Gui Xu appeared instantly, swallowing up all the power belonging to the power of heaven and the law of time around him.

The endless power of creation mixed with the mighty power of time emerged from Guiyuan's palm, restoring all the surrounding laws that were disordered because of his tribulation, the mountains and rivers that were destroyed, and the dead creatures.

But Jean Guiyuan discovered that the long river of great roads that had passed through the disasters in the past had not yet appeared.

"It's not over yet?"

Guiyuan looked up at the sky. At this moment, the sky had returned to normal, and only a trace of the countless destructive auras lingering in the sky remained.

Suddenly, a ray of purple energy appeared in Guiyuan's sight, and he saw this purple energy that seemed to be there and not there, and was vaguely visible.

It seems to contain endless principles of heaven and earth.

‘Hongmeng Purple Qi? ’

Guiyuan did not expect that the Hongmeng Purple Qi would suddenly come here. Before he went through the tribulation, he saw the Demon Clan and the Witch Clan trying to capture the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

I stopped paying attention.

Anyway, he felt that whoever the Hongmeng Purple Qi fell into would not have a great impact on him, and he never thought about using the Hongmeng Purple Qi to become some kind of heavenly saint.

Does it matter whose hands it falls into?

Who knew that just after he defeated the time god and demon condensed by the power of heaven, this Hongmeng purple energy suddenly came.

And it looks like this Hongmeng Purple Qi is actually coming towards him.

"What on earth is this guy Hongjun thinking?"

Guiyuan was stunned. What did Hongjun want to do? He didn't think that he would become a saint by relying on Hongmeng's purple energy.

And just then.

Guiyuan suddenly felt two supreme auras coming towards this side, as well as approaching hundreds of quasi-sages, countless Daluo and below Daluo beings.

"Human calamity? Heavenly calamity can't deal with me, so let's use human calamity to deal with me, right?"

Guiyuan figured it out quickly.

Breaking through the Hunyuan Golden Immortal in the later stage with the help of Heavenly Tribulation can at most reach the level of half-step Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

This is the upper limit that Heaven has given Hongjun to use the calamity power.

That being the case.

Then go directly to someone with the strength of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Now in the ancient world, there are either other saints, or the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation and the Twelve Capital Gods Formation.

It is naturally impossible for those saints to appear.

They are all sitting back and watching where Hongmeng Zi Qi goes, and those saints are only restricted by Hongjun, which does not mean that the saints are Hongjun's dogs.

In essence, there is not much difference between the other Tiandao saints and Hongjun.

It’s just that Hongjun is the spokesperson of Heaven, so his authority is half a level higher.

In addition, Hongjun once preached in the ancient times. Almost all people with great supernatural powers who listened to Hongjun's teachings even became enlightened by killing three corpses.

Whenever you see Hongjun, you must salute him as a teacher.

Almost all the Five Saints of Heaven became enlightened by killing three corpses, so when they faced Hongjun, they had to go down half a level.

This time it seemed that Hongjun was much higher than the other saints.

"You move so frequently, are you starting to feel anxious?"

Countless lines of cause and effect appeared in Guiyuan's eyes, and he saw that the Hongmeng purple energy had formed a huge line of cause and effect with him. Without saying a word, the spiritual treasure obtained from the God and Demon of Cause and Effect instantly appeared in his soul.

Thousands of lines of cause and effect.

Silk threads spread out, like a dragnet, blocking Hongmeng Purple Qi from all angles. Hongmeng Purple Qi cannot be touched, but it can be restricted by cause and effect.

The Hongmeng Purple Qi, which was approaching Guiyuan at an extremely fast speed, stopped in an instant like a mosquito sealed in amber.

'break! ’

There was a loud sound like a grand sound coming from the thirty-third heaven, and the originally imprisoned Hongmeng Purple Qi received great power in an instant.

Breaking through the shackles of cause and effect, traveling through endless time and space barriers in an instant, cutting through countless dimensions, and entering into the returning soul.

"Is Hongjun already so shameless?"

"You actually gave me the Hongmeng Purple Qi without my consent! This is so shameless!"

Guiyuan saw the undisguised power.

In the past, Hongjun's layout used chess pieces to leverage various general trends to achieve the results he wanted.

It was a bit too direct to end like this. He actually directly controlled the Hongmeng purple energy to enter his soul.

This guy was determined to thwart him.

Although he does not have the magical power of Nuwa, he uses the power of humanity to grind up the Hongmeng Purple Qi and scatter it to all living beings in the ancient world.

But he had other methods.

"Destiny is determined!"

Guiyuan's expression turned cold, and the Great Destiny Technique emerged instantly. The remnant body of destiny obtained from the cave world had been refined by Guiyuan and transformed into his own Great Dao Turtle.

Now it is not easy for him to use the Great Destiny Technique. It can be said that it can affect the fate of Daluo and Quasi-Sage.

This guy Hongjun wants to trick him.

In this case, don't blame him for fighting back.

You have calculated well against Hongyun, but you still want to take this opportunity to mess with me?

"This is how your destiny should be, fall into the command!"

"Si Ming is in charge of the fate of human beings, their merits, karma, and luck. With the blessing of saints, they have the authority of humanity."

"He deserves to be in charge of the position of a saint of heaven!"

A supreme power in the dark is magnificent, supreme, supreme, mighty, unblocked, endless, majestic, immortal, and the eternal river of destiny appears behind Guiyuan.

In the world of immortality, the great destiny spell is the door to eternal life summoned.

But in prehistoric times.

That is the river of destiny.

This is the power of destiny!

It's destiny, that's how it should be.

The fate that originally belonged to Hongmeng Ziqi was grasped by Guiyuan in an instant.

at the same time.

"It comes from one's own destiny, and it is mysterious and mysterious. It is destiny to achieve enlightenment, destiny to establish, and destiny to achieve success..."

In the dark, the flow of the long river of destiny turned into a grand and boundless song of destiny, as if it had been born from the beginning of the world.

Nothing can escape the control of fate.

The Hongmeng purple energy that was still in Guiyuan Yuanshen was pulled out by a supreme force in an instant.

This supreme power clings to the Hongmeng Purple Qi and wants to submerge it into the most original place in the ancient world.

That's where the Humanity Scroll is, and Siming is also located there.

But one billionth of a second.

The Hongmeng Purple Qi, which was about to be pulled by the Great Destiny Technique, instantly stopped. The infinite power of heaven tightly grasped the Hongmeng Purple Qi, trying to re-enter the returning soul.

"Causal cut!"

"Time is slow!"

"Return to the wind and return to the fire!"

"Heaven and earth are always quiet!"

Continuous magical powers were blasted out by Guiyuan. Although the Hongmeng Purple Qi could not touch it, the power of the law could affect it.

One after another, the laws kept trying to drive him into the void where Si Ming was.

As long as he enters, with the help of the power of humanity, he can instantly fall on Si Ming.

But the power of heaven is also increasing.

The Hongmeng Purple Qi is like a small snake trying to get into a ball of flesh. A force is constantly pulling it into the flesh, and a force is pulling it out.

The two are constantly wrestling.

The Hongmeng Purple Qi keeps swinging under the two forces. Sometimes most of the Hongmeng Purple Qi has disappeared, and then reappears in the world at the next moment.

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