you can transform into an Asura clan, live in the Netherworld and the Sea of ​​Blood, and judge thousands of living beings with your body in the sea of ​​blood!"

After Nuwa, who was watching quietly on the side, finished speaking calmly, she turned her hand and took out the infinite breath of creation. All living beings evolved in it, and all things were born here. Nuwa casually slapped it into the reincarnation disk.


As soon as these words came out, mysterious Tao sounds resounded in the underworld. The dark earth roared, the mountains shook and the earth shook. The Tao rhyme lingered. There was endless golden light in the sky, gathering together, and landing with a roar, shaking the earth. .

The merits of heaven, the saintly virtues of humanity, and even the long-lost merits of the great avenue also appeared.

Now the entire sky has almost become a golden ocean.

The colorful rays of light illuminate the heavens, and the music of the great avenue resounds throughout the world!


The prehistoric world shook together, and a vast and infinite world, as vast as the prehistoric world, was born, and then continued to expand, connecting the prehistoric world and the four seas.

Endless vastness, endless breadth, endless depth, endless darkness!

In an instant.

The prehistoric starry sky shines brightly, billions of ancient stars resonate in unison, and endless starlight shines down.

The pillars of heaven and earth are all shaking together, all the mountains and rivers are cheering together, the oceans and rivers are singing together.

Flowers are falling from the sky and golden lotuses are flowing from the ground.

All the prehistoric creatures clearly feel that the prehistoric world is improving, the innate spiritual energy is majestic and rich, mountains are rising from the ground, and spiritual veins are emerging.

Innate spiritual roots compete for beauty, and countless creatures are transformed.

Countless creatures bathed under the Golden Lotus of the Great Dao, some directly transformed, and some directly broke through to the next realm.

"Empress Houtu is compassionate, thank you Empress Houtu!"

"Empress Houtu is compassionate, thank you Empress Houtu!"


Billions of creatures in the prehistoric era looked at Hou Tu's figure, knelt down one by one, and saluted with reverence and gratitude from the bottom of their hearts.

"Hiss, Houtu transforms into reincarnation and completes the world. This merit is so great!"

"I already feel that the world is more perfect. Although it makes me feel a little uncomfortable, it is easier to understand the laws."

"Well, you see what's going on, so much merit has been given to Gui Yuan! Could it be said that Gui Yuan contributed a lot to the reincarnation of Empress Ping Xin?"

"No, why is there still something going on with Emperor Wa and Styx!"

Looking at the majestic golden light falling, all the great supernatural powers took a breath, and the three saints were also frightened.

And in the eyes of Sanqing and the Great Divine Power, they were shocked to see that 70% of the majestic merits converged on the reincarnation disk transformed by Hou Tu's physical body.

The rotating turntable, emitting the power of reincarnation, trembled violently, and suddenly erupted into a dark light, like a dazzling light, but everyone saw Houtu, who had just turned into a reincarnation disk, reappear.

But now Houtu is covered with the law of infinite reincarnation, and a supreme reincarnation disk appears behind him. The disk is divided into six areas, and it seems that the supreme heavens are flowing in it, and the vast divine power is blooming here.

Half of it fell into Nuwa's hands, and Nuwa put it away casually.

Half of it fell on Styx, who remained motionless, as if he was still waiting for something.

As soon as he succeeded, he went straight to Guiyuan. Seeing this, Guiyuan remained unmoved. With a flick of his sleeve, he put the merit into his sleeve. At this moment, the Earth Flower Dao Seed behind Guiyuan was already crumbling and seemed to be broken at any time.

He is waiting too.

Reincarnation is only the first step, just like creating a human being is the first step.

The most important thing is the authentic birth.

Hou Tu looked forward and took a step forward. The aura on his body was vast, blending with the reincarnation, and the aura was even more terrifying.

"Authentic, now!"

The illusory and condensed reincarnation disk behind it is constantly expanding and expanding, and many people with great supernatural powers only feel the endless majesty blooming at this moment.

All sentient beings can only see the long river of time and the long river of destiny hidden in the wilderness suddenly appearing.

It exudes the aura of eternity, greatness and boundlessness.

But I saw that all the living beings who were originally struggling in the long river of destiny were enveloped by a Taoist charm. The living beings who gradually grew older in the long river of time began to undergo unpredictable changes in the future...

"The authentic way is based on reincarnation, punishes karma and promotes merit. It gives all souls the opportunity to reincarnate and the chance to realize the Tao!"

Ping Xin was wearing a bright yellow dress, her figure was graceful and flawless, her eyebrows were like distant daisy, her lips were like red clouds, and her skin was as white as jade, exuding an aura of sanctity, kindness, gentleness and love.

The infinite origin of the earth and the rules of the great road are clustered around her body, exuding the sacred majesty, eternity, the thickness of the earth, the broad kindness, the mystery of reincarnation, and the graceful and luxurious temperament.

"I control the tunnel, and I am the master of the tunnel. Peace of mind!"

"Reincarnation has been completed, the tunnel has appeared, and the underworld should be established to judge those with deep karma."

Pingxin looked solemn and spoke loudly, praying to heaven and earth, and registering in the underworld.

As soon as Ping Xin finished speaking, all sentient beings began to evolve into the underworld in their reincarnation.

Pieces of city walls gradually formed, and at the far end was a majestic checkpoint. The city wall was made of bluestone, and on the city gate were written three simple Taoist characters: Guimen Pass.

A small road in front of the Gate of Hell is the Underworld Road. When you step on the Underworld Road, yin and yang are separated.

After entering Guimen Pass, there is a huge city, this is Fengdu.

Passing by the city wall, we immediately arrived at Wangxiang Terrace...

There are also six reincarnation bridges in the Yin and Yang Division, namely: gold bridge, silver bridge, jade bridge, stone bridge, wooden bridge and bamboo bridge, connecting the six reincarnation bridges.

At this moment, Ping Xin's ethereal voice sounded again between heaven and earth.

"When the underworld is established, there should be a place for punishment, and eighteen levels of hell should be established. After the death of the living beings, their merits and demerits in life will be judged. Those whose merits are greater than their faults will enter the six realms of reincarnation, and those whose faults are greater than their merits will enter the eighteen levels of hell to atone for their sins. Only then can he enter reincarnation again, and the eighteen levels of hell will be established!

The eighteen levels of hell are arranged according to the length of suffering time and the severity of the punishment. Each hell is twenty times more painful and twice as long as the previous hell. Under the eighteen levels of hell, there is an endless hell.

Once you enter the endless hell, you will never be reincarnated! "

At this point, the place of reincarnation for all living beings has finally been completed.

Pingxin glanced at the completion of the evolution of the underworld, turned her hand and grabbed it, and a spiritual light emerged from the depths of the reincarnation disk and appeared in her hand. Immediately, she was shocked when she saw the human book, and then turned into two spiritual treasures. It was Spring and Autumn Period. The reincarnation pen and the book of life and death.

He shouted softly, "All living things in the ancient world, including those who have not entered the Great Luo Jin Immortal, will enter the cycle of reincarnation. Their names should be in the book of life and death, and their cause and effect, karma, blessings, and sins are all in it..."

As soon as the words fell, in the vast wilderness, heroic lights shot out, and they all rushed towards the underworld. Life and death were thinly separated, and a black energy surged up, absorbing all the colorful lights.

In the blink of an eye, countless names appeared on the book of life and death. These names included all the creatures in the ancient world who had not reached the level of Daluo Golden Immortal, even the existence of Taiyi Golden Immortal was among them.

If you want to modify the Book of Life and Death, you must use the Spring and Autumn Reincarnation Pen, but the price paid will depend on the strength, fortune, etc. of the creature being modified.

If you modify it indiscriminately, I am afraid that it will not only lead to karma, but also trigger the divine punishment to come, and the body will die completely.

After all, this is something against heaven, and if you do it forcefully, you will be punished by heaven.

"Nuwa, the Lord of Humanity, controls the lifespan of human beings and controls human letters!"

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