The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 320 Liu Shen: I’ll let my future self teach me

Inside the Purple Mountain.

When Jiang Taixu, who was dying, saw the words in the group chat, his already gray eyes couldn't help but open slightly, "Desolate... Willow God, the ancient giant turtle..."

"Could it be a supreme existence from the ancient era?"

He thought of the rumor in the Jiang family records.

There once was a supreme being who defied heaven and became an immortal in the Age of Ending Dharma.

And that existence is a turtle, but no one knows its origin, and no specific deeds have been left.

[Jiang Taixu (two stars): Is the leader of the group the person who was rumored to have defied heaven and became an immortal in the ancient times? According to rumors, before Huang became an immortal, there was another person who became an immortal before Huang.

That day, the sky and the earth shook, and a boundless giant turtle covered the endless sky... It couldn't be the leader of the group. 】

[Liu Shen (five-star): Yes, he is the group leader. That's an incarnation of him! 】

Jiang Taixu didn't expect that this group chat was so magical, and that he could actually connect to people from the past, the ancient giant turtle and the Willow God.

[Jiang Taixu (two stars): Senior, save me! 】

Holy Ruins World.

On a certain planet, Chang Ming was looking into the distance on a stone cliff. After seeing the holy ruins, he said to himself: "It seems that my choice was right. That boy really became the Supreme Emperor."

Chang Ming quickly accepted the concept of group chats, after all, they are already everywhere on the planet.

There are even more advanced concepts than group chat.

But this group chat can communicate the existence of other worlds, which is really powerful!


"But Wei Heng's cheating guy, I already knew that he had other intentions, but I didn't expect that he would do it so quickly..."

"But that person in the group also knows Huang?"

After Chang Ming saw the holy ruins, he was satisfied.

His mind fell back on this magical group chat, and he discovered that the group member who seemed to have entered with him was named Jiang Taixu.

Actually know Huang?

[Ancient Giant Turtle (six stars): Don’t panic, it’s easy to rescue you. 】

[Chang Ming (two stars): Do you also know Huang? 】

[Jiang Taixu (two stars): Do you also know about Huang? 】

[Chang Ming (two stars): Of course I know, the rumored supreme existence! 】

[Chang Ming unlocks the restrictions on the copy of destiny]

[Huang Rong (two stars): This... this is too tragic, isn't it? Having your head cut off and put in a jar to be pickled with salt? No wonder it’s called bacon! 】

[Pluto (two stars): I thought Jiang Taixu was already miserable, but Chang Ming was also pretty miserable. 】

[Chang Ming (two stars): Don’t panic, I haven’t had my head cut off yet. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle (six stars): Chang Ming and his world are the future of Taixu and his world. You will probably know the details by connecting all three copies. 】

[Zhang Sanfeng (Samsung): No, if that’s the case, then there are three Huangs and three Willow Gods. 】

[Prehistoric Giant Turtle (Six Stars): Currently, they are still in separate worlds. Unless they become one, Liu Shen's realm will most likely reach the peak of Six Stars! 】

[Prehistoric Giant Turtle (six stars): This also involves a plan of mine. I use the copper coffin of the third generation as a node, combine the three generations of sacrifices into one, and obtain a Hunyuan Dao Fruit. 】

[Liu Shen (five stars): The group leader's handiwork... is truly extraordinary. 】

a perfect world.

Liu Shen, who was recovering himself, saw Jiang Taixu and Chang Ming who were new members of the group.

No wonder the group mainly went to look for the bronze coffin of the third generation.

It turns out that the Third Generation Bronze Coffin exists in these three worlds, and the group leader is using the breath of the Third Generation Bronze Coffin to bring the group members from the other two worlds.

"Three worlds merge into one. So we plan to use the method of 'integrating the body with the Tao'? It runs through three worlds, three worlds on the same timeline.

They all achieve the ultimate perfection of the Immortal Emperor and achieve the supreme Taoist fruit..."

Liu Shen couldn't help but nodded. Maybe only the group leader has this planning ability?

No, Liu Shen was suddenly stunned.

"Now that I have the permission to travel function, I seem to be able to go to the other two worlds, so can I understand the realm of the Immortal Emperor in advance and guide my path..."

A thought suddenly flashed through Liu Shen's mind.

The main reason is that she doesn't know if this method will work. To be on the safe side, she should ask the group leader first.

She sent a message in the group.

[Zhang Sanfeng (Samsung): I don’t understand! 】

[Huang Rong (two stars): Can’t understand +1]

[Hong Xuanji (four stars): What the group leader said may not be understandable to people below four stars, but for me, a four-star person. In fact, I don’t understand it either! 】

[Feng Xiaotian (group leader’s lackey) (two stars): @Hong Xuanji, are you pretending to be here? The video of you being instantly killed by the group leader is still in the group chat. 】

[Prehistoric Giant Turtle (six stars): Don’t talk anymore, let’s rescue Taixu first. Isn’t there a new permission to travel function? 】

[Hong Xuanji (four stars): I can do it for you, but it requires a lot of points, and I don’t have any points. And if the difference in cultivation is too big, too many points will be needed for the stay.

I am too poor...]

[Liu Shen (five-star): Actually, I can go, I still have the points. Mainly, I want to ask the group leader, if I appear in the Zhetian World, or the Holy Ruins World...

Then can I let my future self guide me in my practice? 】

When Guiyuan saw Liu Shen's inquiry, even the breath running in his body stopped for a billionth of an instant.

As expected of Liu Shen.

I thought of this method in a flash, but it is indeed possible.

Especially in this kind of world, in the Holy Ruins World, the Willow God has even reached the point of half-step sacrifice. It is normal for the Willow God to guide the Immortal King himself with a half-step sacrifice.

Just like he used the laws of cause and effect, the laws of fate, and the laws of time to summon the Yuanshi Tian Dynasty of the endless future to chop an axe.

Liu Shen uses the future to reflect the path he has built.

It's a bit similar to the Da Luo Tianxian in mythology.

[Ancient Giant Turtle (six stars): @Liu Shen, yes. But you don't exist in the Zhetian world. It's very likely that you are still resurrecting or recovering from your injuries.

You should go to the Holy Ruins World, it might be helpful to you. 】

[Liu Shen (five-star): It doesn’t matter. If I am still resurrected at that time, then I will help him.

By the way, Jiang Taixu was also rescued. 】

[Hong Xuanji (four stars): If so, that would be great. Group leader, is there a future world for me? Let my future self guide me in my cultivation! 】

[Linglong Immortal Lord (three-star): This is so cool! If I become a Heavenly Lord and guide me in my cultivation...]

[Alger (Three Stars): Immortal Lord, you are Da Luo’s daughter, are you still worried about practicing? 】

[Feng Xiaotian (group leader’s lackey) (two stars): Okay, okay, it turns out I’m the only one who’s a waste! 】

[Prehistoric Giant Turtle (six stars): Because Liu Shen herself is quite special, she not only became an Immortal Emperor later, she already had some of the essence of an Immortal Emperor in her perfect period.

In the future, if you become the Immortal Emperor of the Proving Dao, or even above it, you can naturally play like this. 】

[Liu Shen (five-star): That’s fine. Thank you, Great Immortal, for your answer. @Jiang Taixu, I’ll send you a message, please agree! 】

[Jiang Taixu (two stars): Okay, okay! 】

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