Because he thought of concept appropriation, in addition to increasing his own weight in this concept, or occupying space.

And then there's the war.

It comes from a war that has covered many worlds.

Use various means to continuously occupy your concepts, whether it is your incarnation, Dharma body, true body, corresponding body, or even everything related to you, occupy and replace it.

Let you really die.

This is also the way that Nuwa said that most beings who have embarked on the path of transcendence fight with each other.

Otherwise, there is no such means.

In fact, no matter how hard you try, you cannot kill all the beings who are on the path to transcendence. It can even be said that you only scratch the surface of them.

Only by appropriating various incarnations and concepts is the real way to fight.

"The demonic pestle opens the sky, creates all things with compassion, has many heads and many arms... and invades the world of the Supreme Purity.

Is this a war between Buddhism against a certain Tongtian, or a war between Buddhism and Taoism as a whole? "

Guiyuan suddenly thought that multiple heads and multiple arms were the favorite symbols of Western religions and later Buddhists.

Although Taoists also have magical powers with three heads and six arms, those are fighting magical powers and are not used during battles.

People from Taoist sects are either immortal or spiritual.

It is rare to say that one walks like this with three heads and six arms.

People in Western religions like to use multiple heads and multiple arms to represent various symbols, such as infinite wisdom, infinite strength, infinite magic power, etc.

"Buddhas and demons have a sudden thought, and they don't even dare to appear as Buddhas when they cause trouble. Instead, they rely on Buddha's light, and they don't know who they are."

Guiyuan didn't figure out who the two incarnations were.

This vest is a bit thick.

Although King Tiansha Ming created the world, the Zhuxian world is at most a Zhongqian world, and it is not difficult to influence a Zhongqian world.

'And they were just interference, they just made a shape and invaded the concept of "open sky" of the world opened up by the sword energy.

Not to mention Western religion and later Buddhism have the habit of opening up the heavens.

What is the Buddha's Kingdom in the Palm, what is the Infinite Buddha's Kingdom, the Hengsha Heavens, etc.

There are many Buddhists with great supernatural powers who have mastered this concept, so it is normal for Buddhists with great supernatural powers to invade this concept.

It's just a bit special in terms of creation.

‘Cihang? ’

One who is extremely compassionate and possesses the power of creation.

Let Guiyuan think about it.

That is to say, he went from Chanjiao to Western religion, or he was originally a Westerner, but he took the reincarnation of Cihang and became Cihang to worship Guanyin of Chanjiao.

Guiyuan was thinking about it, feeling the endless information and immeasurable laws. The endless power was constantly filling his body, enriching his understanding of the laws.

The future development of the world was indeed as Guiyuan expected. When Taoism appeared again, demons also appeared, and Buddha also appeared.

Guiyuan continued to read.

The world is still developing, and Guiyuan soon sees that once again, because there is no reincarnation in the world and cannot afford the ghosts in the world, the world suddenly collapses.

Return to chaos and transform into the embryo of the previous world.

Because the world is constantly being destroyed and reborn without any growth, the origin of the world is getting weaker and weaker, and world consciousness is vaguely born in the world that is constantly being reborn.

Linglong appeared.

She has great love in her heart, and she seems to have seen the truth of the destruction of the world, guided by the consciousness of the world.

I want to gather the negative power of heaven and earth to grow and live.

But she also failed, the next time the world was opened up again.

It's just that the marks of Linglong and the Beast God have been imprinted on them, and Linglong and the Beast God will still appear in the world that is born again.

But the appearance of Linglong also brought a little growth to the Zhuxian world.

There is a system like witchcraft.

Slowly, the world begins to improve, and the number of extraordinary power systems continues to increase.

Until the current Zhuxian world system emerged.

One can imagine how difficult it is for the world to grow. The Zhuxian world grew twice.

One time was because of the existence of external forces, namely the King of Heavenly Evil and the Holy Mother of Youming.

Once, it was because the world had been destroyed too many times, and the system of witchcraft was born.

But until now, the reason why the world collapsed for the first time has still not been solved.

There is just no reincarnation.

Without reincarnation, this world would never be able to break through its own shackles and never be able to give birth to the true world.

"Now we know how far-reaching Pangu was and how great Houtu was back then!"

Guiyuan murmured.

The simplest function of reincarnation is to balance the yin and yang of creatures in the world, so that yin returns to yin and yang returns to yang.

Yin and Yang exist in heaven and earth.

If Yin and Yang are out of balance, the final result will be the collapse and destruction of many worlds.

The world also has levels, the small thousand, the middle thousand, the big thousand, and what Nuwa calls ‘heaven’.

After the world is born with consciousness, it will naturally want to continue to evolve.

It’s just that growth doesn’t mean letting the world do whatever it wants.

It is also the first time that it has become a world. It cannot be said that it is extremely perfect when it is born.

Without external intervention, the world would grow very slowly.

Sometimes this is also why the three realms of heaven, earth and man are born in the world.

Then they outsourced their authority to certain people, such as Hongjun, Nuwa, Houtu and other creatures to be responsible for controlling the growth of the world and so on.

Therefore, as long as it is a powerful world, there will be some Taoist ancestors, Taoist masters, saints, etc.

Guiyuan first extracted the Zhuxian Sword Qi from the origin of the world that led to its birth. This sword Qi contained the 'Way of the End'.

In fact, it is the source of the contents of the Heavenly Book.

"The Way of the Supreme Purity is all-encompassing. It would be a bit too much to tamper with the general outline of the Supreme Purity into the magic method. King Tian Sha Ming, Holy Mother You Ming..."

Guiyuan absorbed that wisp of sword energy into his soul.

He now wants to know whose vests those two people belong to.

So he extracted the aura and imprint left by the two figures from the core of the world's origin.

Guiyuan began to mobilize the laws of heaven in the Zhuxian world.

Turned into extremely bright runes.

The runes flowed and condensed into a portal that shimmered with infinite mystery and seemed to be eternal and eternal.

Every trace of the portal seems to be formed by the infinite Tao Yun condensed by a supreme power.

Gate of the One.

The magical power that Guiyuan had learned from the chat group in order to involve many worlds, now the Gate of Taiyi has become one of Guiyuan's trump cards.

Because it connects many worlds, the gate of Taiyi suppresses it, which means that the world in one direction suppresses it.

Even if it is not used to fight the enemy, the Gate of Taiyi today is incomparably magical. It is easy to capture the world where the breath comes from through the breath of Guiyuan Boundless Chaos Realm.


Through the power of the Gate of Taiyi, Guiyuan could vaguely feel the boundless world, with many figures soaring in the clouds and mist, and there were seven vague figures suppressing the center of this boundless world.

The vastness, infinity, eternity, and transcendent eternity are all on it.

Extremely powerful.

Guiyuan felt this aura, a similar aura that he had only experienced in a few worlds.

"These two figures actually come from a vast world?"

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