Inside Pangu Hall.

Even Di Jiang, who was watching the actions of the demon clan, couldn't help but look at the image intercepted through the endless space avenue.

Although they could not see the specific magical powers and moves of the two, in the roar of chaos, they already knew that Guiyuan and Yuanshi had clashed countless times in a matter of seconds.

Finally, it was discovered that after the collision, Guiyuan was not shattered at all, but only bleeding.


Many of the ancestral wizards who were watching the battle also took a breath of air. This was too outrageous. It turned out that Guiyuan could really fight against the saint.

Gonggong murmured to himself: "What kind of existence is this guy? Even a saint can't deal with him?"

Ju Mang couldn't help but said: "It can't be that Yuanshi Tianzun is too parallel. These three guys were beaten by us before."

Zhu Jiuyin said in a low voice: "Don't talk nonsense. Although we look down on them as Sanqing is already a lackey of heaven, they have become saints after all."

"Let's change the strategy of the human race. Aren't the Houtu tribe trying to integrate humans and witches? If we continue to implement it, no matter what the final outcome of our fight is.

Even if there is a way out of reincarnation, it does not mean that the witch will live in the netherworld forever.

At least some tribesmen can still exist on the mainland! "

Zhu Jiuyin thought for a while and said.

"And since the human race has returned to its origin, I am afraid that its rise is already unstoppable!"

A chaotic place.

I am facing Jie Yin.

I stand on the Yin-Yang Diagram with my feet and the Xuanhuang Merit Tower of Heaven and Earth above my head. The endless power of chaos turns into the boundless Yin-Yang Qi in his hands.

The yin and yang merged into one, and turned into infinite power, blasting towards Jieyin.

Jie Yin seemed to be sleeping but not sleeping. There was a golden lotus of merit at his feet, but two of the twelve petals of this golden lotus were illusory.

Billions of laws of dreams envelope this boundless yin and yang energy, trapping it in a dream, where yin and yang are real and dreams are imaginary.

"It's a big dream, why bother!"

The voice of the guide was hazy, and I just said lightly: "Do nothing but do everything. If everything is a dream, where will your holy status come from?"

"The saint is destined..."

The two of them are constantly fighting, trying to make them doubt their own way. If the way is weak, the methods and techniques derived from it will naturally be weak.

The subordinates are also constantly fighting, but I often have the upper hand, and the lead is just passive defense.

Jie Yin was not discouraged. I had already gone further than him on the road.

But for them, time has no meaning. Going far ahead of time does not mean that it will always be like this.

Soon, they all felt the shock caused by the battle between Guiyuan and Yuanshi.

A strange color flashed in Jie Yin's eyes, "I didn't expect that fellow Taoist Guiyuan could reach such an extent and borrow the power of Hunyuan with his great supernatural powers.

He could actually hurt Senior Brother Yuanshi. "

I smiled and said, "Fellow Taoist Guiyuan is a man of astonishing talent and beauty.

His magical power has already taken over the law of cause and effect, although the great ambition you created is more complete than his.

But in the eyes of us and all sentient beings, he is the ancestor of this Tao. "

Jie Ying sighed in his heart, if it wasn't like this, they wouldn't have to make so many ambitions.

“After that, he even continued to comprehend the law of cause and effect, and even the incomprehensible law of fate was integrated into this magical power.

The seemingly empty river of destiny can actually be anchored by him.

Use the power of Father God to suppress gods and demons.

Even before I reached Hunyuan, I had such a method, and even I couldn't match it. "

Laozi praised Guiyuan without hesitation in his words.

He had already expected Yuan Shi's attack, but it was the result of the confrontation between the two.

Although he feels that Guiyuan is mysterious, he has not yet become Hunyuan after all.

The result is more losses than wins.

They can naturally see what Zhu Jiuyin can see.

"So in order to destroy him, you let Senior Brother Yuanshi destroy his Taoist heart?" Jie Yin said with a smile.

"How can we destroy it? If you don't take action, we won't take action." I didn't admit anything and let Yuan Shi take action.

This is their own way.

When he saw me, he continued to take action and no longer argued with each other in words.

At the moment when he returned to Yuan Dynasty, Yuan Shen was constantly absorbing the Tao from Yuan Shi.

As Nuwa said, inaction, interpretation, and interception are actually self-existence, no beginning, no end, and infinite reflection by the water.

Although Yuanshi said that the current path is still the 'Chan' path.

But after all, there is also a part of the power that I am.

And now that he has mastered part of the way to the end, he still needs to master the way to the origin.

The end comes from infinity, and the origin naturally comes from self-existence.

Explain, to explain that there are four nines in heaven and transform it into Tao.

Then the world originated for me.

Then I replaced Heaven's heart with my own heart, and took my own principles as Heaven's principles. Since Heaven's principles are not in line with my wishes and are not my way, then I will re-create the worlds one by one.

Finally, self-existence exists, I am here, the principle is here, the cause of everything, the beginning of all things, I will no longer explain the heavenly principles, no longer create the heavenly principles, I am the principle!

Now I realize it is true!

Of course, this is just a deduction carried out by Guiyuan with the help of Si Ming and Yan Tianlu.

As for how to deduce from elucidation to origin, and then deduce from origin to self-existence.

It will take a long time.

at the same time.

Among the returning souls, the lotus petals of the twelfth-grade world-destroying black lotus, the ninth-grade white lotus of pure world, the sixth-grade karma red lotus, and some golden lotuses of merit began to fuse with each other.

One billionth of an instant.

All these rays of power spurted out, began to transform and blend, and an extremely illusory twenty-fourth grade green lotus slowly floated behind Guiyuan.

The God-killing Spear in Guiyuan's hand shook, and a lotus stem stretching across billions of miles appeared vaguely.

The breaths of several people blend together.

One billionth of a moment.

The third magical power emerged instantly, but this time it was not the power of Hunyuan, but the Dao Fruit, which he transformed into Dao Fruit!

‘Crash! ’

‘Crash! ’

The two long rivers were once again pulled out of the endless void.

In the future, a supreme being will open his eyes, "Are you going to repay the cause and effect? ​​It turns out that the cause and effect is on me!"

Say it.

Endless bright spiritual light appears, outlining a supreme Taoist fruit that falls into the long river of time.

And at the same time.

A Tao Fruit emerged from the endless future and fell into the sky-reaching green lotus that transformed into trillions of miles behind Guiyuan.

A drop of extremely bright blood essence appeared in Guiyuan's hand.

He threw it suddenly and fell into it.

This is the Pangu essence and blood that Guiyuan got from Hou Tu. Even if it is only the essence and blood from Kaitianqian, it still has the charm of Pangu Taoism and supreme power.

But Guiyuan was not used to reincarnate Pangu at this moment.

It is another side of Pangu, or the embodiment of the origin that Yuanshi Tianzun seeks.

Qinglian, the essence and blood of Pangu, the origin of Tao Fruit!

The huge and towering Dharma image emerged from the green lotus behind it.

One thought can have all things born.

The Dharma stands proudly in the chaos, allowing the vicissitudes of ancient chaos to resonate, and allowing all the Dharma of the past, present and future to sing together.

"Yuanshi, this is it, Yuanshi Heavenly King! Take it!"

Guiyuan's voice sounded in the Faxiang.

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