One person and one turtle continued to enter, and soon they came to a wide space with a huge boulder placed. Behind the boulder, deep in the light, was a huge abyss that suddenly opened up.

The light scattered by this huge stone illuminated the dome of the cave, but it seemed that it could not penetrate even half an inch into the abyss behind it. From the air, it looked pitch black.

Unable to even see the other end of the abyss, there was only a lifeless, eerie darkness.

There are also three words on this boulder, "Dead Soul Abyss".

"Is this the Necromantic Abyss?" Zeng Shushu glanced curiously.

This place is the turning point of Zhang Xiaofan's fate and the beginning of his entanglement with Baguio.

But now Zhang Xiaofan's fate has been changed by him.

He understands Zhang Xiaofan, maybe he wants to become stronger, or shine in front of everyone.

But it doesn't mean that he wants to experience the kind of struggle between good and evil.

Zeng Shushu doesn't like watching tragic movies. Zhang Xiaofan's future life in the original timeline may be exciting.

But the ending is sad.

He and Baguio still don't want to meet each other.

As compensation, Zeng Shushu often guided Zhang Xiaofan in his practice.

If Zeng Shushu had thought before, Tao is Tao and Buddha is Buddha.

But he knew that the Qingyunmen and Tianyin Temple's exercises came from the Heavenly Book. He used the deduction function of the group chat to fuse the two exercises together and taught them to Zhang Xiaofan.

With the cooperation of these two, Zhang Xiaofan's cultivation level has improved rapidly.

"There is no reincarnation in this world. All the souls who have died in the past will come here. Without reincarnation, the positive side of heaven and earth will become less and less, and the negative side will become more and more. It is an extremely heavy burden for heaven and earth.

This is why there were people like Qingye before.

But that won’t work now.

Because the burden of the world is too great, the spiritual energy extracted from heaven and earth is mixed with too many impurities..."

Guiyuan looked at the Necromantic Abyss, and after seeing the body of Houtu transformed into reincarnation, his effect on reincarnation became even higher.

The mechanism of reincarnation is an indispensable part of the world.

A world must have reincarnation or a reincarnation-like mechanism, otherwise the potential of this world will continue to decline until the balance between the Yin and Yang sides of heaven and earth completely collapses.

The result is world destruction.

When Zeng Shushu heard Gui Yuan's explanation, he couldn't help but feel alarmed, "Then we will speed up our actions. Once the Zhuxian world becomes a subsidiary world of the group leader, nothing will happen."


Guiyuan nodded. There was an inside story to the formation of this world. Whether it was the Zhuxian Sword or the Heavenly Book, the formation of this world must be related to the Jiejiao of a certain world.

Turning this world into a subsidiary world also allows him to master the breath of a new world.

Now he has in his hands the prehistoric worlds of Little Carp and Hongqi, two world-forming things. The former's Qilin blood and the latter's Ancestral Dragon's blood and Yuanfeng's blood come from the same world.

That prehistoric world would definitely be higher than the world Guiyuan is in now. After all, three drops of blood affected the formation of two worlds, even if it was just a small world.

If you can go there, you will definitely gain a lot.

There are also the parallel world of the Fengyun World, the crimson plane of the Douluo World, the place where the leader of the Otsutsuki clan went and the Samsara Palace in the Naruto World.

Guiyuan thought carefully and found that he still had many things on his hands that he had not yet dealt with.

One man and one turtle jumped down towards the Dead Soul Abyss. The dead souls around them sensed the presence of living people and were about to come forward, but were instantly shaken away by Zeng Shushu.

The two fell to the bottom and floated in the air. Their breath instantly alerted a giant beast hiding in the deep sea here, and two huge lights, almost as tall as two people, rose up.

An extremely huge black snake slowly appeared in front of them.

Its lower body was coiled, and the snake's body was soaked in the sea water. The black water black snake could be seen standing upright in mid-air with its upper body and head staring at Zeng Shushu and Guiyuan.

It seemed that the aura on their bodies frightened the Blackwater Black Snake.

The Blackwater Black Snake just assumed an attacking posture, and Guiyuan just glanced at it casually, looked at Zeng Shushu and said: "If you are interested, you can take it back and become a protector of the sect. I have already felt the breath of the book.

I'll go check it out and you deal with it. "

"Okay, group leader!"

After that, Guiyuan flew towards a certain place.

Zeng Shushu nodded and looked at the Black Water Black Snake, which had left Zhang Xiaofan extremely embarrassed in its original fate. Countless mana emerged from his palm, and a sea of ​​thunder emerged behind him.

"Little Snake Snake, are you going to come back to me obediently, or are you going to be made into snake soup by me?"

Although the Black Water Black Snake is a strange beast, it is also a beast. It is naturally afraid of thunder, and the thunder controlled by Zeng Shushu is not a simple thunder. He learned the Suanni Treasure Technique from the exchange with Liu Shen.

The power is even more extraordinary.

Seeing this, the Black Water Black Snake's body began to slowly retreat, as if it wanted to escape back into the Merciless Sea.

Elsewhere, Guiyuan had already found the cave and the mechanism. He used Ruyi's size to transform into human size and walked into the stone room.

The entire stone chamber is circular in shape, and the tunnel is in the middle of the stone chamber. Opposite it, there is actually a passage extending inwards. It seems that this is not the only end.

On the left side of the stone chamber, there are two huge stone statues. One stands with kind eyebrows and a smile, and its clothes are carved as lifelike as the wind. It looks a bit like the Buddhist Guanyin Bodhisattva.

The other one has a completely different appearance. It is ferocious and ferocious, with a black face, ghostly horns, eight hands and four heads, and even a trace of blood flowing down the side of its mouth, which makes people shudder.

In the original work, these two are the gods of the Demon Cult.

One created the world and the other created all things.

Sounds familiar?

Pangu and Nuwa.

For Baguio, Zhang Xiaofan and others, this is a myth and legend, but for Guiyuan, it is valuable. There are many mysteries in the world of Zhu Xian.

"The person who created heaven, the person who created man... The legend in the Taoist side is indeed Pangu and Nuwa. Two in one? Yin and Yang, negative?"

Guiyuan only thought of two aspects. Often in a world, some beings often play many roles. In the righteous way, they admit that Pangu created the world and Nuwa created all spirits.

But in the devil's path, it is the Holy Mother of Youming and the King of Heavenly Shaming.

It's possible that there are two existences with different explanations.

Or another possibility is personality theft.

In fact, it means transferring your credit to me, affecting the cohesion of your personality, and even taking over the concepts that provide you with strength.

This kind of behavior exists in some later faiths. Nuwa said that those who embark on the road of transcendence will find it very difficult to die.

Because once your legend and personality are left in a certain world, you can be reborn through it.

But if your personality is invaded.

You cannot rely on rebirth.

"But who is competing with Pangu in this world for the position of opening the sky? King Tiansha Ming..."

Guiyuan couldn't figure it out, so forget it. Once he gets the five volumes of the Heavenly Book and pulls Zhuxian World over, he will naturally know who it is.

Guiyuan withdrew his gaze and continued walking along the tunnel. He first went to one of the stone rooms. His soul swept out and found the small iron box.

There was a golden bell inside. With a slap of the tortoise's claws, the whole iron box shattered, and a burst of black gas came out. The poison, called Ancient Corpse Poison, was blown away by Gui Yuan.

He didn't take away the golden bell either, leaving it to the little girl.

All he wants is the Book of Heaven.

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