The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 32 The inner world becomes a god and comes to Douluo

[You begin to analyze the method of combining the origin of the world and incense. You see the product of the fusion of the origin of the world and incense. You begin to understand the road to becoming a god in the world.]

[Combining the origin of the inner world with incense, and placing it in the divine place where the gods are combined, regulating the yin and yang of the world, and making the weather smooth...]

Shen Fei raised his eyebrows and separated the incense inside from the origin of the world with a wave of his hand.

He opened his mouth and swallowed the incense into his inner world. In an instant, countless light rains flooded into his entire inner world.

The Star God, who had already given birth to some consciousness, appeared as a faint shadow under the pull of this light rain, very faint.

And a phantom appeared on the water, a giant turtle that looked like Shen Fei was suppressing the ocean and roaring to the sky.

In an instant, Shen Fei felt that his understanding of the world became clearer.

The understanding of the law of water has accelerated again.

"But the power of faith required to give birth to all the gods is too huge."

Shen Fei's Yuan Shen appeared in his inner world and felt a god emerging from the stars. He would definitely not be short of spiritual energy and the origin of the world. At worst, he would use the ancient world to support his inner world.

But the key is the incense.

If he wants the gods in his inner world to grow, he must have countless incense.

The incense contained in the Poseidon Trident in Douluo just now was more like an introduction, helping him transform these gods.

But there is almost no power.

Shen Fei's mind returned to the outside, and with a wave of his hand, the Poseidon Trident that had just disappeared reappeared.

The world origin belonging to the Douluo world was reintegrated into the trident.

Because the chat group just reminded that if you want to come to the world of the group friends, you must rely on the origin of the world in that world to do so.

Otherwise, Shen Fei plans to swallow up the origin of this world.

But now there is another choice, which can be used as his incarnation when he comes to Douluo Continent.

"The road to the inner world..."

Shen Fei was not in a hurry, but was deducing whether this path was correct or not. The path to the inner world was indeed the supreme road, and the way to enhance it was extremely obvious.

It’s about enhancing the world.

From the Small Thousand, the Middle Thousand, the Great Thousand and even to the legend of the only supreme.

But there is a disadvantage, it consumes a lot of money.

"Incense...combines the world and subordinates the world..." Shen Fei's eyes flashed.

This was the best path he thought of.

In other words, the path that suits him best.

It is impossible for him to talk about becoming a saint by killing three corpses, or to become a saint through merit. The former requires killing three corpses and the innate spiritual treasures must come from the same source so that they can finally be unified.

Merit sanctifies.

It depends on whether Hongjun can give him this opportunity, and what he can get seems to be the great merit of supporting the sky.

What other merits are there for establishing teachings and merits for creating people?

He can do it!

So the best way for him is to become a saint through strength.

It's just that becoming a saint through strength is a big concept. In fact, it is nothing more than the secret of Hunyuan that is powerful enough to glimpse.

The short name is Li Da Brick Flying.

There are many ways to become a saint through strength, among which the two most mainstream methods are: one is to comprehend a law until it is 100%, and use one's body to integrate into the avenue it belongs to.

The Great Dao was born in Hunyuan.

Naturally, you can get a glimpse of the secret of Hunyuan.

Otherwise, the road to the world.

The most successful case among them is the great god Pangu. Let’s not talk about whether there are other inside stories about Pangu’s death after he opened up the world.


In addition, when Pangu opened up the ancient world, there were still three thousand demon gods who 'helped' perfect the laws of the ancient world.

These two are not something that normal monks can do.

If there was no chance, Shen Fei would probably have no choice but to use meritorious deeds or find the right three treasures to kill the three corpses. He would even hesitate for a long time to take the path of understanding the law.

Because of the power of becoming a saint, no one has ever passed through it.

But there are savvy and chat groups.

The chat group can use items with the origin of the world to incarnate into that world. In this case, he can use this method to analyze the world in the chat group.

Even drag it into your own inner world and become your own subordinate world,

It just means that it exists in Shen Fei's body, and it is essentially the same as the prehistoric world that existed in the Sea of ​​Chaos. It only needs to open the passage between his inner world and the Douluo world.

It can lead to the subordinate world.

After that, countless worlds provided him with incense and understood the laws.

The inner world has become similar to the prehistoric world, and even the lord of the world who overrides it is not impossible.

Shen Fei kept deducing in his mind, pondering the key points here, and found that it was indeed feasible, and the feasibility was even much greater than the chance of becoming a saint by killing three corpses or becoming a saint through merit.

"One incarnation? Two black turtle particles should be able to suppress that world."

Shen Fei opened the chat group.

[Ancient Giant Turtle: How is the situation now? 】

[Little Chef of Peach Blossom Island: Feng Xiaotian and Bo Saixi chatted for a while, and Bo Saixi decided to let Feng Xiaotian continue the assessment, but Feng Xiaotian promised that after she became Poseidon, she could become immortal. The soul is with Tang Chen. 】

[Huo Wu will always be my goddess: Leader of the group, I’m taking off. Is Poseidon Trident effective for teeth picking? In my eighth Poseidon test, I killed the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King within half a month. This was completely embarrassing me. 】

[Prehistoric Giant Turtle: It’s okay, I’m here to help you. 】

[Huo Wu will always be my goddess: Huh? 】

[Burn it, burn it for me: Huh? 】

A series of ‘ha’s’ kept flooding the screen.

[Ancient Giant Turtle: When you gave me the trident, the chat group opened a new function for me, which allows me to descend into your world through original things. 】

[Huo Wu will always be my goddess: The group leader will definitely not directly explode the entire Douluo Continent. 】

[Prehistoric Giant Turtle: Probably not. It is probably similar to Poseidon, because this incarnation is limited to the origin of the world. 】

[Huo Wu will always be my goddess: I can finally see the heroic figure of the group leader. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: It is an incarnation. 】

[Huo Wu will always be my goddess: It is a small blessing to see a trace of the heroic figure of the group leader. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: I’m in! I'm very big, let Douluo bear with me! 】

Shen Fei opened the chat group. Among the group leader's privileges, there was an advent button. After clicking on it, there was another choice.

[Currently available world: Douluo World (Poseidon Trident)]

The suffix here explains what the world originally contains. The more things that contain the original essence, the more power can come.

Shen Fei used a trace of his mind to pull the two black turtle particles in his body into the Poseidon Trident in his hand, and the trident suddenly turned into a small turtle.

‘Come on! ’

After pressing the button, the little turtle was immediately swallowed up by a small circle.

Shen Fei looked at the circle, which exuded extremely strong space laws and some laws that Shen Fei had never seen before. After all, there were three thousand avenues and thousands of laws. It was normal that he had never seen many laws.

But he understands the laws of space.

[You have observed the way to travel through the world...]

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