The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 270 Hong Yun’s calculation, Zi Qi’s defeat!

Guiyuan, who was observing Huoyun Cave, couldn't help but sigh when he saw Zhen Yuanzi taking action.

He had already stated that there was something wrong with Hongyun's enlightenment this time.

But it seemed that Zhen Yuanzi still couldn't let go of Hong Yun, his friend for countless years. However, Gui Yuan looked through Si Ming and saw the countless causal threads entwined on Hong Yun's body.

And the feeling of being confused by calamity and destiny.

"Hongyun is the back-up chess piece you use to control humanity. If the development of humanity exceeds your control, you will start to use various back-ups to forcibly restrict humanity..."

Guiyuan was thinking, but Hongjun's thoughts were still very clear.

It is to forcibly lock the creatures in the ancient world into a certain situation, so that they can not break through.

It is even said that for the safety of the ancient world, they can even cut their feet to fit their shoes, forcibly suppress the various potentials of the ancient creatures, and prevent more powerful people from appearing.

It will be extremely difficult for him to become a Golden Immortal in the future, let alone become a Da Luo.

It can only be said that Hongjun’s actions are beneficial to the world, not to all spirits.

There may even be the idea of ​​​​suppressing Pangu Daoguo and trying to suppress Pangu Dao with his own Dao.

This guy Hongjun has been reincarnated since the chaos period to this moment.

I don’t know how many of his backhands there are in the world, but those who were around the same era as him have fallen, fallen, and are incomplete.

Now Hongyun is moving, coupled with the great fortune Hongyun mentioned.

Otherwise, it would be really difficult for Guiyuan to deduce that Hongjun might have the remains of the Destiny God and Demon in his hands, or even a spiritual treasure.

This time it's another game of chess.

To be honest, Hongjun's Tao does not conflict with him. The ones who have a direct conflict with Hongjun should be Houtu and Nuwa. After all, Hongjun wants to represent the Tao of Heaven to suppress the Tao of Earth and Humanity.

But who let this guy Hongjun do it?

Big heart.

Even if he breaks through to the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, he has to take care of it. If it wasn't when he broke through the Hunyuan Golden Immortal in the early stage, it would be when he attained enlightenment in Houtu.

There may be another catastrophe.


Hongjun already regarded him as an enemy. Guiyuan naturally couldn't know Hongjun's move, so he shouldn't take action.

Hongjun probably didn't expect that he could rely on Si Ming to indirectly deduce the cause and effect of all human beings through all human beings.

This is the existence of another system.

And what Guiyuan revealed at the beginning was not all. It would take some time for them to fully understand the most fundamental structure of the 'Lord of the Future'.

This period of time is enough for Guiyuan to secretly profit from "Si Ming".

In Guiyuan's mind, the power of billions of human beings emerged instantly, because he is the holy father of the human race appointed by Nuwa, and the human race is the carrier of human destiny.

He can also call upon some of the power of humanity.

In one billionth of a second.

His thoughts continued to rise, and finally he saw all the creatures in the wild before his eyes.

An endless amount of information kept pouring into his mind.

"The fate of heaven has fallen, and the luck of humanity has been lost..."

"The human race has begun to gather the surrounding races..."

"The cow tribe and horse tribe were secretly summoned to the underworld..."

Guiyuan used Si Ming's perspective to locate Hongyun. Hongyun was already a quasi-sage and naturally could not deprive him of his lifespan.

But using it to deduce his cause and effect is easy.

All the spirits in front of Guiyuan gradually disappeared, and then only Hongyun's figure was left floating and rising. An extremely huge causal line appeared on Hongyun's body, and at the end of the causal line was a mist, with bursts of purple mist lingering in it.

‘Hongjun. ’

Guiyuan only glanced at it and knew that this causal line was Hongjun, who was behind Hongyun's situation.

There are two extremely large causal lines in the future, connecting the two fogs, but these two fogs are only a faint layer, and Guiyuan can easily spy on who it is.

The two saints at the end are Zhunti and Jieyin.

It would be okay if these two people did not become saints. Once they became saints, the reason why Zhunti and Hongyun gave way to the throne in the first place would become a huge cause and effect.

This is the first debt that Zhunti has incurred, and it is also one that they must repay.

When Guiyuan heard that Zhunti and Gui Yuan had made ninety-nine ambitions for them, without any reference to repaying the grace of giving up the throne, he knew that they were going to take action against Hongyun.


Guiyuan suddenly stopped. It was Hongjun who took the absolute lead in the sanctification of Zhunti and Jie Yin. They could become saints.

Although it is also said to be repaying the great cause and effect, the West is actually not without candidates.

For the royal family of the West, white tigers are enough.

Moreover, there was indeed a conspiracy in the Hongmeng Purple Qi that Hongyun obtained in the first place, but there was also a part of Hongjun's intention to repay Hongyun for giving up his position to Zhunti, and to lead the cause and effect between the two.

Referred to as ‘debt transfer’.

In this way, Hongjun actually spent three rays of Hongmeng Purple Qi to repay the great karma he owed to the Western world.

If you say so.

If Zhunti and Jieyin get Hongjun's instructions, they can change their previous ideas and help Hongyun become a saint, then the cause and effect will naturally be repaid.

If they couldn't repay before, they couldn't help Hongyun become a saint.

But now with Hongjun's support behind them, why not do it?

"Then what role did Di Jun play at this time? I originally thought that Hongjun would leave the Hongmeng Purple Qi to the demon clan and make Di Jun a saint.

But Di Jun’s character is definitely not as easy to control as Hong Yun after becoming a saint, so Di Jun probably thought that the Hongmeng Purple Qi would fall into their hands..."

Guiyuan peeled off the cocoon and analyzed the whole story layer by layer, or the overall situation.

As for the movements of all parties involved, it is difficult for Guiyuan to see before the move is made.

"The Two Saints of the West, Hongmeng Ziqi, Destiny God and Demon... So what is Hongjun's method of making Hongyun a saint?

How to let Hongyun inherit the power of the Destiny God and Demon..."

"The two sages of the West... Zhunti established the Tao through cause and effect, Jie Yin entered the Tao through dreams, and cultivated the truth through falsehood..."

Guiyuan once fought against the two of them over the matter of burning lanterns, and he also had some understanding of their Tao, and once praised their superb understanding.

"Connecting cause and effect, using falsehood to cultivate reality. Can the two of them make Hongyun the reincarnation of the Destiny God and Demon in the prehistoric times?"

Guiyuan is thinking about this plan. He has been baptized by countless prehistoric novels in his previous life, although the trajectory of this prehistoric world has been intervened by him and Nuwa.

It was completely unrecognizable, but there were some deductions that could give him some inspiration.

He was thinking about Western religions in past lives. What he liked most was reincarnation, and then refuting the cause and effect of previous lives. Once you enter the West, you will always enter the West.

"Then what if Hongyun wants to be reincarnated..."

Guiyuan soon came to his senses, Zhen Yuanzi.

If Hongyun really fell, Zhen Yuanzi would not be able to send Hongyun to reincarnation. The way to escape the disaster that Guiyuan gave Hongyun before was reincarnation.

If Zhen Yuanzi becomes an authentic saint, he can even use reincarnation to bring Hongyun back intact.

"They are not planning for this life, but for the next life?"

Guiyuan's understanding of this matter became clearer and clearer.

If the guess is correct, Hongjun will attack the tunnel shortly after Hongyun's death, and the Two Saints of the West will use this to intervene in the reincarnation of the tunnel and interfere with Hongyun's reincarnation.

In the cycle of reincarnation, it connects the cause and effect of Hong Yun and the remains of the gods and demons of fate.

There will definitely be rejection among Hongyun's soul and the remnants of the Destiny God and Demon, because after all, this is not a true reincarnation.

This requires the use of Jie Yin's method of dreaming, to use the false to cultivate the true.

"It's really a good calculation. Even Zhen Yuanzi and Di Jun were included in it." Guiyuan calculated carefully and finally figured out the general deduction.

But how to stop it?

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