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Chapter 277 Inviting to fight Yuanshi, all living beings are in an uproar

A figure appeared naturally, with the three precious jade Ruyi on its head and the Pangu flag on its back. It showed the might of a mighty saint and had no upper hand.

Yuanshi Tianzun, Yuqing Taoist.

"Fellow Taoist, are you going to stop me too?"

Guiyuan raised his eyebrows, this guy Yuanshi was not like his eldest brother and third brother when he became a saint, but he truly became a saint by the way of heaven, coupled with this guy's morality.

Explaining the principles of heaven, although Guiyuan felt that Yuanshi would not become Hongjun's lackey, he might be leaning towards the side of heaven.

This person was the same inside and out, but he didn't expect that Laozi and Tongtian had already stepped forward to stop Zhunti and Jieyin, and that Yuanshi would jump out to stop him.

‘No way I and Tongtian just wanted to avoid Yuanshi, so they acted so quickly. ’

"Fellow Taoist, it is God's will that Hongyun obtains the Hongmeng Purple Qi. Since God has allowed him to return to his position, I would like to ask you to show your noble hand this time."

Yuan Shi smiled slightly. To be honest, although he had not had a good impression of Gui Yuan before, he also admitted that Gui Yuan was extremely talented and had single-handedly stirred up the general trend of the world.

After becoming a saint, he already understood many of the plans. Returning to Yuan was to have a relationship with the teacher who lived in Zixiao Palace.

And Guiyuan's various moves are constantly breaking the teacher's control over the prehistoric world.

Whether Emperor Wa became the master of the Tao, Hou Tu established reincarnation, or became the master of the Tao, all of them had Gui Yuan's handwriting in them.

He naturally understands the teacher's thoughts. Based on Yuanshi's own Taoist heart, he feels that the teacher's ideas are essentially correct.

This is similar to his concept, which is to maintain stability in the wilderness.

And Hongyun's becoming a saint can help the way of heaven and suppress part of the way of humanity. In the view of Yuanshi Tianzun, this must be the case.

Otherwise, there will be monsters and witches similar to them in the future, just because of their Qi, they are the destined people who are destined to calamity, and even their saints cannot control their existence.

It can only be allowed to develop.

Guiyuan took a deep look at Yuanshi. Yuanshi's expression was indifferent, although he knew that Guiyuan was very mysterious, and he still followed the extremely traditional method of proving the Tao through force.

But Yuanshi Tianzun could only tell Guiyuan.

Times have changed!

"Then go fight in Chaos?"

"Good! Fellow Taoist Guiyuan has made great contributions to the prehistoric times, I will show mercy."

Although Guiyuan's performance in the battle in Heaven is still vivid in his mind, Yuanshi at that time was also amazed at Guiyuan's power.

But after he became a saint, he discovered that Guiyuan's power was only similar to that of Taiyi, Queen Mother of the West, and other quasi-sages. This dimension was the top one.

But for him who is sanctified.

It is no longer the same dimension.

Of course, he would not kill Guiyuan, he would just let him know the power of a saint. After all, there are Pingxin and Emperor Wa behind this guy. One is in charge of the tunnel and the other is in charge of humanity.

Yuan Shi became a saint through preaching. It would be uncomfortable if his disciples were targeted by Emperor Wa in the future.


Di Jun looked at Guiyuan's invitation to fight Yuanshi with complicated eyes. The demon clan's think tank Bai Ze, who was waiting at the side, had always been calm, but now his face was full of shock.

This is a saint!

How dare Guiyuan invite the Yuanshi Saint to fight, even if the Yuanshi Saint has just become a saint!

Moreover, the Saint of Yuanshi possesses the treasure of opening the sky, and his attacks and killings are extremely terrifying.

In terms of attack, perhaps only the Tongtian Saint who masters the Four Swords of Zhuxian can compare with him.

Taiyi looked at the two men who were rushing straight into Chaos with some greed. He really wanted to go to Chaos to watch the battle. Watching the Saint take action directly would definitely be extremely rewarding.

It's a pity that Hongyun is still fighting for it. He is one of the demon clan's trump cards.

If you go to Chaos, you won't have enough time to get back.

Emperor Jun looked down from the heavenly court and said softly: "It's almost done."


Taiyi and Dijun instantly traveled through countless dimensions and time and space, flying towards the primitive world. This was their chance.

Pangu Hall.

There is an endless river of time in Zhu Jiuyin's eyes, which begins to flow at a certain node, and Zhu Jiuyin is deducing through the flow of time.

Then one timeline after another continued to be destroyed, and one of the timelines became extremely huge.

A monstrous dharma image occupies the end of the timeline, and the Qi of the Origin suppresses the surging timeline, preventing it from changing its path and determining the future.

There are still some extremely weak timelines left. A huge and boundless giant turtle suppresses the surging timeline, but compared to the boundless and huge timeline.

None of these timelines added up to one percent of the size.


Di Jiang asked from the side, while Zhu Jiuyin was deducing the outcome of this battle.

"The other two parties involved saints. I couldn't see any information about Hunyuan Ruyi, but fellow Daoist Guiyuan has not yet Hunyuan Ruyi..."

I used him to conduct deductions and found that the probability of the Yuanshi Sage's victory was very high. "

But Di Jiang heard another meaning and couldn't help but ask: "In other words, it is actually possible for fellow Taoist Guiyuan to win?"

"Yes. Fellow Taoist Guiyuan's accumulation, understanding of the law, the three flowers of energy and spirit, and the path he took are extremely mysterious and full of variables.

In addition, he already has an innate treasure that was reversed with the help of our twelve witchcraft...

Although I don't know how to win, it seems that the current deduction shows that Fellow Daoist Guiyuan does have the possibility of victory. "

Di Jiang looked out of the chaos through the infinite space, and was a little shocked when he saw Guiyuan and Yuanshi Tianzun facing each other proudly, "Even facing a saint, there is still a possibility of victory..."

"Sigh... You also learned from my little sister's mouth that the mystery of Guiyuan lies. And with my little sister's grace of enlightenment, if Guiyuan is really unable to defeat the Yuanshi Saint.

Do you think she will stay well in the Netherworld? "

"Furthermore, Saint Taiqing and Saint Tongtian must have known that Yuanshi Tianzun would take action, but they did not remind Guiyuan.

This means that they actually have the acquiescence that Guiyuan has the strength to fight against Yuanshi Tianzun.

It’s just that winning or losing cannot be confirmed. "

Zhu Jiuyin's words silenced Di Jiang. This was true. Although Hongyun's matter was also important, it was nothing more than a saint's decision.

If Guiyuan has no resistance against Yuanshi Tianzun, the little sister will definitely come forward with her character.

Now that he has not come forward, he just believes in Guiyuan.

But it was also the case, which made Di Jiang feel horrified.

Whether it is Sanqing's attitude or Pingxin's attitude, it seems that Guiyuan has been placed in the same position as them.

"Let's keep an eye on Hong Yun. How is Di Xuan doing now? Maybe he can replace the little sister?"

Zhu Jiuyin asked.

Di Jiang nodded, "Now he has reached the seventh level.

Although we cannot reach our peak state, we can still fight against the Zhoutian Star Formation. "


But Di Jiang still kept his magical power, and he wanted to see what the final result would be.

Not only him, but also many people with great supernatural powers who are good at the Way of Qiankun or have the treasure of Qiankun want to see the result of Guiyuan's battle against Yuanshi.

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