Guiyuan kept thinking, mainly because this move involved Zhen Yuanzi, Samsara and the two guys who became saints.

If he just goes to tell Hou Tu that Hongjun is going to cause trouble, if he comes to make things difficult for you, you should ignore it?

In other words, Zhen Yuanzi, don’t send Hongyun to reincarnation.

These two options will not work. If Hongjun attacks with all his strength, Hou Tu cannot deal with it.

Authenticity may be wrong.

And if Hongyun is really dead and he prevents Hongyun from reincarnation, then Hongyun is really dead when he dies.

Or to stop Di Jun from killing Hong Yun?

But here's the problem again. He didn't believe that Hongjun didn't expect him to go and stop Di Jun. It was very likely that Hongyun escaped directly.

Then, due to some 'chance', he found the broken body of the God of Destiny, and used the laws of fate to control the avenue of fortune and the luck of all spirits.

"No, there seems to be a key point. No matter what, it is impossible for Hongyun to say that he is in charge of the Avenue of Fortune with his own power.

So he must use the remains of the Destiny God and Demon. I will find the remains of the Destiny God and Demon first..."

Guiyuan thought about it, finding the remains of the Destiny God and Demon first would be the best way.

"The best thing is to master the law of destiny..."

Guiyuan's mind returned to himself, and the best way to master the laws of destiny was naturally to live forever in the world.

For example, the three thousand great avenues of the prehistoric era are headed by the avenue of power, while the great world of eternal life is headed by the avenue of destiny. He does not need the great destiny technique, only the small fate technique.

His mind fell into the crowd.

He hasn't followed the group chat for a while.

[Thor God: Hoo~ Luo Feng has finally become the God of War. This guy is really talented. He became the God of War in such a short time, and he also obtained the inheritance of the Fallen Ink Star.

It's almost time for him to seize the body of the golden-horned giant beast. 】

[Furuhe: I hope Luo Feng won’t find it absurd after knowing everything. His chance was actually arranged. 】

[Thor: What's so absurd about this, if not why wait for him. When the incarnations of the group leaders were all around us, we would have rushed out of the universe long ago. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: @Linglong, is there any way to obtain the Little Fate Technique? 】

[Huang Rong: Oh, living group leader! Grasp! 】

[Peter: Live group leader, SHIELD has been looking for me recently. But I haven't agreed to join S.H.I.E.L.D. 】

[Linglong: A little fate technique? This thing only exists on Fang Qingxue. If the group leader needs it, I can go to her. It should be exchangeable. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: Well, help me exchange it. Whether it's magical powers or immortal weapons, I can give them. 】

Linglong Immortal Lord, who was in Linglong Paradise, saw Guiyuan and spoke.

This was the first time the group leader asked her to do something. The conversations in the group chat during this period and the many techniques in the group chat made her aware.

It turns out that the group leader is actually a person who has entered eternal life.

She now knew her fate. If she didn't help Fang Han, it would be extremely difficult to escape from this world. The existence of this world was essentially prepared for Fang Han.

After all, if many immortal kings want to step into eternal life, they must train Fang Han to enter the gate of eternal life.

And Fang Han, who steps into the gate of eternal life, will immediately take charge of the gate of eternal life. In this world of eternal life, he is invincible.

That is, if not on the same team as him.

You can't live forever.

For many Immortal Kings, their plan for countless years is entirely to achieve Fang Han's success. Fang Han's existence in the eternal world is completely a dimensionality reduction blow.

Even though she has begun to practice the Perfect Dharma, it will still take a lot of time to complete it, and it is the best help to achieve transcendence and eternal life.

Of course he is the group leader.

Immortal Linglong instantly transformed into the handsome young master before. There was still some time before her 4,000th birthday. During this time, Fang Qingxue should still be at the Yuhua Sect.

Linglong Immortal took one step forward, and the time and space in front of her changed. Countless spatial laws circulated. As soon as her eyes turned, she came to a place.

Looking down.

In the infinite distance, among the continuous mountains, there are peaks reaching into the sky everywhere, as straight as arrows. Some peaks are covered with flowers, and many palaces have been built.

Countless thousand-foot waterfalls pour down from the mountain peaks, like countless jade dragons.

The sky is as blue as blue, like blue crystal, there is never a trace of dark clouds, the sun is shining high, the soft and bright sunlight shines down, and it is spotless.

On those hundreds of peaks, pine trees have entangled roots and spreading branches and leaves, showing an ancient atmosphere.

In the deepest part of the mountain peak, among the misty clouds, there is still a huge city in the sky.

This is the Yuhua Gate, and together with her Linglong Blessed Land, it is one of the ten gates of immortality.

The appearance of Linglong Immortal Lord instantly alarmed one of the Yuhua Sect members.

An elegant young master in white clothes stepped out of the void and said with a smile: "The noble Linglong Immortal is here, and Feng Baiyu is waiting to welcome you from afar."

Linglong Immortal Lord took a deep look at Feng Baiyu. This guy is the reincarnation of Lord Sakyamuni or a disciple of King Buddha of the World. I wonder if he has the Great Cause and Effect Technique...

"Master Feng, you're welcome. I have something to ask for."

"Oh? Immortal Lord, please tell me!" Feng Baiyu's eyes were puzzled. In the Xuanhuang World, there was actually something that Linglong Immortal Lord wanted to ask for.

"I want to meet a disciple of your sect."


"Fang Qingxue."

"Fang Qingxue?"

Feng Baiyu raised his eyebrows. He thought that Linglong Immortal Lord was looking for Hua Tiandu. After all, Hua Tiandu was related to Taiyi Sect, and Linglong Immortal Lord had never dealt with Taiyi Sect.

"Okay, but I need to ask her opinion."


Zidian Peak is Fang Qingxue's dojo. Along the way, there are many servants and guards of the Fang family, as well as various cranes, rocs, white deer and other fairy birds and animals, as well as countless fields of Ganoderma lucidum and ginseng medicine.

Halfway up the mountain, there is a gorgeous palace. This palace is the Zidian Palace.

Linglong Immortal Lord glanced at him at any time and saw that Fang Han should have become an outer disciple.

When Feng Baiyu and Linglong Immortal came to Zidian Peak, they had already attracted Fang Qingxue's attention. At this time, she was standing at the door of the palace, her eyes falling on the two of them.

"I've met the leader! I've met senior Linglong!"

Fang Qingxue hurriedly saluted and said that she had received a message from Feng Baiyu, saying that Linglong Immortal wanted to see him, which made Fang Qingxue, who was so indifferent, unable to help being frightened.

That was Linglong Immortal Lord.

Now she is the number one person in the Xuanhuang world, even many sect leaders and supreme elders are suppressed by her, and they actually want to see her by name!

This really flattered her.

Even if she has obtained some information about her previous life, Linglong Immortal Master cannot be said to be as simple as it appears on the surface, and there is often a bigger plan behind the amazingly talented person.

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