The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 321 The Willow God comes and the Heavenly Immortal shines

Covering the world.

Jiang Taixu was stunned when he saw Liu Shen's words, what about the past, present and future.

Three generations in one, is there such a way to play?

But he will definitely agree.

That's Liu Shen.

In the group chat, he is second only to the group leader, with a five-star level...

He couldn't even imagine what level it was at. Even the so-called Shishiless Emperor, who pushed everything, was just a junior in front of him.

Whenever the old man comes to Zishan, he will obediently come to see him without Shi Zhong.

[Group member ‘Liu Shen’ requested to enter your world. Do you agree? 】

【promise! 】

In an instant.

A vast spiritual light appeared in front of Jiang Taixu's eyes, and the entire Zishan Mountain began to shake. The Wushi Bell hanging on the top of Zishan Mountain began to clang, resounding throughout the world.

The endless bells began to vibrate, and the vast bells vibrated towards the surroundings with extremely terrifying power, seeming to turn everything into powder.

"Little one, be quiet."

With a whisper, the Beginningless Bell hanging on the top of the mountain began to stop momentarily.

Even the sound of the bell was completely silenced, as if nothing had happened.

The stone wall that trapped Jiang Taixu shattered instantly. Jiang Taixu was so weak that he was about to fall to the ground, but was supported by a force.

Jiang Taixu couldn't help but raise his head.

But he saw a slender figure with unparalleled splendor, looking down at all things, arrogantly looking down on the sky and the earth.

A person stands in a flawless snow suit, as bright as the moon, with wisps of white mist filling the air. There are three thousand light groups around him, which is one world after another!

Each light group is a piece of heaven and earth, containing many ancient countries, where countless gods and demons are worshiping her, and the sound of chanting can be heard.

All over the world, endless gods and demons are praying in salute.

Dots of crystal and hazy brilliance make this figure the only one in the world, eternal and immortal.

The first time Jiang Taixu saw it, he seemed to see the great road in this world.

His divine king body already feels like the purest power and constitution in the world.

But even a trace of aura here was purer than his power. At this time, Jiang Taixu had a real sense of the Immortal King and the Five Stars of All Realms.

"I've met Lord Liu Shen!"

Jiang Taixu endured the feeling of weakness in his body and saluted quickly.

If it were other existences, maybe he would still be a little cautious.

But Liu Shen was both teacher and mother to Emperor Huangtian, and Emperor Huangtian was the creator of their world's practice system.

Jiang Taixu naturally had no restraint, only awe and reverence.

Liu Shen nodded and said, then a green breath entered Jiang Taixu's body, and said softly: "I won't destroy it here, so as not to disturb the cause and effect.

The man named Ye is causing trouble for me. "


Jiang Taixu felt that his thousands of years of weakness had completely recovered in front of this green aura, and Liu Shen nodded.


Jiang Taixu saw that the entire time and space had stopped, endless pressure emerged in an instant, and everything stopped at this moment.

"Liu it really you?"

Suddenly, Jiang Taixu heard a cautious voice.

Liu Shen turned around and said with a smile: "Little guy."

"It's really you!"

Jiang Taixu couldn't help but look at the speaker. Four words popped into his mind at the first sight.

‘He who has no God! ’

It was a feeling that was even more shocking than seeing Liu Shen. He saw eternity, eternity, and immortality in this person, but he also saw countless lamentations...

Dressed in white.

When the handsome young man saw Liu Shen, he couldn't help but take two steps forward, but he was worried that it was an illusion.

"It's me. But I'm from the past."

Liu Shen looked at Shi Hao and felt that the aura on Shi Hao's body was now stronger than her, although she already knew from the fate track that Shi Hao would definitely become the supreme immortal emperor.

But now that I see it with my own eyes, I still feel a little distressed.

The hardships this little guy has gone through have led him step by step to where he is today.

"I know……"

Shi Hao quickly adjusted his mentality. He was just a little excited, "In the past, you told me that you would meet me in the future!"

"So I still failed to break through the Immortal Emperor?"

After Liu Shen heard this, it seemed that she was indeed still being resurrected in this time period, but Shi Hao shook his head and said: "Originally, my memory was that Liu Shen, you merged with Dao Fire, and then I took you to the sky. Try to revive it..."

"But not long ago, a new memory emerged in my mind. When I was very young, I met the Great Immortal Guiyuan, but it was extremely illusory, like a dream.

But after the Great Immortal Guiyuan became an immortal.

This memory becomes more and more profound. Not long ago, in my memory, you suddenly told me before you died.

We will meet in the future! So I left a little bit of strength here! "

When Liu Shen heard Shi Hao's words, doubts arose in her mind. She asked in the group chat that she was also doubtful.

Ancient times.

When Guiyuan saw Liu Shen's question, he was actually a little confused just now.

To be honest, it should be normal for Jiang Taixu to know Liu Shen, or to know Huang.

But it stands to reason.

These three worlds should be independent, but not independent, when he did not have the bronze coffin of three generations to attract people to join the group.

Think of it as three independently developing worlds.

But Jiang Taixu knew of his existence as soon as he entered the group.

And his incarnation is still in the history of Zhetian.

He calculated it, and it should be the so-called Heavenly Immortal Dao Fruit Reflection.

As his incarnation and cultivation in the perfect world continue to increase, there will be more and more traces of him in the Zhetian World.

[Prehistoric Giant Turtle (Six Stars): It may be because of my intervention that the timelines of these three worlds began to close.

In the perfect world, the stronger my cultivation is, the more influence I will have on the timeline, so Shi Hao's mind will gradually evolve into a memory of my appearance. 】

[Liu Shen (five-star): But why does Jiang Taixu know us directly? And why do I in this world also know that I will come here to see Shi Hao again in the future? 】

[Prehistoric Giant Turtle (six stars): Because he is too weak.

In today's perfect world, I am not enough to completely influence Shi Hao and the others, so he will notice the abnormality.

But as my cultivation in the perfect world gradually increased, there were more and more legends imprinted on me.

I will also appear in many histories of Zhetian World. 】

Jiang Taixu, who was on the side, felt a little embarrassed when he saw this conversation.

[Prehistoric Giant Turtle (Six Stars): As for you in this world, you are still in the time of resurrection, so it shouldn’t be you in the Zhetian World that changes you in the past.

But in the more distant future! 】

[Liu Shen (five-star): Are you in Chang Ming’s world? 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle (six stars): Yeah. 】

[Liu Shen (five-star): That’s it. 】

Liu Shen looked at Shi Hao and told Shi Hao this concept.

Shi Hao raised his eyebrows, "Is that so?"

"So my current body has already gone to heaven?"

"Yes. But when you died, you left a leaf behind and said that if I see you again, I will give it to you!"

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