Guiyuan looked at the sky in the distance. The purple sky thunder had turned into thick liquid, exuding endless power and entangled in the sky. "Again? You have no other means?"

Although the power of this thunder tribulation is extremely terrifying, a ray of thunder is enough to kill a great Luo, and these strands of thunder seem to be endless and form a world of three thousand thunders.

But this method has extremely little effect on Guiyuan.

He has already understood the Law of Destruction and the Law of Thunder and the Hunyuan Golden Immortal. If this attack does not reach the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, it will have little effect on him.

At this time, the power of heaven above the nine heavens is as vast as a prison, covering the land with a radius of trillions of miles, thunder is rolling, and calamity clouds are gathering.

In just a short moment, most of the calamity cloud had condensed. In the purple to black calamity cloud, the thunder dragon roared, emitting bursts of terrifying aura.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom!"

A moment later, two divine thunders fell and struck Guiyuan. The power of these two divine thunders was not comparable to the perfection of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

It would be extremely troublesome for a quasi-sage because of the Law of Destruction and the Law of Thunder and Lightning inside!

But for Guiyuan, that's all.

Guiyuan's expression turned cold, "Heaven and earth are always quiet!"

Infinite Tao rhyme filled Guiyuan's hand, and in an instant these Tao rhymes condensed into extremely mysterious runes.

Runes flickered across the sky and the earth, turning into a boundless formation in an instant, as if the heaven and earth were covered by falling thunder.

Billions of laws stagnated the endless power inside, and Guixu appeared instantly, and the infinite swallowing laws swallowed the static thunder into it.

Crush it crazily and seize the creation of heaven and earth.

‘Bang bang bang bang…’

Another ten giant turtle particles appeared, and unparalleled power emerged in Guiyuan's body. Now these particles have turned into human flowers and Tao fruits.

Particle enhancement also means that other people's flowers are constantly increasing.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three more thunderbolts fell, and the aura of these three thunderbolts had reached an extremely terrifying level.

Half-step Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The boundless power of Hunyuan has already emerged within it.

[You have observed the laws of thunder and lightning and the laws of destruction of Half-step Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and tried to integrate them into the three disasters and nine disasters. 】

[By combining your own awareness of the way of heaven and your understanding of the thunder tribulation, you have mastered the great magical power - the Purple Sky Divine Thunder. 】

His understanding is against the sky, and he is constantly analyzing this thunder tribulation that has reached half the power of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

Endless insights suddenly emerged in Guiyuan's mind.

Billions of laws of thunder and lightning and laws of destruction hang down among the returning souls.

Those three thunders should have been the most powerful. The endless thunder crashed down, and the entire prehistoric world seemed to be shaken three times.


Guiyuan's feet moved, and then slowly rose into the sky, standing in the endless void.

"The end!"

Guiyuan punched out, and endless terminal power was thrown out with Guiyuan's punch.

Destiny is shattered, time and space wither, cause and effect are annihilated.

Under the end, nothing will exist!

Even the catastrophe is no exception.

The three thunderbolts were all shattered in an instant. The so-called half-step Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was nothing more than an essential gap in power, but the way of the end was superior to it.

On the control of Guiyuan.

The thunder tribulation turned into countless strands of power like small snakes, which emerged from the ruins and swallowed them all into themselves!

"Bang bang bang..."

Nearly thirty prehistoric giant turtle particles appeared instantly.

At this moment, bursts of thunder sounded from the nine heavens, causing Guiyuan's expression to freeze again.

"Ho! Roar! Roar!..."

At this time, a roaring sound sounded from the tribulation cloud, and Guiyuan frowned, these three thunder tribulations were not the last.

This guy Hongjun is too rogue. This is half the power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but it is not a follow-up!

next moment.

A body of hundreds of thousands of feet appeared, its eyes were red, and the roaring sound echoed between heaven and earth.


Chaos gods and demons!

But they are not real Chaos Gods and Demons, but Chaos Gods and Demons evolved from the power of heaven.

Although he is only infinitely close to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, his own strength is not weak. Even the prehistoric existences of the same level are no match for him.

In billions of seconds.


With a wave of the hand of this god and demon, endless mysterious laws swept out, all time slowed down, and Guiyuan's figure slowed down.

"The Law of Time!"

[You have observed the time gods and demons transformed by the power of heaven, and analyzed the laws of time in them. You combined your own insights to deduce the magical power - time is slow! 】

Guiyuan's face was calm.

Opening the fists, in an instant, the end of all things, the destruction of the world, fate, cause and effect, time and space all fell into the eternal silence.

"The end!"

The Fist of the End reappears, the five elements flow and destroy, and together they reverse the yin and yang, and reverse the many magical powers of the five elements in an instant.

At the end of time, all things fade away.

The law of time was directly broken in an instant, and Guiyuan's fist exploded with endless final energy and blasted on the body of the time god and demon in a billionth of an instant.


The incomparable explosion only saw dense cracks appearing on the body of the god and demon. Although it seemed to be broken, under the law of time, it continued to return to its strongest state.

[You have observed the time gods and demons transformed by the power of heaven, and analyzed the laws of time in them. You combined your own insights to deduce the magical power - return to wind and fire! 】

The Time God and Demon roared, the endless and vast laws of time suddenly emerged, and the vast river of time appeared at the feet of the Time God and Demon.

If it is a real time god and demon, it is not necessarily possible to summon the river of time. The main reason is that the prehistoric world will naturally suppress the chaos god and demon.

But this is condensed by the power of heaven. In essence, it is the power of heaven, the power within the ancient world. It is easy to summon the river of time.



The time gods and demons stepped forward, trying to kill Guiyuan's past.

"Yuanshi opens the sky!"

Seeing this, Guiyuan saw the endless power of the Origin gathering behind him.

The appearance of the body also appears in the long river of time.

The Dharma of the Yuanshi Heavenly King of the Origin is condensed, and his figure swells to an incredible level, like a giant. Chaos energy surges when he raises his hands and feet. The three treasures and jade flow as he wishes, sometimes in line with the meaning of the creation of the world.

The endless opening of the heavenly rhyme instantly turned into a sky-lifting ax of hundreds of thousands of feet.

One billionth of a moment.

The ax fell.

The whole world was filled with color, as if there was only this ax in the world.

In the light of the axe, destruction and creation coexist, the creation of the sky and the destruction of the world coexist, immeasurable light, immeasurable heat, immeasurable silence, immeasurable power!

The power of 'opening the sky' instantly fell on the time god and demon.

Think of the gods and demons of time as the chaos to be broken.

The only one was created, the universe collapsed, time and space exploded, and the roaring sound turned into nothing.

Because nothing exists anymore.

What cause and effect, what fate, what time.

This moment no longer exists, only chaos.

I don’t know how long has passed, it could be an instant, or it could be hundreds of millions of years.

A brand new light rose, breaking through the chaos and cutting through the void.

This is the power that belongs to Kaitian.

Countless rays of light exploded on the Time God Demon, and endless power poured out.


The world seemed to be roaring, and the gods and demons exploded loudly throughout the entire time. The sound resounded through the sky. The impact visible to the naked eye annihilated everything within a trillion miles around, returning to chaos.

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