Ancient times.

Guiyuan did not expect Linglong Immortal Lord to move so quickly. After receiving the red envelope, a mysterious and lengthy syllable sounded in Guiyuan's soul.

[You listened to the song of destiny and understood its mystery, the little destiny technique...]

[With the destiny of all human beings, when you break away from the long river of destiny, you realize the great magical power - the great destiny technique]

Guiyuan's eyes flashed with countless divine lights, and many of his past insights related to fate were under the key of the Little Fate Technique.

Begin to be understood, absorbed, and digested.

Finally, it began to be deduced by Guiyuan and merged into the Great Destiny Technique.

Of course, this great destiny spell is not the same as the great destiny spell of the eternal world.

This is just a combination of all his own insights.

"The law of destiny..."

Guiyuan's fingers appeared, and there were traces of them that were extremely mysterious, as if the fate of all spirits was entangled in them, "It's really a supreme magical power.

No wonder Pangu had to lock the destiny in the river, otherwise he would let others control the power of destiny.

Is there any chance for countless sentient beings to transcend? "

The Law of Destiny, combat power is only one aspect. The more important thing is that the Law of Destiny has an absolute authority that is similar to 'cannot be violated and cannot be changed'.

Now, as long as Guiyuan is willing to pay the price, he can lay out and control through the laws of destiny, even those who have long been fighting for their destiny, such as quasi-sages.

They can still be affected, they just escaped their 'fate', not their luck.

So there will be luck and luck.

No matter what Pangu's plan is, he controls the long river of time and the long river of destiny. No one can control it. As long as Da Luo or above can escape from the long river of fate.

This practice is of supreme merit to countless sentient beings throughout history.

precisely because of this.

The development of the ancient world was infinitely diverse, and it would not be like an eternal world. It seemed that the entire world existed to serve Fang Han.

Even though the amazingly talented Hongmeng Taoist, the Immortal King of Creation, the Lord of the Origin, etc., they must have arrived in Daluo, but in the end they still became Fang Han's stepping stone.

"Now that the Law of Destiny is in hand, with the help of the three borrowed magical powers, we should be able to find the location of the Destiny God and Demon, and directly cut off the remains of the Destiny God and Demon.

Solve the problem fundamentally. "

Guiyuan's mind returned to himself. He first thanked Linglong Immortal in the group chat and promised that if she had any difficulties, she could just ask.

Leave a trace of your mind in the group chat.

Guiyuan transformed into a Tao body and came out of the North Sea. Endless mana emerged from his body, turning into extremely terrifying power that shook the world. The great destiny technique he had just comprehended emerged.



The majestic, eternal, and infinite river of destiny appears before Guiyuan's eyes.

Now that I have understood the Law of Destiny, it is easy to summon the River of Destiny.

He can also control destiny. In the past, he could only see countless sentient beings struggling in the long river of destiny, but now he already feels that he can control the branches of the river of sentient beings inside.

Let the controlled creature go to the destiny he wants.

"It's better not to try too much. In case the Ax Gang finds out."

Guiyuan shook his head. He realized that the purpose of the Great Destiny Technique was not to control the fate of all living beings. His purpose was the river of destiny itself.

At the same time, Guiyuan began to use his "Three Borrowing Magical Powers".

"When I find the gods and demons of destiny, I can enlighten thousands of living beings and heal many disasters..."

"When I find the Destiny God and Demon, I can use my magic power to refine the power of chaos and benefit all living creatures..."

In the form of the Great Wish Technique, the will of the prehistoric world is called upon. The will of heaven and earth is a more essential existence for the prehistoric world than the three realms of heaven, earth and man.

This is more like the remaining will of Pangu, which is also to restrict some people from restraining all sentient beings in the world for their own path.

As Guiyuan continued to promise chips, a certain inspiration in his mind began to become clear from vagueness until Guiyuan promised seven chips that were beneficial to the prehistoric era.

The vague inspiration in my heart became more directional than ever before, and it was directly locked in one place.

"found it!"

Guiyuan opened his eyes suddenly. His eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the endless void, penetrate the infinite world, and vaguely see the infinite laws of fate surging on an object.

The avenue of space emerges, and the Daluo Daoguo slowly shines with divine light.

With the help of cause and effect, the place Guiyuan saw turned into infinite dimensions of time and space, the layers were broken, the world was turned upside down, and the infinite distance was instantly reduced to two steps.

Taking one step forward, Guiyuan disappeared.

On Jin'ao Island.

Dapeng suddenly woke up from the way of understanding the world, and felt the countless insights of the great ways that suddenly filled his mind, as well as the various magical powers that needed to be understood.

And Guiyuan's indifferent voice said, "This is the path of demons. You are the path of Yin and Yang, and you are fellow practitioners of immortals and demons. It will be beneficial to you in building your own world in the future."

If you can't comprehend it, then go back to your immortal volcano. "

Dapeng felt the extremely mysterious and complicated laws and rhythms, which could be said to be painful and happy at the same time.

This kind of avenue is more mysterious than his bloodline inheritance. If it were placed in the ancient times, it would be possible to establish a sect, no less than the inheritance of any great religion.

With this kind of inheritance, Dapeng's strength will only continue to increase, and Guiyuan didn't say let go, having already pointed out his path.

But there is so much to learn.

Time and space changed before Guiyuan's eyes, and he came to a cave world in an instant. As soon as he entered, he felt countless laws of fate emerging here.

Not only that, the power of Guiyuan's soul swept out.

And this time.

There was a sound that seemed to have flowed through countless years, and a figure that appeared at the birth of the prehistoric era appeared. A figure emerged, raised a red-gold palm, made a fist seal, and struck out.

Countless laws of cause and effect rolled down and became an ocean, boundless, with celestial phenomena surging and waves turbulent.

After this punch, Guiyuan instantly saw that he was surrounded by countless fruits.

‘Fall! ’

This is the effect, and the fist seal just blasted is the 'cause'.

Between cause and effect, everything flows.

As long as everything exists, it cannot escape cause and effect.

Guiyuan did not dodge, or could not dodge, this is the way of cause and effect, and the 'result' he won was inevitable.

But the 'fruit' is only the fruit given by others.

As long as one's own strength is sufficient, the 'result' can also be changed.

A tortoise shell instantly appeared around Guiyuan, and the tortoise shell instantly enveloped Guiyuan.

Eternal, eternal, immortal, transcendent, unaffected by cause and effect, unrestrained... many auras circulated, transforming into billions of laws and falling in front of this punch.


Because the 'fruit' has been blocked, this punch has no power.

Guiyuan looked at the figure in front of him, raised his eyebrows and said: "God and Demon of Karma? I didn't expect that you are not dead yet. Now you have become Hongjun's watchdog!"

Thanks to Boundless Blood Sea and Immortal Demon Ancestor for the 588 reading coins.

Congratulations on welcoming the God of Wealth in the New Year!

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