Guiyuan returned to the North Sea and his eyes fell on where Hongyun was. Now he was surrounded by Di Jun and Taiyi.

However, because Kunpeng, who was most responsible for him, has left, with the help of Zhen Yuanzi, he can still contend for a while.

But it wasn’t long.

Now his battle with Yuan Shi is over.

The battle in the chaos should be over soon, and if Hongjun's move fails.

After that, Zhunti and the two of them no longer wanted to reincarnate Hongyun to take charge of the Avenue of Fortune.

Instead, he planned to destroy him completely.

Otherwise, the cause and effect will still exist after reincarnation.

Guiyuan doesn't want to care about it, he doesn't have that much thought.

He is still comprehending the remains of fate, as well as the cause and effect left by the gods and demons of cause and effect, and all kinds of cause and effect threads.

The endless laws of fate and cause and effect flowed in his heart.

And with the help of the Dharma of the Yuanshi Heavenly King, he used the essence and blood of Pangu to open the sky, and all the power was digested in an instant.

A total of three ancient giant turtles instantly turned into chaotic golden turtles.

Endless power filled Guiyuan's body.

Because the breakthrough was made in Chaos, Heavenly Dao couldn't control that much. In addition, it couldn't control it. You must know that the Pangu aura on Guiyuan is now as strong as that of Sanqing.

"The way of origin..."

Guiyuan thought about it.

Now he has begun to understand the way of origin and the way of end. Self-existence exists forever, and infinity has already appeared. It is still short of no beginning and no end.

"The past, present, and future... are really mysteries!"

Guiyuan exhaled, as for these three personalities, he was not in a hurry.

Because there is no point in being anxious, but if he wants to go further, he must also understand that there is no beginning and no end before he can enter Hunyuan.

Taking the origin of Yuanshi Tianzun, he transformed into the tortoise that opened the sky, and one tortoise shell constituted one world.

With the present of the Moral God, he has become the tortoise that inherits the world, and he has carried the world with the giant tortoise of the Great Way.

With the end of Lingbao Tianzun, he became the tortoise that destroyed the world and reshaped the chaos.

This cycle of reincarnation strengthens itself over and over again.

And his destruction of the Guiyuan world and creation of the world is his first step into the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

"Slowly comprehend... Zhuxian World is ready, it's time to get involved. Zhuxian World has a lot of secrets, I'm looking forward to it now!"

The world of Zhuxian.

In the Emperor's Treasury, the yellow bird that originally guarded this place has now turned into a bird on Zeng Shushu's shoulder.

One man and one turtle marched for a while, and saw a flash of light in the distance, and the air was filled with a faint fragrance, fresh and elegant, refreshing.

As we got closer, the things in sight became clearer.

There was a wooden platform erected in the darkness. It was half a person tall and about the thickness of a baby's arm. A round wooden pillar was connected to the ground. The upper end supported a small platform about one foot in size.

In the middle of the platform, there is an ancient-shaped cup. The entire wooden platform and cup are actually completely connected together, and are also integrated with the trees underground.

"Is this the spiritual liquid?" Zeng Shushu looked at the liquid in the cup with curiosity.

Guiyuan stepped forward and took a look before saying: "Yes. These liquids contain huge spiritual energy, which is of great benefit to extending life span, tempering the physical body, and purifying true energy.

As for that stone, it can be regarded as an innate treasure. It gathers the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and turns it into spiritual liquid.

Just take it and train your fellow disciples. "


Zeng Shushu quickly stepped forward and took away the liquid.

Guiyuan Yuanshen swept around, and soon realized something. The magic power appeared in his hand and blasted towards the dome of the Emperor's treasure house.

next moment.

Suddenly a bright golden light appeared on the dome.

In the dazzling golden light, a loud voice suddenly rang out, and golden words as big as a bucket appeared one after another under the golden light:

"Heaven and earth are unkind and regard all things as stupid dogs!"

Seeing this scene, Zeng Shushu couldn't help but said: "Book of Heaven."

After a while, these ten words slowly disappeared, but the mysterious chanting voice became louder and louder.

In an instant, the dazzling golden light pillar suddenly exploded, shooting extremely hot into all the spaces in the Emperor's Treasury.

On the surrounding walls, under the golden light, golden characters appeared one by one in the air, with vigorous strokes, as if they were flying.

Guiyuan raised his head and stared at the golden characters, writing them down one by one, and comprehending the truth contained in them.

Zeng Shushu also stared at this scripture, trying to understand something.

"The Emperor's Treasure House..."

Guiyuan nodded.

It is indeed the Way of the Supreme Purity, and this third volume is a continuation of the previous and the lower. After absorbing this volume of the Heavenly Book, he has a deeper understanding of the 'Way of the End'.

"about there."

Guiyuan said quietly.

Zeng Shushu next to him was a little happy when he heard it. Guiyuan disappeared in front of him in an instant. In that moment, Zeng Shushu only saw the seemingly endless Taoist rhyme flashing in front of his eyes.

The Heavenly Book is the source of cultivation for this side of the world, and almost all extraordinary powers are born from the Heavenly Book.

In essence, the Book of Heaven is similar to the Chakra Sacred Tree in the Naruto world.

After analyzing the Heavenly Book, the returned soul can already sense the origin of the world in this world.

In a dark space, the endless laws that make up Zhuxian's world converge into an existence that seems imaginary but not imaginary, and seems real but not real.

A figure entered and instantly extinguished the hazy consciousness in the origin of this world.

In an instant.

Endless information continued to pour into Guiyuan's mind. From the birth of the Zhuxian world, there was only an embryo of a world in the void.

In an instant, a ray of sword energy flew out from nowhere and turned into an endless torrent to blast away the embryo of the world.

A big world appeared here instantly, and Guiyuan was watching. Looking at this supreme world, Guiyuan was very familiar with it. It was naturally the Zhuxian world.

‘This sword energy was created by the Zhuxian sword energy? Could it be that it was opened by a certain Lingbao Tianzun, and the imprint imprinted in it is that Pangu opened the sky, and Nuwa created the spirit...'

When Guiyuan saw this, he confirmed his thoughts.

The Zhuxian world reincarnated again and again, but Guiyuan discovered that at this time, everyone in the Zhuxian world was still cultivating the Tao, that is, there were no demons.

So Guiyuan didn't stop. Since the devil appears later, it means there are variables.

as expected.

After a certain time when the world fell into reincarnation, two figures suddenly appeared, one with four heads and eight arms, and the other with a demonic light all over its body, but an extremely kind face, trying to save all sentient beings.

The two people flicked their fingers, and two forces entered them. The voice of the twelve-headed and twenty-four-armed gods was like a bell, "I am the evil king of heaven, the creator of heaven and earth!"

But in an instant, the endless power turned into something very familiar to Guiyuan.

"Conquer the Demonic Pestle!"

You are going a bit too far by subduing the demon pestle to create the world. These are not demons, they are Buddhists!

Guiyuan murmured to himself.

He has already thought that the birth of the Zhuxian world may involve a certain war that swept countless worlds.

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