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Chapter 274 Gods and Demons of Karma: You can’t afford it, so you call someone else!

"Not bad spiritual treasure, Jin Ao?"

The God and Demon of Karma revealed his true appearance, a human body, but his lower body looked like a spider, but this spider had countless legs, and vast golden light spread out under its feet.

Every ray of this vast golden light is a cause and effect. Under the law of cause and effect, it moves countless time, space and years.

The lines of cause and effect are intricate, like endless strings of a harp, and the gods and demons of cause and effect are the only ones playing the harp.


The vast, endless, and eternal power of cause and effect instantly enveloped Guiyuan itself.

And the long river of time spreads upstream, and countless causal lines will belong to Guiyuan's time from now to the past, all covering it.

Fruit: ‘death’

Since the birth of Guiyuan, endless cause and effect has been controlled and turned into a thread of death.

Just when the endless cause and effect was about to completely submerge Guiyuan, a bright light of chaos suddenly appeared, shining in the endless void.

The Hunyuan tortoise shell flew out and turned into a layer of tortoise shell. The tortoise shell was like liquid, sparkling, the chaotic light swept over, and the cause and effect disappeared.

He used the origin of the Chaos Golden Ao and the witchcraft of the Twelve Ancestral Witches to deduct the Hunyuan Tortoise Shell as an innate treasure, containing the supreme power of being inviolable by all laws and unaffected by cause and effect.

Cause and effect dissipate.

Guiyuan regained consciousness instantly.

"The law of cause and effect... is really mysterious! But times have changed now!!!"

"The vastness of humanity is here to suppress my cause and effect!"

"When I become Hunyuan, all living beings can practice the path of immortality in order to seek the opportunity to become immortals..."

"When I become Hunyuan, all living beings can listen and understand the Tao, and achieve transcendence..."

Three magical powers emerged instantly, and at the same time, the Great Destiny Spell was instantly launched.

"The power of fate? The power of cause and effect... Why do you have so much power? Who are you!"

A trace of surprise flashed through the eyes of Karma. He actually felt the power of fate. You must know that since the God of Destiny turned into the river of fate, no one in the world can control the power of fate.

That is to say, Hongjun can use his status as the "spokesperson of the ancient world" to control the destiny of all living beings in the ancient world, which is the so-called "destiny!" ’

Guiyuan was too lazy to explain to the gods and demons of cause and effect. In an instant, the majestic, vast, and boundless river of fate wrapped around Guiyuan.

It flows clatteringly, overlaps with the long river of time, entangles with each other, and interferes with each other.

The passage of time interprets the birth, progress, end, and destination of all living beings in the world, playing a song of nature.

The originally boundless river of destiny is now like a tamed beast under Guiyuan's hands.

In an instant.

The gods and demons of cause and effect are surrounded by the water of countless rivers of destiny. As Gui Yuan said, "The gods and demons of chaos should have died at the beginning of the world. Why are they alive!"

"That's right! It turns out there is still a dead species left. I have already cut off so many bodies, and it is still making trouble in the wilderness!"

One billionth of a moment.

An extremely deep voice came from the end of the river of destiny. The Gods and Demons of Karma only saw that the mist disappeared at the end of the river of destiny.

An extremely familiar figure appeared in front of him.

As if a figure composed of countless laws, endless power emerged from this figure.


An ancient and long voice seems to have ended the fate of the gods and demons of cause and effect!

The original confidence in the hearts of the gods and demons of cause and effect had all disappeared, and they shouted in panic: "You can't afford to play, and you actually asked Pangu to come!"

The light of the ax was bright, like a world-destroying lightning that cut through the dark universe, instantly encompassing the entire world, time and space.

It shocked the whole world!

Countless powers who were originally paying attention to Hongyun cast their sights here at this moment.

When they saw the axe, their spirits trembled and their bodies even shed tears.

This ax left a strong mark on their souls!

Thousands of lights that create and destroy the world shine, and each light can easily open up and destroy a thousand small worlds... birth, birth and destruction are endless.

The karmic gods and demons with direct targets.

Kunlun Mountain.

After finishing his sermon in the human race, I returned to Kunlun Mountain and was discussing Taoism with Yuanshi and Tongtian. Suddenly, my spiritual sense stirred slightly, my expression changed slightly, I stopped speaking Taoism and opened my eyes.

Yuanshi and Tongtian, who were originally discussing Tao, also opened their eyes.

because he feels

"This is the same as our Qinglian Pangu..." Tongtian was surprised and wanted to say something, but Yuanshi said softly: "Be careful..."


I's mana swarmed out, and the endless power of law emerged, transforming a scene in front of his eyes.

They all clearly saw the figure walking out of the river of destiny, and they felt an extremely familiar aura from the inside out.

The soul was trembling.

It’s Father God Pangu!

Even the three saints, who were in a transcendent state of mind, couldn't help but look at each other and saw each other's surprise, "It's God the Father!"

"He is the real Father God! Why would Father God step on the river of destiny and come here!"

"That's... Guiyuan? And who is opposite him?"

I frowned, feeling the target of the axe. In his eyes, this figure seemed to be entangled with countless causes and effects, as if thousands of causes and effects were born from him.

"It's the God of Karma!"

Soon, I got the information about this figure from the inherited memory, and the expressions of the three people changed slightly. For Pangu Zhengzong.

Chaos gods and demons are their mortal enemies.

But Yuanshi's focus was still on Pangu. He saw that the target of the ax was the God and Demon of Karma, so it goes without saying that the one who summoned Pangu was Guiyuan.

"Guiyuan was actually able to summon Father God Pangu through the River of Destiny!"

Yuan Shi murmured, and the Three Saints were shocked. This was not the body of Pangu summoned by the Witch Clan, but the real Pangu, even if it might only have a trace of power.

But the essence of this power comes from the real Pangu.

It was even purer than the Pangu summoned by Hou Tu with the help of Dutian's Twelve Divine Evil Formation and then absorbing their Sanqing Sainthood Dao Yun.

Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun opened his eyes suddenly, and the calmness of his eyes was instantly broken. His eyes fell on the vast wilderness, and the extremely familiar aura appeared again.

"Pangu! The long river of destiny..."

Hongjun's eyes fell on the cave world. He was not surprised to see Guiyuan there. He knew that Guiyuan was more mysterious than he imagined.

Hong Yun's moves can be deduced from Hong Yun's strange behavior.

But he still has a backup plan.

Even if Guiyuan can defeat the Gods and Demons of Karma, he still has a backup plan.

But now that even Pangu has been summoned, the owner of this ax has suppressed all his back-up men, and now his plan is not yet complete.

In the ancient times, Pangu's power was unstoppable.

And in prehistoric times, Pangu was everything.

Anyone who appears at this time will put themselves on the opposite side of all sentient beings!

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