“Your Majesty, all races and spirits in the wild land.

Almost all of them practice by breathing in and refining the power of morning light, moonlight and stars.

If we use the ‘Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation’ to forcibly block the power of the ancient stars. "

"All the races and spirits in the ancient land and sea will regard our Demon Clan Heavenly Court as their enemies. Your Majesty, please think twice!"

The demon god Lu Wu stood up and expressed his opinions solemnly to Emperor Jun. He sat in heaven to supervise the ancient world, so he naturally knew how important the power of the stars was to all living beings in the ancient world.

If the power of the stars projected into the prehistoric world is weakened, the consequences may be considerable.

"Your Majesty, I also agree with Lu Wu Demon God's suggestion, please think again!"

Shang Yang, Ji Meng and other demon gods all came out to support Lu Wu.

At this time.

Jiuying stood up.

"Your Majesty, the prehistoric land is controlled by the Witch Clan. We, the Monster Clan, use the 'Sky Star Array' to monopolize the power of all the stars. This will not only weaken the Witch Clan, but also strengthen our Monster Clan."

"And the same is true for the human race. They are clearly created by Emperor Wa, but they have actually tried to compete with the monster race for the ancient territory, their golden elixir avenue and human immortal martial arts.

It requires the power of Zhoutian Xingdou to practice within a certain period of time. "

"As long as there is no power from Zhoutian Xingdou, their cultivation speed will also slow down!"

"I second the proposal!"

"I second the proposal!"

"I second the proposal!"

Rows of powerful Daluo men came out in unison, and they all seconded Jiuying's suggestion, and their voices echoed throughout the Lingxiao Palace.

Di Jun knocked on the armrest of the throne.

I couldn't help but look in one direction, but I saw that it was empty. I took a deep breath. That was where the demon master Kunpeng was.

Kunpeng can still make some suggestions for anything in the past.

And because Di Jun and Tai Yi have already promised him, finding an opportunity will help him resolve the cause and effect, Hongyun's cause and effect.

Di Jun and Kunpeng are also closely related.

So this is why he originally let Kunpeng control the two formations to kill the Queen Mother of the West and win the Shaoyin Qi for Xihe.

But who knew that Guiyuan would have so many methods.

There's even a god-killing gun.

With one shot, even Kunpeng's true spirit was completely destroyed, and not even Hetu Luoshu could stop him.

Di Jun was also a little shocked, if Guiyuan's original target was not Kunpeng, but him.

What should he do?

Di Jun suppressed his surging thoughts and looked at the demon clan's think tank, Bai Ze.

"Your Majesty, since so many colleagues agree to monopolize the power of the stars, how about we try it out for a while and then see the effect?"


After hearing Bai Ze's steady advice, Di Jun nodded and agreed.

We really have to look at the reaction. The key is Emperor Wa's reaction.

If Emperor Wa had clear objections, he would still need to go to Zixiao Palace to see how to deal with it.

After the big meeting.

Emperor Jun took Hetu Luoshu as the main formation, with 365 Daluo masters holding star flags, and 129,600 Taiyi masters activating the power of the stars.


In an instant.

The sky is full of stars.

Billions of ancient stars seemed to be all lit up, bursting out with monstrous starlight and divine light, casting a massive amount of star energy, blending into the formation.

The star formations around the sky are turning violently, the stars are shining brightly, the heavenly secrets are moving, the starry sky has evolved into a rational one, and the mystery of the great avenue of stars has been interpreted.

The sun star shines brightly, illuminating the entire prehistoric world like daylight without a trace of darkness.

There are countless untransformed land creatures and ocean creatures greedily absorbing the power of the stars. Some of them transformed directly and smoothly, and some directly broke through to the next realm.

But all this lasted only a few hours.

All the power of the stars was cut off by the ‘Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation’, and no more power of stars spilled into the prehistoric world.

Feel it all.

All the quasi-sage powerful men and powerful men of Daluo looked towards the heaven together.

‘The demon tribe has monopolized the power of all the stars for its own selfishness. Are they trying to extirpate themselves from the wild world? ’

over time.

All races and spirits are unable to absorb and refine the power of the morning light, moonlight and stars, resulting in their own inability to practice, and endless resentment gathers and shoots straight into the sky.

But all this.

The Demon Clan Heavenly Court didn’t care.

In the North Sea.

After comprehending the way of the end, Guiyuan, who could not be infinite, felt that the power of the stars in the sky that he was absorbing every moment suddenly surged for a period of time.

It dropped countless times in an instant, just as it was as easy as drinking water for him to swallow the power of the stars.

Now it's like extracting the power of the stars from the mist.

"The Demon Clan Heavenly Court, for its own selfishness, does not care about the life and death of all the creatures in the past. It is simply exterminating itself in the past!"

Guiyuan looked at the sky.

With Di Jun's royal mind, he would never be so narrow-minded.

Heavenly Court, as the orthodox ruler of the ancient world, governs the three realms, and uses its own selfish interests to deprive the creatures of the ancient land and sea of ​​the power of the stars to practice.

What qualifications does such a heaven have to rule the prehistoric times?

Di Jun is not a fool.

Since he has made such a decision, there must be many factors influencing it, and there is only one possible influence at most.

He finally chose his side.

It is no longer the heaven that represents the gathering of all the spirits in the world.

Instead, it represents the Heavenly Court that governs the prehistoric times, just like Haotian in the future.

Before, it was just a secret move.

Now that even the Zhoutian Star Formation has been used, it goes without saying that it is definitely a star.

‘How about I show off my cards! ’

"If you want people to perish, you need people to be crazy!"

Guiyuan shook his head. In doing so, Di Jun had completely renounced his own behavior as the master of humanity.

But yes.

Compared with the original timeline, humanity is under the control of Heaven, and even Nuwa does not have many chess pieces to use.

The demon clan is an extremely important chess piece for Nuwa. Taiyi, who is likely to be reincarnated as Emperor Xuanyuan in the future, will use it to unite the demon clan to resist heaven.

But now, Nuwa has awakened the will of humanity, and the development of her own human race is not weak, so she is no longer the so-called puppet overlord.

In the future battle between humanity and heaven, the human race will be the main force.

So Nuwa told him that the remaining two saints among the three saints of humanity have been appointed by her to the human race.

Lord of all spirits and Lord of mankind.

The Lord of all spirits is Yuan, and Yuan is one, which gives birth to two, two gives rise to three, and three gives birth to all things.

The leader of the human race is Gui, which symbolizes the unity of all things.

However, Nuwa said that she had never found an opportunity to break in. After all, heaven has been controlling all the spirits in the world for so long.

It is more difficult to have an entry point and use the heavenly rule to control all creatures in the world.

Even if she is Emperor Wa, she cannot reverse the general trend of humanity. The general trend of humanity is the thoughts and ideas of all sentient beings in the prehistoric times.

But now, while Heavenly Court is taking sides, it has already put the opportunity in front of the human race.

The simplest thing is that if the human race can control all spirits and conquer the heavens, Yuan will be able to become a saint.

Originally, the lichs were fighting, but now the calamity has quietly changed, and the human race can intervene in it with those who can carry it with humanity.

Moreover, the human race was created by Nuwa, who is the master of humanity. Nuwa cannot personally intervene, but her children follow the will of the Holy Mother.

It is also common sense to clear away the rebellious heaven.

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