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Chapter 323 The Dream God Machine comes to your door and shatters the vacuum

There was a person sitting in front of Yang Yuan, who had become the ‘Heart Sect’.

A Taoist!

If anyone who knows him sees this person, he will be surprised.

Master of the Supreme Way, Meng Shenji!

His eyes were very peculiar, not like the eyes of a Supreme Taoist sect leader who pursued "the supreme lovelessness".

Ke Meng Shenji's eyes clearly contain many emotions in the world, including joy, anger, sorrow, romance, majesty and ferocity, and fighting in the world, everything is there.

This is clearly contrary to the profound meaning of "the Supreme Being forgets his love".

Guiyuan immediately nodded and praised: "As expected of Meng Shenji, he has indeed received the true inheritance of Tai, the sun god from ancient times.

And there is a sense of the path of inaction. "

"Too supreme forgetting one's feelings" does not mean being ruthless and killing one's nature. It seems similar, but if there are no human emotions, how can one forget one's feelings?

Let nature take its course, don't be happy or angry because of emotion.

The heart contains all things and accommodates the changes of all things.

This is the best state of "Too Supreme Forgetting Love" in the Supreme Way. It has changed from being too Supreme to forget love to doing nothing.

Mengshenji frowned, and Guiyuan sounded a comment, which undoubtedly made him feel weird.

And what is the way of inaction!

"You are definitely not Yang Yuan, tell me! Who in the world are you! How dare you interfere with the operation of the world!"

Meng Shenji stared at Gui Yuan, although he could not see any trace of Yang Yuan seizing the body.

But he had met Yang Yuan a long time ago because he planned to support a puppet to target Da Gan.

He inspected Yang Yuan, but gave up because he was too useless.

Why did he suddenly become like an ancient holy emperor?

"I will capture you and check the information I need directly from your heart and soul."

Meng Shenji said lightly, reaching out to grab it, a fine space vibration spread in all directions, and the heaven and earth resonated!

Guiyuan laughed and shook his head. Even when Meng Shenji, the best master in the world, took action personally, he remained calm and unmoved.

"This time I will let you experience inaction and the way to survive!"

Guiyuan's face gradually changed, turning into an old man, an old man Meng Shenji had never seen before.

"I see you are a teachable material! Let's take a look!"

Guiyuan said slowly, stretched out his right hand and tapped his fingers.

A vast aura emerged from his palm.

The endless power of existence emerges instantly, eternity, forever, existence is everything.

A punch hit the Meng Shenji instantly.

"What kind of power is this!!" Meng Shenji's expression suddenly changed on the spot.


Why did he see the existence of the vast world, the changes, existence, continuation, development, and rolling torrent of all things in just one punch?

It seems that all life in every corner of the world, including strange beasts and monsters, human princes and nobles, poor people, monks, and warriors, are among them.

It dawned on him instantly.

This person is not only extremely high in spiritual attainment, but he has also almost reached the limit in Yangshen's journey!

Not a human being!

Meng Shenji once cultivated the body of an immortal, but was later destroyed in the battle of the Great Zen Temple.

Nearly twenty years have passed, and he has once again cultivated his physical body to the level of an immortal.

However, even if the human immortals are at their peak, they have all the skills and essence of fists, but they are not as powerful as Yang Yuan.

"You haven't finished smashing the vacuum yet!"

Meng Shenji reacted immediately. Yang Yuan's move did not have the power to shatter the vacuum.

"It's not enough if it's ever-changing! The Three Supreme Swords!" Meng Shenji said.

With a loud roar, Meng Shenji stretched out a big hand, and an ancient magic sword suddenly appeared, freezing time and solidifying the void.

The Three Swords of Taishangdao: Providence, Universe, and Time!

"God's will is like a sword, time is like a sword, the sword of the universe! Break this man's way, cut off Gui Yuan's body and soul! Destroy!"

From the center of Meng Shenji's eyebrows, a magical sword flew out. On the blade, brilliant streamlines shuttled continuously, like time.

A magic knife flew out from the Baihui point on his head, and another magic knife flew out from the dantian in his lower abdomen.

These two magical swords have no shape at all, only the shadow of the sword, which is like God's will and cannot be fathomed.

Another magical sword has the shape of Taishangdao's "Tower of Taiyu" in it, but it is much more condensed and sharper. It has the power to cut the universe and split the sea of ​​stars!

The three swords of Providence, Universe, and Time all came out. Suddenly the sky of the world changed color, and there was a rolling divine voice that resounded throughout the world.

At this moment, the sword energy was in the sky, and the sword intention was vast.

The power of destruction swept across the sky and the earth, impacting in all directions and colliding with Guiyuan's punch.

"The Three Supreme Swords?! It's the Meng Shen Ji!"

"Meng Shenji, the master of Taishangdao who fought fiercely with Emperor Yuan!"

"Will Emperor Yuan be fine?"

Many people in Jade Capital City turned pale.

The Meng Shen Ji has dominated the world for three hundred years. He is known as the best master in the world and has the Supreme Three Swords at his side.

He actually came to assassinate Emperor Yuan this time!

Hong Xuanji suddenly flew into the sky and roared: "Meng Shenji, you are so presumptuous!"

"It doesn't matter!"

He was unable to become Yang Shen because of the limitations of this world.

But the crushing vacuum does not have this limitation.

"In that case, it just so happens that I can also crush the vacuum!"

Shatter the vacuum!

What is a vacuum? Vacuum is not the space between heaven and earth, but "truth" and "emptiness".

"True" is reality, and "emptiness" is illusion. To smash the vacuum is to break the boundary between reality and illusion, and turn the original illusory martial arts will into a real existence between heaven and earth.

Turn illusion into reality, make the impossible possible!

"Smashing the vacuum is nothing more than turning something into nothingness, and it is nothing more than the path to the end. I have already understood the path to the end!"

With a thought in Guiyuan's mind, the realm that he had been able to break through for a long time was naturally broken at this moment, and his body, which had been hungry for a long time, was broken.

At this moment, it was like a black hole suddenly opened.

From his body, a devouring power that swallowed the sky and the earth suddenly burst out!

This devouring power is so terrifying and vast, it is as if it wants to swallow all the power and vitality in the entire universe into its body.

Then it was crushed again and condensed into a brand new universe!

this moment.


With Guiyuan as the center, the surrounding void began to vibrate violently.

Endless power is being continuously devoured by him, the vitality of heaven and earth, and the energy of earth veins.

As well as various elixirs that he had swallowed into his body in the past, and even the power of the stars drawn from the sky.

All the energy was shattered and then swallowed up by Guiyuan's one-yuan number of acupoints, starting a most terrifying cycle.

"One hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred orifices around the body, the number of one yuan has been completed, shattering the vacuum!"

Guiyuan whispered.

In an instant.

The vast and infinite breath is imprinted into the void one by one, imprinted into the core of all stars, all sun and moon...

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