The Yuanshi Heavenly King spoke the Tao sound, which was like the first voice in heaven and earth.

‘Moo! ’

Guiyuan is in charge of the Dharma of the Yuanshi Heavenly King, and combined with the light of the Chaos Axe that he has comprehended, the endless chaos energy is condensed into an axe.

The Yuanshi Heavenly King is not like Pangu.

Everything looks like tendons.

The Yuanshi Heavenly King was dressed in a white fairy robe, with light flowing all over his body, like twinkling stars.

I saw him taking one step forward, stepping into the void, and naturally exuding a distant and sacred aura, as if he were the origin of the world, the ancestor of the void, and the ancestor of all things.


As soon as the words were spoken, thousands of things roared.

Various characters appeared around him, such as the yin characters for opening the sky and the yang characters for creation. All kinds of fine runes flowed like flowing water, reflecting the endless majesty and sacredness, like textiles, creating a new world.

As time goes by, history has been engraved, and the holy words resound through the void, as if they are the melody of the world, making people feel the power of life and the power of creation.

The First Heavenly King.

The eyes that were originally black and white, this time had a simple color, like the surging sea of ​​chaos, reflecting the deep and boundless world.

One is ten thousand, ten thousand is one, the beginning is complete, and the great road exists.

The great road exists, the world is completed, time and space appear, and all things are born.

All the rules that existed in the prehistoric world can be found here.

Yin and yang, the five elements, time and space, the four phenomena, creation, and destruction are all included in the Yingdao!

And they are combined and matched with each other, sublimating to the extreme, expounding an ultimate legal principle!

Not only that, this world even has the way of heaven, the way of earth, the way of humanity, and the growth of all living beings, which is extremely real.

But soon, it expanded.

In the end, it’s infinite!

It was so vast that it seemed to occupy the entire prehistoric world and move towards Yuanshi's suppression.

This boundless world is almost equivalent to the vast ancient world being lifted up and then smashed down, which can crush all enemies into ashes!




A world that is more real than the one created by Yuan Shi with the Three Treasures Jade Ruyi appeared.

Yuan Shi was stunned.

He looked at that world quietly, and endless information emerged in his mind.

For a moment, I was stunned in the chaos. You must know that for saints, the endless amount of information can be processed by them.

It is almost impossible to be stunned unless there is interference from the same realm.

Such as now.

But it's not because there are any charm-like laws in Guiyuan's axe.

But Yuanshi saw his own way forward in this world.

When he became enlightened, why didn't he use the method I asked them to use, so that they could survive between the two realms of heaven and man?

His eldest brother is good at the way of yin and yang, but he does nothing and does everything without doing anything. His actions are like antelope hanging horns, warm wind and drizzle, which makes him very confused between the two realms of heaven and man.

His third younger brother is good at swordsmanship. He would rather take the straight path than bend the curve.

Although he is also between heaven and man, the reason why he is between heaven and man is because they have been plotted by their teacher before.

He cannot break away from his identity as a saint of the way of heaven, but his way allows him to gain a chance of survival. Falling into the shackles of the way of heaven is definitely not what he wants.

Therefore, we use the changes in human nature to seek a chance to escape from the shackles.

And he is good at refining weapons, and he also likes to follow the rules and follow the great path. It can be said that he has gone further in the Pangu inheritance.

He is the Heavenly Lord of the Yuan Dynasty, who explains the way of heaven.

Try to interpret God's will, and within the limits of the rules, try to improve your cultivation as quickly as possible.

The reason why he became a saint of heaven and earth is because he is now among the three realms of heaven, earth and man.

The way of heaven is the most powerful and the oldest, and the way of heaven is his way to hitch a ride.

As he and his two brothers said, if what the teacher did was wrong, he would try to correct it.

But now.

Guiyuan showed him another solution to his path with the Dharma of the Yuanshi Heavenly King, and even transcended the barriers.

He found that his thinking had fallen into a misunderstanding.

Why did he think he should listen to Hongjun before?

Because Hongjun now represents the sky, he subconsciously forgot who created the prehistoric world.

If he wants to follow the rules and explain God's will, he should rely on Pangu's path, use the body of Yuanshi, become Pangu again, and walk the path of opening up the sky...

Endless information and deductions appeared in Yuanshi's mind at the same time. The infinite charm and infinite possibilities contained in it made Yuanshi stunned.

One billionth of a moment.

'I'm still fighting! ’

Yuanshi came back to his senses in an instant, and instantly controlled Pangu Banner and began to wield the boundless chaos sword energy, but when he encountered the boundless world that had been opened up.

All quietly dissolved.



The Qingyun in the sky above Yuan Shi's head let out a mournful cry, and the Qingyun in the sky was instantly knocked away.

Because at this time, even the Yuanshi Heavenly King who created him was no longer able to control the world.

On the way down from the suppression, it continued to develop crazily at an extremely fast speed, sucking in the boundless energy of chaos to increase its own strength.

'boom! ’

Yuanshi was instantly hit by this infinite world. The terror was boundless, everything was wiped out, and all the power that shook the whole chaos was exerted on Yuanshi.

In an instant, Yuanshi was shattered, like a mirror image, chopped into pieces in an instant, and endless golden holy blood splattered.

The entire prehistoric world is shaking, endless rain of blood pours down, and all living beings are mourning together.


Blood rain poured down from the sky, and the voice of heaven resounded throughout the wilderness.

Billions of living beings couldn't help but be frightened when they saw such a terrifying scene.

Yuan Shi's figure reappeared the next moment, but his aura was much weaker.

Although his breath was weak, his eyes were full of energy, and he saluted Guiyuan and said: "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for teaching me! I lost this time!"

I owe my Taoist friends a cause and effect! "

The dharma image of the Yuanshi Heavenly King instantly shattered.

Guiyuan's figure reappeared, and the green lotus that swept hundreds of millions of miles behind broke into aura and returned to Guiyuan's soul.

"There is no need to owe anything, this karma will be repaid in the future."

Guiyuan casually sent the God-killing Spear back to Yuanshen and said softly.

But Yuanshi shook his head, "Everything happens for a reason, and everything has an effect. If you are entrusted with it in the future, I will definitely fulfill this cause and effect!"

After saying that, he flew towards the prehistoric Kunlun Mountains, which meant that he would no longer interfere with this matter. Now, with the help of Guiyuan, his eyes were freed from some shackles.

He wanted to go back and realize the great path he had just gained.

As for being bombarded by Guiyuan with the deeper Yuanshi Avenue.

He didn't feel heartbroken at all. He was the most determined seeker of the Tao. Being able to see the road ahead made him even more happy.

What he is afraid of is not losing, what he fears most is that his own path will be ruined.

But now, he saw it.

If you hear it in the morning, you will die in the evening!

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