Yuan thought for a moment and shook his head, then said: "The Holy Father has already passed down the cultivation techniques. If we bother him with such a small problem, how can our human race continue to strengthen ourselves?"

Gui could only nod.

Yuan Pan thought for a while and then said: "Pass it down and recruit great sages from the human race to find a way to solve this problem. If anyone can solve this problem.

I will worship you as a great sage of the human race, and we can discuss major issues of the human race in the future. "


The person who made the report quickly went down to report.

Gui was a little curious, so he looked at Yuan and said, "Great sage of the human race? But it's really time to let some people help us."

Yuan nodded and stood up. He was tall and handsome. He was carefully made by Nuwa according to the appearance she wanted. He was naturally handsome and extremely handsome.

He cupped his hands toward the ancestral temple and said: "The Holy Mother created us, and the Holy Father taught us. Our human race has prospered. We were born on the shores of the East China Sea and fell to the ground. The Holy Mother has already dropped the charm on the shores of the East China Sea to protect us as we grow.

The Holy Father teaches us human immortal martial arts and allows us to grow gradually.

Now that we can go out of the East China Sea, we must remember to strive for self-improvement, so we can only solve it ourselves. "

Yuan smiled and said: "There are so many of our human race. If we can produce new ones before, we will be able to produce more great sages in the future. I will gather these great sages and serve as the helmsman of the human race."

Gui nodded, "Okay."

Yuan's orders spread toward the human race territory at the speed of wind and clouds. Today's human race has long begun to gather together, and this gathering is often based on blood ties.

The places where they live are all caves.

The man leading one of the caves is called Suiren.

Suiren is better at the path of fire. Even after he switched to martial arts, the inner world he built was still burning with fire.

"Many tribes know this method of cooking it with fire, but the problem is that once the warriors or monks lose control of their flames, they will go out.

Most of the warriors of the tribe need to go to pioneer the wilderness..."

Suiren touched his chin, this was definitely not what the human race needed.


Suiren sat outside the cave and looked outside. Soon the clear sky began to darken. Suiren felt that countless negative forces lingering in the sky turned into black clouds drop by drop, poor wind and bad water, and countless clouds and rain.

See this.

‘Boom! ’

A huge thunder sounded, and an extremely bright flash of lightning flashed across the sky, as if it was about to pierce through the sky and the earth.

It was like heaven's punishment on the world, falling directly on a big tree in the distance, and countless flames rose up from the wood.

Seeing this scene, Suiren was thoughtful, but the most important thing now was to resist the wind and rain. He quickly yelled: “Everyone, go back to the cave!”

Today's cold wind and rain can kill a newborn baby at any time, and the cave is the best shelter at this time.

The tribesmen who originally went out hunting and looking for edible things kept coming back.

Countless heavy rains and strong winds swept down. Outside the cave, Suiren inspired his own energy and blood, and countless flames swept around to stop these wind and rain.

It doesn't mean that nothing will happen if you stay in the cave.

The chill brought by the wind and rain is enough to kill many newborns.

But the rainwater condensed down, constantly colliding with the flames bursting out from the Suiren, constantly weakening the heat inside.

Although this place on the coast of the East China Sea is blessed by the Holy Mother of God, those so-called demons are like pigs and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

But natural disasters are more terrifying.

The strong wind penetrated into the cave through the gap between the collision of rain and Suiren's flames.

"Damn it!"

Suiren shouted: "Keep going back!"

The footsteps in the cave continued one after another, and they continued to retreat into the cave, relying on the distance of the cave to weaken the chill of the strong wind.

"Chief, you can't go in again. It's cold inside the cave, and some of the new humans have begun to tremble. If you continue to enter, the new humans may die young."

A human race ran out of the cave and said quickly.

Suiren frowned and said, "Let them stop."

After all, keep squeezing your own strength.

The weakened flames began to erupt outwards again, forcing out all the chill that wanted to invade the cave.

Suiren didn't know how long it took before the violent storm slowly subsided. The heavy downpour had now turned into light rain.

Suiren breathed a sigh of relief and finally got through.

News was quickly passed from layer to layer into the cave, and soon the sound of reports came. It was heard that in the cave, two newborns who had just been born were still dead.

There was sadness on Suiren's face.

The main reason is that newborns cannot practice. Otherwise, the adaptability of human immortal martial arts to humans can only reach the second level of body tempering. After tempering the flesh, there is no need to worry about the cold.

The main reason is that the environment is too harsh for newborns to survive, not only the cold, but also meat...

There is only one thing that needs to solve these two problems.

That’s ‘fire’!

Human monks can indeed start fires, but it is impossible for human monks to say that flames are rising all the time.


Soon, when the heavy rain came just now, a thunder flashed down, and the big tree was on fire.

Suiren quickly looked at the big tree and found that it was still burning. He stepped on it and couldn't help but fly to the big tree.

"Thunder strikes wood... wood can carry flames. But why does lightning strike wood make it burn?"

Suiren began to wonder, there was no magic power to maintain the flame burning, and when the flame was generated, it looked like a special thunder.

But that was only for a moment, and there would be no magic power to support him from now on.

Suiren thought, there must be something mysterious in this.

For a while, he tried to create flames like thunder, constantly hitting another piece of wood with one piece of wood.

Found that there was still no flame coming out.

Suiren felt a little warmth where the wood collided, and the original surface of the wood was a little charred.

It looks like burned wood.

"This is the method..."

Sui Ren thought, but he found that it was not beating, but friction and heat at extremely fast speeds that produced heat faster.

Finally, on this day, when the Sui people made fire by drilling wood, they got the first ray of fire, which was the first ray of fire in the prehistoric times.

Suiren raised the money, and his whole body trembled.

"Humanity is the best. Today, the Sui people of the human race are drilling wood to make fire. From now on, we, the human race, will drive away the night and say goodbye to eating hair and drinking blood!"


Suddenly, the world was shocked, and many powerful people who paid attention to the human race were a little shocked.

"Tell humanity, is this a sign of the coming of saintliness? Human race?"

"how so?"

"Holy virtue is so difficult to obtain, and this human race actually let human beings confer holy virtue."

I saw a holy virtue coming after Suiren succeeded in drilling wood to make fire.

Shengde was divided into two parts, and a large portion was inserted into Suiren's tool for drilling wood to make fire, and it instantly became a spiritual treasure of acquired merit.

But the remaining part of the holy virtue was absorbed by Suiren.

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