Liu Shen nodded, looked at Jiang Taixu and said, "You go out first,"

[Jiang Taixu (two stars): Thank you God Liu, thank you group leader. I'm out of trouble! Now I am returning to Jiang’s house, hahaha! 】

[Huang Rong (two stars): How did Liu Shen save you? Could it be that he overturned Zishan? 】

[Jiang Taixu (two stars): That’s not the case, God Liu released me casually. There was no movement in the entire Purple Mountain, not even the Wu Shi Bell rang! 】

[Jiang Taixu (two stars): But I saw Huang, he is too strong. 】

[Zhang Sanfeng (Samsung): That’s for sure, he’s as strong as the group leader! 】

[Feng Xiaotian (group leader’s lackey) (two stars): I’m kind of looking forward to how far Liu Shen’s realm will be. 】

[Liu Shen (five-star): The future me left a leaf for me, which contains some of my insights into the realm of the Immortal Emperor over the years, as well as the many methods I have created in my time...]

[Liu Shen uploaded... and received 200,000 points. 】

[Liu Shen uploaded... and received 100,000 points. 】

[Liu Shen uploaded... and obtained 75,000 points. 】

When everyone saw the news flooding the screen and the series of points, they were almost envious.

[Feng Xiaotian (group leader’s lackey) (two stars): This is so cool! ! With so many points, the rest of the people are assets left by their past selves to their future selves.

But Liu Shen left assets to his past self from his future self. 】

[Hong Xuanji (four stars): God Liu is indeed powerful! 】

[Linglong Immortal Lord (four stars): Liu Shen is indeed powerful! 】

[Ning Zhongze (two stars): +1]

Ancient times.

Guiyuan saw the technique uploaded by Liu Shen. Liu Shen was really good at pulling wool.

Under his influence.

It is very likely that Liu Shen, who has become the Immortal Emperor, has left various skills and insights about the Immortal Emperor in his past.

But this is someone else's Liu Shen's own methods and understanding.

Plus the world is special.

Not every world can have several seven stars of all realms, and it is even possible that there are eight stars of all realms.

The source of the trilogy's world must be the existence of the eight stars in all realms.

Under the influence of the characteristics of the Eight Stars of All Realms, the behavior of the Seven Stars of All Realms is allowed and will not even be punished by the world.

"It seems that Liu Shen is about to step into the Immortal Emperor. But I want to step into Hunyuan and advance to the seven stars of all realms...

It will still take some time for the mysterious side, but it seems to be almost solved on the Yangshen side. This is the Great Thousand World, even if it is only the first Great Thousand World.

The harvest is likely to be greater than before! "

Guiyuan thought to himself, mainly because the world like Yangshen is too special, as if everything has sped up, and the world consciousness of Yangshen's world is impatient.

I hate that I have to continue to evolve, so I continue to perish from one era to another.

Until there is a real opportunity for it to evolve.

Hong Yi should have appeared.

But unfortunately, this fruit is about to be obtained by him.

The world of Yangshen.

Guiyuan, who had already ascended the throne, listened to Hong Xuanji's report.

"Your Majesty, there are already twelve powerful men who have reached the Dharmakaya realm!"

"Many large states have already established a system of counties and counties, with separate administrations at each level!"

"Xin Xue has also been promoted, but many sects feel that Xin Xue is too unrestrained and a bit too unconstrained. It cannot be explained by current theories..."

"On the contrary, it's my Ni...well, Hong Yi's spiritual cultivation has made great progress. Now he has entered the second calamity of ghost immortals, and he has also become a human immortal."

Now even Hong Xuanji had to marvel that this was the Son of the Era.

If there was no group leader, could he really defeat Hong Yi?

This kind of advancement speed is too fast.

"Yes. Hong Yi still has the luck of the times, so this progress is naturally normal. However, you will find that his progress is much slower than in the original timeline."

"That's true."

Guiyuan's body rumbled, as if infinite power was being derived from his body.

Hong Xuanji felt Guiyuan's increasingly strong energy and blood, and asked in a low voice: "Is this incarnation of the leader of the group not practicing human-immortal martial arts?"

Now even he has switched to Human Immortal Martial Arts.

Among Daqian, all the warriors who belong to Daqian's influence have begun to practice human immortal martial arts, because compared with the original human immortal martial arts, it is obvious that the human immortal martial arts cultivated by Daqian are more powerful.

Not only does it retain the power of the original human-immortal martial arts, but it also has a very clear path to promotion. Compared with the threshold from martial saint to human-immortal, one can only rely on one's own understanding.

It is obvious that this newly passed down Immortal Martial Arts is even more powerful.

As for the original spirit, it was to practice immortal arts, and the theory was based on the study of the heart.

The three below.

The Da Qian Zhong is basically constantly clearing out the various orthodox traditions passed down by many previous saint emperors, and the only orthodox person is the current leader of the Da Qian, Yang Yuan.

"Well, if you change cultivation, you won't be able to involve the world of Yangshen. Only by becoming the other side of this world can you be consistent with the world of Yangshen.

It doesn't matter. "

Guiyuan nodded.

Hong Xuanji had no choice but to nod after hearing this. Only the leader of the group had such a method. Who would have expected Yang Yuan, who passed down the martial arts of humans and immortals, the immortal way.

He is actually still practicing the human-immortal martial arts and the Yang-shen path in the past.

"Let me take a trip like you guys. They are just waiting for Hong Yi to understand the I Ching, but they want to do something here."


On this day, in the past few years, Daqian's national power has increased several times, and he has even been called by many people as the 'Yuan Emperor' who far surpasses many holy emperors. Yang Yuanxing.

That day.

There were countless roaring sounds from the sky and the earth, flowers falling from the sky, and golden lotuses surging from the ground.

Some people heard that Emperor Yuan used the theory of one family to debate hundreds of schools of thought.

Except for the many leaders of the various families, no one knows what happened in the debate.

However, the descendants of the worlds of disciples headed by the Fan family, especially Fan Qingyun, the head of the Fan family, known as the first family in the Middle Ages, completely recognized that the study of mind will be the supreme method that can promote the cultivation of the world of Yangshen.

Since then, ‘Yang Yuan’ has been called the ‘Heart Sect’ by many schools of thought!

Guiyuan returned to Yujing. When he returned, he saw that the dazzling "Holy Father" destiny in his soul had returned at least ten times more than what he had originally invested.

At this moment, all sentient beings were in an uproar. It was the many schools of thought that originally hindered the development of mind science. Originally, for the previous holy dynasties, the medieval scholars were the advanced representatives.

They led the development of ideas.

But after the Xin Xue came out, they became the resistance that hindered the development of the Xin Xue, and according to the calculations of the philosophers, the theory that unified the scholars should be "Yi".

rather than ‘heart’.

But who made ‘Xin Zong’ the current master of Daqian?

Nowadays, Guiyuan has an endless territory, and then lays out the system of counties and counties, and promotes development. It is all connected in many fields of thought, culture, and economy.

Under this rolling change of humanity.

How can these people contend!

And it's not just the power gap, but also the strength gap between them and Yang Yuan, the leader of Daqian.

It's just too big.

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