After Feng Xiaotian read the message, his initially troubled mind suddenly calmed down.

"Trouble me? My boss will come directly to help!"

In Poseidon Temple.

After Bo Saixi finished chatting with Feng Xiaotian, he saw that Feng Xiaotian hadn't set off yet. He frowned and said, "Aren't you going now? You only have half a month, so you may not be able to really kill the Demon Whale King."

After Bo Saixi and Feng Xiaotian finished chatting, Feng Xiaotian told her about the eighth Poseidon test.

She felt that Feng Xiaotian was destined to die, but not at the hands of the Demon Whale King.

But under Poseidon's assessment.

Because it is simply impossible to kill the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King in half a month, because it takes more than half a month to go from Poseidon Island to the Demonic Whale Sea Area.

And if the assessment above the top level assessment is turned on.

As long as one of the tests fails, he will be immediately killed by the energy that started the test.

This is a rule for land soul masters.

Because the sea soul masters born on Poseidon Island are the subjects of Poseidon, Poseidon will not be harsh on his people even if they fail the assessment. However, if they are land soul masters, their treatment will naturally be different.

"Don't panic." Feng Xiaotian said with a smile.

When my group leader comes, let alone the Demon Whale King.

Even old Bidden, who is hiding in the dark like Poseidon, may not be able to survive!

Suddenly, the two of them looked outside Poseidon Temple at the same time.

Because they all felt a terrifying pressure appear, and it was forced on their hearts instantly.

Especially Bo Saixi, who couldn't help but gasp for air and the mountains trembled.

The power she felt was actually more terrifying than the Poseidon she had felt before. Was there a god coming?

The two of them had different expressions.

Feng Xiaotian looked excited, while Bo Saixi looked solemn.

Bo Saixi glanced at Feng Xiaotian's face, "Is the person behind you here?"

"The god of this world has come!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Feng Xiaotian turned into a phantom and rushed outside. This was the first time the leader of the group showed up, and he must go to meet him.

Bo Saixi also turned into a blue light and flew out.

On the beach of Poseidon Island, the Seven Sons of Poseidon knelt on the ground with pale faces, looking in horror at the boundless giant turtle that suddenly appeared in the distance. From their angle, they couldn't even see how big the giant turtle was.

Looking into the distance, it looks like a continent.

The key is.

They felt a familiar yet more terrifying aura on the giant turtle, that supreme majesty, that was God.

God of the sea!

At this time, a figure rushed out from Poseidon Island, walked on the water, rushed towards the giant turtle, and shouted: "Master, your most loyal little brother is here."

"Get out!" Shen Fei said helplessly.

Damn it, after coming to this Douluo world, he can no longer turn into human form.

"Da Da Da, do you want to transform into that Taoist body?"

Feng Xiaotian looked at the giant turtle whose back was like land, wondering if this would be too inconvenient.

"It can't be transformed, so it doesn't affect it."

The power of Shen Fei's soul began to spread, thousands of miles, thousands of miles, thousands of miles, until the entire ocean was included in it.

"This world is too weak."

Shen Fei shook his huge head, causing a wave of waves.

It doesn't matter if the world is weak, all he wants is the incense of Douluo World.

"Hehehe, that's definitely not as good as Da Da Da's world. Da Da Da, are we going to seize the position of God King now?"

Feng Xiaotian couldn't help but smile. Now that his backer was here, all his previous worries disappeared.

Sure enough, giving the artifact to the group leader was a correct choice.

"Don't worry, let's grab the Sea God's throne first."

"Then let's go find the Demon Whale King now?"

"I'll just catch it!"

next moment.

The law of water emerged, but its power was limited, but Shen Fei's understanding of the law of water did not know how many floors above this world.

Why are laws important? Laws can increase a little bit of power to extremely terrifying levels.

The stronger the understanding of the law, the stronger the leverage!

boom! ! !

Like thunder on the ground, the entire world seemed to be filled with suffocating pressure. The entire ocean began to shake, and countless waves appeared in an instant.

It was like a whale was stuffed into a small fish tank, and the entire ocean was making huge waves. No matter where you were on the entire sea surface, you could see the shadow of an endless giant turtle that seemed to be carrying the continent.


The giant turtle phantom speaks human words. Now the entire ocean is his body, and the sea water is his body part. It is so easy to catch the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.

When Bo Saixi came out, he stared blankly at the phantom of a giant turtle that could carry the continent on the sea, and gently stepped towards the sea!

The entire sea seemed to be capsized in an instant.

The earth shook.

The rumbling sound came from far away, like thunder in the sky constantly exploding.

The Seventh Son of Poseidon and Bo Saixi looked towards the direction where the thunderous sound came from.

In an instant.

Everyone's pupils were constricted, and their brains seemed to have shut down due to a strong bombardment.

They saw an incredible scene.

Seahorse Douluo swallowed his saliva and murmured: "No way Poseidon Island will be gone!"

On the horizon, huge waves tens of thousands of meters high were rushing towards Poseidon Island at an irresistible speed.

The scepter in Bo Saixi's hand suddenly poked the ground, and instantly a huge statue appeared from behind. This was her martial spirit Poseidon.


Bo Saixi looked at the huge wave that was rapidly approaching and could submerge the entire Poseidon Island. He shouted angrily, and the soul power in his body surged out. The Poseidon Martial Spirit behind him did the same thing.

But it has no effect at all.

Bo Saixi, who was once commanded by her to make all the sea water useless and who was known as the number one Douluo in the sea and invincible in the sea, was now helpless in the face of huge waves.

Bo Saixi and the Seventh Son of Poseidon looked desperate. Could it be that today is the day when Poseidon Island will be destroyed?

The rumbling sound carried the huge wave that destroyed the world and pushed forward desperately.

"Is that the Demon Whale King?"

Feng Xiaotian did not panic at all. The group leader would definitely not flood Poseidon Island. Soon he saw the figure carried by the huge waves with sharp eyes.

The whole body is blue, nearly hundreds of meters tall, and there are two huge eyes on the head that are closed tightly. If they were opened, they would be three meters in diameter.

But such a huge creature is like a small fish under the huge waves.


The giant turtle phantom stepped on it gently, and the huge wave that seemed to be submerging the world was completely eliminated in an instant. It was calm as if the world-destroying scene just now was a trick.

But a huge figure in the sky slammed into the water, making a loud bang, and countless waves burst out.

On Poseidon Island, Bo Saixi looked at the huge figure lying on the water, and was horrified. This was obviously the former enemy of Lord Poseidon, the soul beast that was nearly a million years old.

He can even be considered to be close to the demon god, and he is only one final calamity away from becoming a god.

The Demonic Whale King of the Deep Sea.

But isn't it in the Demon Whale Sea?

He was thousands of miles away, and yet he was sent here like this, and he was extremely weak, as if all the power condensed in his body had been shaken away.

And he seemed to have completely fainted, unable to mobilize any more strength.

How on earth is this done! !

Bo Saixi looked at the boundless giant turtle and couldn't help but swallow her saliva. What kind of god is this? It's so powerful!

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