Guiyuan floated into another stone room. This stone room actually contained nothing, but it was much larger than the one just now.

But on the hard stone wall of the stone chamber, there are densely carved stone words. This is his goal, the first volume of the Book of Heaven.

The general outline of the Book of Heaven.

It can be said that to be honest, this general outline should be the most important. The black-hearted old man got the first volume of the Book of Heaven, but he just said that he was a person of the devil, so he could understand the magic of the devil.

Compared with other heavenly books.

This general outline is the most critical, and the general outline will also let Guiyuan clearly know whether the Heavenly Book is the Tao of Lingbao.

Guiyuan's eyes fell on the heavenly book.

Guiyuan didn't even read those words. What he felt was the Taoist rhyme inside and the power existing in each word. This is why the Book of Heaven cannot be disseminated.

Because only by seeing it with your own eyes can you fully understand the power of the Book of Heaven with the help of Daoyun.

"The creation of heaven and earth is called a time of chaos and ignorance..."

The Taoist rhyme in Guiyuan's insights was quickly combined with his fifth volume.

[You understand the ‘Tao of Spiritual Treasures’, which contains some Taoist rhyme. The Tao of the end cannot be infinite, and can change in thousands of ways...]

[You combine the understanding of the city of disaster and the understanding of the end, and create the magical power - destroy the world! 】

Guiyuan's mind flickered, and combined with his countless previous insights, even he was a little surprised, "The path to the end cannot be infinite?"

This is the Lingbao's way of intercepting a trace of vitality, which is more ambitious than the original morality of cutting off the teachings. It is probably the Lingbao's way of ending its own morality to a higher level.

When Nuwa was discussing Taoism with him, she once said that the person of "Lingbao" symbolizes the infinity and eternity, and he is the "future" itself.

And just like in the prehistoric times, the original moral principle of Jiejiao, "to intercept a trace of life", is just like the shadow of water on the riverside, which is only part of the meaning of "infinite, eternal change".

It is tantamount to explaining that the principles of heaven are only part of the self-eternal nature, and the way of inaction is only part of the beginningless and endless part.

"So this world was really opened up by the influence of people from the Jie Cult, or even a certain Lingbao Tianzun who was approaching his limit?"

But in this case, a situation similar to 'personality theft' will occur.

Guiyuan puts these situations behind him and will know when the Zhuxian world becomes his affiliated world.

He was still absorbing the Taoist rhyme in the first volume of the Heavenly Book. He knew that he would gain something from reading the first volume of the Heavenly Book, but he did not expect that the harvest would be so great.

The way to the end cannot be infinite.

These two tend to be incremental.

Jie Jiao first deduced the idea of ​​intercepting a trace of vitality from the heaven and earth from the way of Shangqing. This was the original version of Jie Jiao. Then he deduced it later and discovered that the world is constant. In fact, the best way to intercept a trace of vitality is to destroy the laws of heaven. .

Become the way of the end.

This is the difference between the way of the end and the way of pure destruction. The end is for future development, and destruction means that there is no future.

The path of destruction falls far short of the path of the end.

And the path to the end will continue to be deduced in the future, which means that it cannot be infinite, and the future is unknown.

It is already the masterpiece of Lingbao.

I'm afraid that when you can fully grasp the infinity, you should already have mastered the 'Lingbao' status.

After Guiyuan absorbed it all, he turned around and left. He had to get the Zhuxian world.

Now that he had the general outline of the Heavenly Book, he deduced it. In fact, there was no need for five volumes of the Heavenly Book. It would be enough to collect one more volume of the Heavenly Book.

Naturally, the best target is the volume in the Emperor's Treasure House.

Ancient times.

Guiyuan felt the power coming from the Zhuxian world.

There is already a trace of aura lingering on that trace of power, which is ethereal, mysterious, vast, and has a feeling of eternity.

It was even more mysterious and unpredictable than the river of destiny he saw after Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

The river of destiny is unpredictable only because it is mixed with the fate of countless living beings.

But this gleam of brilliance is the concept of ‘future’ itself.

There is no reason, just because it is what it is.

"Is this unlimited power?"

Guiyuan felt that trace of power. You must know that even Nuwa and the eight stars in all realms have tried to use creation to explain the personal power of Yuanshi, Taishang and Lingbao.

These three personalities are extremely powerful and even supreme existences among many personalities.

The power possessed by the ‘Lingbao’ person is not infinite.

You can imagine how strong this power is.

He didn't expect to get a trace of this power in the Zhuxian world.

"This trace of power may allow me to obtain excellent conveniences. It may even allow me to obtain the spiritual treasure status..."

This infinite power is a key.

It would give him the opportunity to obtain the personal power of the ‘Lingbao’.

"I originally planned to have nothing to do with Jiejiao, but I didn't expect that there would be some cause and effect in the end..."

Guiyuan shook his head, but this 'cutting' is still far from being infinite, if Tongtian in this prehistoric world cannot make his 'way of cutting' take another step forward.

Even Guiyuan is more suitable for the 'Lingbao' status than Tongtian.

The ancestral land of the human race.

"Chief, most newborns have died of dysentery. Originally, some monsters with lower cultivation levels have been killed, but if they leave the coast of the East China Sea, most newborns will suffer if the corpses of those monsters are eaten. No."

Yuan frowned and listened to the news.

Since the human race was given the human immortal martial arts by Gui Yuan, their strength has grown by leaps and bounds.

The Earth Immortal Capital, which originally had the largest base, had not yet reached the human race, but now it is even more successful in martial arts.

The birth of such a large number of strong men, as well as human immortal martial arts, require a large amount of flesh and blood to be tempered before the acupoints are opened. Otherwise, the physical body cannot meet the standards for opening the nine orifices.

If you forcefully open the nine orifices.

On the contrary, it will damage the foundation, so the meat is consumed extremely quickly.

If East China Sea Coast continues to be responsible for the development of the human race, it will completely destroy the various forms of life in the ancestral land of East China Sea Coast.

Therefore, the human race also began to expand its own human territory.

But the demons on the coast of the East China Sea are different from the demons outside the coast of the East China Sea. It doesn't matter if the demons on the coast of the East China Sea eat them directly, but the demons outside are extremely susceptible to plague after eating newborn babies.

Nowadays, several generations later, the human race no longer seems to have innate cultivation skills. Although they become stronger quickly after practicing martial arts, newborns are fragile.

Gui was listening by the side. The map of endless good fortune she constructed was based on the luck of the human race and could sense the number of good fortunes of the human race.

The number of strong people in the human race is increasing, and there are also many casualties in pioneering the wilderness. If there are no new babies to supplement them, the potential of the human race will be lower and lower in the future...

Gui said worriedly: "Should we ask the Holy Father to see if there is any way?"

Thanks to Boundless Blood Sea and the Immortal Demon Ancestor for the reward of 588 reading coins

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