In the chaos, Guiyuan and Yuanshi stand opposite each other.

Guiyuan's face was so solemn for the first time, and he never had such an expression even when he was going through the Hunyuan Golden Immortal Tribulation.

Because at that time Hongjun was still at the critical moment of He Dao, even if Hongjun wanted to target him, he could not escape the control of Tiandao.

But Yuanshi was a saint of heaven.

A complete saint of heaven, even if it is because of the legacy of Pangu and the merits of heaven after the establishment of the religion, he can achieve the status of saint.

But a black cat or a white cat is a good cat if it catches mice.

No matter how you become a saint, you are a saint.

The two of them started to fight without any words.

Yuanshi wandered calmly in the chaos. Under the control of the Qi of Yuanshi, the endless chaos energy turned into boundless dharma, condensed the way of 'explanation', and transformed into the nine seals of Yuanshi.

The leader——Open Heaven Seal!

This is what Yuanshi understood from the Pangu flag, the rhyme of the heavenly path and the boundless imprint.

"Open the Heaven Seal!"

The Dharma behind him is unprecedented, and the avenue is mysterious. Chaos energy is surging between the hands and feet, like a dragon roaring, as if the great wilderness has just begun, and everything is uncertain.

It was as if the whole chaos was shaking.

There is no way to avoid Guiyuan, and there is no way to avoid it.

Now that they are fighting, they are all connected by cause and effect, and they can no longer avoid it simply by physical means.

Unless there is nothing at the same level, such as the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, avoiding it will only be a waste of energy.

"When I become Hunyuan, all living beings will be enlightened by this, and all things will have a vast opportunity to achieve enlightenment..."

Returning to the origin for one billionth of a second, chanting several great aspirations!

Three magical powers emerged instantly, and the vast river of time emerged from the chaos. A figure from the future came along the river of time, and boundless pressure bloomed in this figure.

Billions of laws condense into boundless rules and fall down.

This figure fell from the long river of time and merged with Guiyuan.

"The five elements rotate, thunder destroys, and then is reborn! The final fist!"

The immeasurable aura condensed in Yu Guiyuan's hand and appeared, absorbing the chaotic aura from all around, transforming it into the thunder and calamity of heaven and earth, and then transformed it into the five elements.

A punch was thrown.

A fist seal as big as the sky condensed instantly.

It seems that it is not composed of flesh and blood. The blood vessels that appear on the surface are actually veins of great avenues and textures of time and space. However, that flesh and blood is formed by a combination of layers of heaven, earth, mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars.

Then it was instantly destroyed by endless thunder catastrophe.

An aura of end, destruction, and misfortune shrouded the place.

This is the final punch.

After comprehending the Fist of Five Elements, combined with the method of Thunder Tribulation, he used the mysterious world to destroy and chaos, destroying the Fist of Five Elements to seem to destroy the world, and then used the way of the end to destroy the entire fist world.

The endless power that was born condensed into this punch.

The Kaitian Seal and the Final Fist collided instantly!

Chaos and silence.

But the aftermath of the collision between the two appeared in the chaos. The raging wave of chaos exploded in all directions, sweeping across the vastness...


After Yuan Shi said this, a jade handle fell down like a stick and hit Gui Yuan directly.


In the warm jade-colored light, the vast chaos is shaking. Under the bright brilliance, patches of chaos are opened up, and Jade Ruyi is galloping freely.

The three treasures in its palm enlighten the world and people.

There are three treasures in the sky, namely the sun, the moon, and the stars.

The earth has three treasures, namely water, fire and earth.

People have three treasures, which are called spirit, energy and essence.

The manifestation of the Three Jewels, the creation of infinite heaven and earth, the derivation of countless creatures, perfect and vivid, dreamlike and bizarre.

The three precious jade wishful thinking instantly turned into a supreme heaven and earth, and the vast and immeasurable creatures bloomed in this supreme heaven and earth, crushing towards Guiyuan.

"The end of fate, the end of cause and effect, the end of time, the end of all things...the end and the rebirth..."

Guiyuan kept spitting out words, and the boundless mana in his body evaporated instantly at this moment.

Endless magic power combines with the law of fate, the law of cause and effect, the law of time, the law of creation and other countless laws to become infinite magical power, combined with the way of the end.

At the same time, the God-killing Spear appeared instantly.

Time curls up, the universe withers, matter collapses, vitality collapses... one scene after another of destruction is imprinted on the gun body.

Boundless murderous intent manifested, and countless murderous auras, evil spirits, calamity auras, etc. in the chaos were attracted and condensed.

In the heart-stopping collision, the infinite world opened up by Yuanshi with the Three Treasures and Jade Ruyi was shot in one shot.

Various terminal phenomena resulting from being washed away by time, eroded by chaos, and heading towards destruction.

Facing this spear, Yuan Shi must admit that he felt the pressure - the sharp edge seemed to be able to break its immortal body.

"A very amazing shot..." Yuan Shi was slightly moved, "This shot seems to contain a supreme way, similar to the third brother's.

Although the quantity is small, the quality seems to be more extensive than that of the third brother! "

Yuanshi's tone was full of surprise. In terms of understanding this Tao, Guiyuan actually went further than Tongtian, who is now a saint!

"But if you could step into the Hunyuan Golden Immortal and use this shot, I would retreat. But you are the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, so you are far behind."

He stretched out an index finger, faced the God-killing Spear, and pointed it at the tip of the spear.

Guiyuan and Yuanshi each fell into the most subtle state of stillness at this moment.

Until the next moment.

Only then did the God-killing Spear tremble, and the infinite gun energy surged and slashed wildly, as if it was about to pierce Yuan Shi's Taoist body.

Yuanshi has an infinite world evolving around him, constantly destroying the gun energy that contains the mystery of the end.

In a brief moment, there were trillions of collisions.

In the end, Guiyuan staggered backwards, the tiger's mouth cracked, and drops of red and crystal blood were flowing, slowly sliding down the gun body.

Yuan Shi's body swayed slightly and then stood still again.

He retracted that finger and glanced at a shallow scar on it, with drops of blood oozing out.

Even if immeasurable green light emerges from it, it cannot heal its wounds.

"Fellow Taoist Guiyuan, you are truly amazing and talented. If you had realized this earlier, I'm afraid there would have been no more trouble with the three clans."

Yuan Shi felt the aura that was constantly attacking his body from that trace of wound.

Even with his strength, he couldn't drive them all away at once.

"Come again!"

The blood scattered in the chaos returned to Guiyuan's body.

He let out a breath secretly.

Is this the power of Hunyuan?

Sure enough, in the past, he had thought too simply about the power of Hunyuan, thinking that he could resist it with the God-killing Spear.

But currently it seems that the God-killing Spear only gave him the power to hurt saints.

Rather than letting him have the power of life and death.

But just from these two encounters, Guiyuan gained a lot.

[You have observed the Kaitian Seal, and you try to combine with the Kaitian Divine Light...]

[You are trying to understand the meaning of ‘explanation’, and use the experience of opening up the world and the understanding of the infinite way of heaven to deduce the ‘origin’. 】

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