Witch clan.

Di Jiangyao looked at the sky, which was darker than before, and the light of the sun was no longer so warm.

Zhu Jiuyin said calmly from the side: "I'm afraid that guy Di Jun has already chosen his own path.

I plan to lean on Hongjun's side.

With the help of the large formation to weaken the strength of all the spirits in the wild, we, the Witch Clan, and the Human Clan use it to enhance the power of their Demon Clan. "

"It's normal. After all, among the three tribes of lich and humans, although the demon tribe is powerful, there is no Hunyuan of its own race.

After all, it is just a castle in the air and cannot last long.

And Emperor Guanwa, she doesn't seem to be on the side of the demon clan.

Instead, she supported the human race even more, which made us worried for a long time. "Di Jiang turned his head and looked at Pangu Hall, before the younger sister became the master of the tunnel.

I've already told him.

It was a very wrong decision for the Wu Clan to intervene with the Monster Clan to compete for the hegemony of heaven and earth. The Wu Clan's own characteristics are more suitable for being the ones who maintain the prehistoric world.

The evil spirit and turbid air that all living beings cannot avoid are nourishment for the shaman clan.

He was also born with magical powers, which he used to straighten the earth's veins and maintain the ancient world.

Just saying.

Now that the Wu Clan has been involved in the prehistoric hegemony for so long in the past, naturally it doesn't just mean you quit.

The fate of the witch clan has become intertwined with humanity's struggle.

If we go down this road, we must win, and the winner takes all.

Then with the help of the luck and merit of the prehistoric overlord, he forcibly suppressed all the karma and killing sins accumulated during the calamity.

Process it slowly.

Di Jiang and Di Jun had this idea before, but now it seems that as long as they don't become Hunyuan, they are just pawns after all.

Now that the little sister has become a saint, their witch clan also has a way out.

Di Jiang no longer needs to think about the consequences of failure.

Zhu Jiuyin's eyes seemed to have endless time passing by, and everything in the world seemed to be developing in his eyes. He said quietly: "Now the heaven is going backwards and boiling and filling the sky, wait until the time is about the same.

We raise our flag to conquer the sky, maybe my eldest brother can also become enlightened! "

Di Jiang looked at Zhu Jiuyin and asked, "But haven't we discussed before that Emperor Wa's choice of human saints is very likely to be in the human race."

Zhu Jiuyin shook his head and said: "But if virtue is not matched, how can the human race produce a saint..."

“Let’s think about it again, now Emperor Wa and Guiyuan are helping my little sister become enlightened.

No matter what their purpose is or what their plan is.

They helped my little sister after all, and we, the Wu Clan, must bear their karma..." Di Jiang hesitated and said.

Guiyuan and Wahuang had just helped Houtu become Pingxin. Although there might be some other plan inside, it would be ungenerous for the Wu clan to immediately target the human clan.


Zhu Jiuyin nodded.

Now is the best development for the Wu clan.

Although the Wu Clan cannot get direct help from the little sister, there is a retreat that can protect the last bloodline of the Wu Clan.

The younger sister's becoming a saint has not made the Dutian Shensha Formation of the Wu Clan useless. The Thirteenth Ancestral Witch who was born today is still practicing the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique.

Although there is little sister's inheritance, after all, it still takes time compared to them.

"Let's take a look first. Now that Emperor Jun is doing this, Honghuang will definitely not be at peace."

The coast of the East China Sea.

Yuan felt the power of the stars suddenly falling between heaven and earth, and couldn't help but raise his head.

Looking at the sun in the distance, it is no longer as hot as before.


Yuan whispered, not expecting Di Jun to behave like this.

Such interception of Zhou Tian Xing Dou's power would not only affect their human race.

Not all the ethnic groups living on the ancient continent have joined the demon tribe, and there are also those ethnic groups who are cultivating in the major caves and spiritual mountains.

That is actually an extremely huge force.

Originally, these ethnic groups were neutral and neither joined nor resisted the existence of the demon tribe.

Now the demon clan has pushed it to the other side.

"What should I do..."

Yuan quickly put this behind him, now was not the time to care about the others.

Although the power of the stars required by the Human Immortal Martial Arts is actually not much, it will eventually be affected.

And those who are more affected are those who practice the golden elixir path.

In fact, many parts of the so-called aura of heaven and earth are the power of stars.

Now if the power of the stars is intercepted, the growth rate of the people who practice the golden elixir avenue will be drastically reduced.

The speed of human race's continuous growth will be cut in half.

Sure enough, it didn't take long.

Many clansmen who practice the golden elixir path came to ask Yuan what to do. Now in this situation, even the power of the stars cannot be absorbed.

The speed of incorporating the power of heaven and earth is greatly slowed down.

At this moment, Gui Cong descended from the sky. Seeing this, Yuan quickly asked: "What's wrong?"

"The statue of the Holy Father in the Holy Father Temple has changed."

"Let's get there quickly!"

When Yuan heard about it, the two hurried to the Holy Father Temple. The Holy Father Temple was simply built with stones, and the statues of the Holy Father inside were all made of clay.

The previous size of the Holy Father Temple was indeed smaller than that of the Holy Mother Temple.

After passing down the Immortal Martial Arts to Guiyuan, the Holy Father Temple was raised to the same specifications as the Holy Mother Temple under everyone's suggestions. After all, the power of enlightenment gave the human race the power to fight fiercely in the prehistoric times.

The Holy Father is indispensable.

Yuan and Gui walked into the Holy Father Temple. The last time Taiqing preached, something happened in the Holy Father Temple. A statue of a clay statue came out to observe Taiqing's enlightenment.

Nowadays, the statue of the Holy Father is also glowing slowly when Yuan comes in.

A ray of spiritual light rushed out from the center of the brow of the statue of the Holy Father, and rushed into Yuan's brow without saying a word. Yuan naturally did not avoid it, and the Holy Father would definitely not harm them.

Wait aside.

Yuan slowly opened his eyes, his eyes full of joy and said: "The spiritual light just now is a star mirror, given by the Holy Father to humans for use. It can shake the stars in the sky and let the power of the stars fall down."

"The Holy Father really protects the human race. The Holy Father has already noticed when we encountered difficulties." Hearing this, Gui was filled with joy.

"This is an opportunity for our human race!! With the Star Mirror as our support, we can also win over other ethnic groups. If Heaven is doing this, many ethnic groups must be dissatisfied with Heaven's lack of justice.

These are our help! "

Yuan spoke with great pride at this moment, "There is no way in heaven, so we will attack it! Heaven is supposed to represent the existence of governing all spirits to balance the existence of humanity.

But now that he is doing this for his own selfishness, he has lost his destiny as a human being. "

Gui nodded in recognition of Yuan.

"But we still have to be cautious and take it step by step. Don't act too hastily and destroy the strength of our clan now."

"Don't worry, our human race is developing much faster than other ethnic groups. Now with the help of many great sages, many problems have been solved. Next is the time when our human race will develop at the fastest speed!"

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