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Chapter 276 The two saints block the way, and the saints appear frequently!

Guiyuan has already felt all the sights coming from the wild world.

This is also one of his conspiracy.

When I felt that the person guarding the door here was actually the God of Karma.

He had this plan in his mind in an instant.

With the help of the river of destiny, Pangu's ax was summoned.

The appearance of Pangu's aura also attracted the attention of the entire prehistoric period to this place.


Whether Hongjun wants to block this ax light, or the two sages of the West want to block this ax light.

We all have to weigh the consequences of standing on the opposite side of Pangu in the eyes of all living beings.

Sure enough, as Guiyuan expected, neither Hongjun nor the Second Sage of the West came forward, but just watched the causal gods and demons fall.

Guiyuan looked at his target.

The remains of fate.

A group of silk threads that seem to be ethereal but not imaginary, and seem to be real but not real. It looks boundless and huge, but when you look at it in a trance, you feel that it is sparse and ordinary.

The Gods and Demons of Destiny must be dead. After all, the river of destiny is one of the foundations of existence in the ancient world. Pangu will definitely not let the Gods and Demons of Destiny survive.

Cause and effect, gods and demons are all easy to say.

The magical power belonging to the Great Destiny Technique among the returned Yuanshen has already felt the familiar aura, and is about to take it into his hands.

No matter what Hongjun plans to do with Hongyun, as long as he puts this thing away.

Hongjun's move was already lost.

Suddenly, countless golden lotus flowers fell.

It seems that there is a supreme existence under the bodhi tree, pinching the flowers and smiling.

The Seven Wonderful Treasure Trees sway, and the Buddha's light illuminates the three thousand realms, penetrating all time and space in the ten directions and three generations.

"Fellow Taoist, wait!"

As soon as these words came out, countless laws of cause and effect emerged again, and in the spiritual consciousness of Guiyuan, lines of cause and effect spread out from the void.

It wrapped around his legs and head, and kept wrapping around Guiyuan's body, seeming to want to hinder his pace. One made him stop, and the other made him turn back.


Guiyuan snorted coldly, and the boundless strength in his body suddenly emerged, constantly tearing off the causal threads on his body and grabbing the fateful body.

"A big dream, like a dream or a fantasy..."

With a faint singing voice, Guiyuan's supreme power disappeared in an instant like a dream, and there were more and more causal lines involving Guiyuan.

Two figures came from the west. One of them had a double bun with a yellow face and a thin body. He wore two flowers on the bun and held a branch in his hand.

A six-foot-tall Taoist with towering merits and virtues, like a golden body, sits cross-legged with his head pulled up to his temples, as if sleeping but not sleeping, as if the universe is just a dream.

"Do you two fellow Taoists want to stop me?"

Guiyuan snorted coldly, and the Hunyuan tortoise shell emerged. It was eternal and immortal, and the Hunyuan aura shrouded it, blocking all the power of the Avenue of Dreams.


Zhunti sighed secretly.

In fact, he really didn't want to face Guiyuan, as far as they were concerned.

Unless it is a moral dispute, you can say that you are kind to others and like to form good relationships.

However, the Ran Deng that Gui Yuan killed last time was an existence that they believed could be a fruition status in their Western religion.

When Zhunti and Jieyin compiled the Western teachings, they had already thought about the status of each deity.

After becoming a saint, he will traverse the long river of time and be seated in the past, present and future.

Just wait for the time to come.

Unexpectedly, if Ran Deng died and an extremely important fruit status could not be restored, it would be a huge blow to the Western religion.

They will use another method to call him back.

Moreover, that incident also had a cause and effect with Guiyuan. If it weren't for the two of them's immeasurable magical powers, they might have perished in the first place.

In the midst of a battle in heaven.

Seeing the moment when Guiyuan completely killed Kunpeng with the God-killing Spear, Zhunti was even more frightened and felt that Guiyuan should not be offended.

The issue is.

The one who asks them to do things now is Taozu, their teacher, especially their holy status and Hongjun's karma.

And if they can't help Hongyun achieve enlightenment, they can only choose another method, which is to let Hongyun fall.

They thought about it and finally chose to offend Guiyuan rather than disobey Daozu's instructions.

So here they come.

"Fellow Taoist, please continue to do what you want to do..."

At this time, a being appeared quietly, it was Lao Tzu, the Moral God, with his feet on the Yin and Yang Tai Chi diagram, and the black and yellow exquisite tower of heaven and earth above his head, just like a mortal, silent.

"You two fellow Taoists, if you don't go back to your Western Paradise, what are you doing here?"

Lao Tzu said calmly, although he also became a saint through "lending", he himself had already gone very far on the path, otherwise he would not have just said a word about returning to Yuan.

He already knew that he was on the wrong path.

And in an instant, he had figured out a way to deal with it.

Saints also have strengths and weaknesses. How much power a saint can borrow depends on how much of the ancient world he invades with his own Taoist charm.

Nowadays, the Western religion has just been established, and the golden elixir path has been spread among the human race, regardless of the prehistoric and infinite time and space, the position of moral deity.

Still in the current time and space, my strength is superior to any of the two sages in the West.

"Senior Brother Taiqing, this cause and effect seems to have nothing to do with you."

When Zhunti saw Lao Tzu's appearance, his tone was shocked.

"You want to use Hongyun to control the avenue of fortune and suppress humanity. The human race is the carrier of humanity's destiny, and I owe humanity the cause and effect.

Why does it have nothing to do with Pindao? "

I said lightly. Guiyuan was not surprised at all by my appearance. With their current strength, they saw Hongyun and the appearance here.

For a saint, he can connect many things together in an instant, even like Guiyuan deducing what he wants to do.

Under the prehistoric times, there were no secrets.

It just means that there are existences at the same level that are releasing wrong information to each other to cover up.

So Lao Tzu is bound to appear, not just him, but also another person.

Saints associated with humanity.

A Taoist with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, handsome appearance, wearing a Bagua Taoist robe and a pure hibiscus crown on his head stepped out and said softly: "Two Taoist friends, please come back."

The person coming is naturally Tongtian.

He believes in intercepting a glimmer of life. If there is a glimmer of life, luck will take up most of the factors. He even said that if one can change one's fate against the will of heaven, luck is the key.

Therefore, it is impossible for Tongtian to ask Hongyun to take charge of Hongyun Avenue.

"Two of you, Teacher has already fought against Emperor Wa in Chaos. It just so happens that we haven't fought against each other since we became saints.

As great talents as you are, why don't you and I ask your two junior brothers for advice? "

"Senior brother, you are exaggerating. Please!"

Zhunti and Jieyin looked at each other and knew that it was inevitable, and they had already contributed to it anyway.

If it really doesn't work and cannot fulfill the teacher's instructions, then Hongyun will perish.

When Guiyuan saw the four saints disappearing, he was about to reach out and grab them, when a figure quietly appeared and said softly: "Fellow Taoist, go with the flow, Taoist Hongyun's enlightenment is already a trend!"

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