It has been imprinted into the depths of the earth, into the depths of the sky, and even into the hearts of every great supernatural being, the Creator, and even every practitioner in the world.

Make everyone feel something!

At this moment, the heaven and earth resonate with it, the sun and moon worship it, the void surrenders to it, ghosts and gods kowtow to it, magical powers are used by it, and the stars are shattered...

This is - the ultimate state of shattering the vacuum!

This is the highest realm of martial arts practice that is on par with the Yangshen realm! !

Throughout the ages, those who can reach this realm are even rarer than Yang Shen!

In a small world in Fanzhou, Fan Qingyun is holding the buzzing and vibrating Six Paths Brahma Wheel in his hand.

"This feeling, is this... the physical state? Is it about to shatter the vacuum?"

"Is it the Lord of Daqian?"

"Fanzi, are you really wrong in your deduction? Why can a person who has shouldered so many causes and effects be able to shatter the vacuum, but there is no hope in the world?"

Fan Qingyun was still recalling that when Guiyuan came to find them, all their sects had been dissolved, and his own sect was actually attributed to Emperor Yuan.

But they can't.

Tao, if you can't compare, you can't compare.

The efforts of the medieval scholars can all be in vain this time, and the vacuum can be shattered to increase mental learning.

Everything that the medieval scholars did became the wedding garment of that existence.

At this moment, everyone in the universe felt the terrifying aura, as if it was about to shatter the universe.

This aura is really too terrifying and shocking!

Even in the outer world, countless people were shocked by it.

Even the central world of Tianwai Tianpan Star was all disturbed at this moment.

Leaders Xu Yi, Qi King Xu Wuyi, as well as the eight pillars of the central world: War, Peace, Civilization, Earth, Ocean, Sky, Creation, Shen Nong, etc., let out a light sigh, and their eyes suddenly opened with a dazzling light.

"What power is this!"

"This is a shattering vacuum, and someone actually understood the shattering vacuum!"

"It's from the direction of the world!"

"There are actually people in this world who understand the secret of shattering the vacuum!"

"After martial arts reaches the realm of human immortality, it reaches a bottleneck, and it is almost impossible to practice further!

Unexpectedly, there are actually people who have achieved the highest level of martial arts. Isn’t this road of martial arts a dead end? "

"Damn it, the sky is unfair! We have been living in the outer world. Without thunder and tribulation, it is just that the way of ghosts and immortals is difficult to practice. The only martial art that can be practiced,

But it’s hard to understand how the world can be shattered! If not for this, how could we not have a strong man who can crush the vacuum for so many years! ! "

In the world outside the world, many people's hearts are extremely complicated at this moment.

Who could have expected that a vacuum-shattering statue would appear in this world?

Some people are happy to see the path forward for martial arts, but most of them are unwilling to do so!

Their martial arts level far exceeds that of the vast world, but just because they have not lived in the vast world since they were young, they understand the difficulty of shattering the vacuum.

Far superior to anyone in the world.

Not only Daqian World and Tianwaitian, but also the Immortal Emperor and Taoist Creation in the place of origin, at this moment, also sensed the will to crush the world.

"Smash the vacuum? This way seems to be the way of "Tai"?! According to the plans of the masters, Yi Zi should be the first to get the way in this era... But now it seems...

It seems that Zhuzi's plan is about to fail! "

The Immortal Emperor stood quietly on the Bridge of the Other Shore, calmly suppressing the Bridge of the Other Shore under him, and whispered leisurely.

Taoist Creation also opened his eyes at this moment: "It's actually Yang Yuan who got the Boat of Creation? What kind of existence is this person?"

Taoist Creation said to himself that he felt it after the boat of creation changed owners. He didn't feel anything unusual, he just regarded it as a pawn of Hong Xuanji.

Now Yang Yuan actually broke through and shattered the vacuum.

"But that's okay. The more variables there are, the greater the possibility that I will feel the other side when the time comes!"

Mengshenji was the closest, and instantly sensed the earth-shaking changes in Guiyuan.

"Is it enough at this moment?"

Guiyuan chuckled and said with a flick of his palm, the vast Yin and Yang diagram instantly emerged, the power of the soul of the Yang God's way, and the Qi and blood of the human and immortal way.

The two blended together, and a vast yin-yang diagram appeared in the sky above Yujing City, as if the entire universe was shaking.

The endless vastness rolled up rushed out of the world, rushed into the outer universe and starry sky, causing the universe and starry sky to shake!

This vast yin and yang diagram is like a huge millstone.

Crush everything in the world.

Meng Shenji saw this move and did not run away.

In other words, there is no way to escape at all.

He had to resist this move.

He has the Supreme Three Swords, and his body is in the realm of "rebirth from a drop of blood."

The divine soul is the cultivation of the soul that has been refined through eight thunder tribulations to become a god, and it is also blessed by the eternal kingdom of the king of artifacts integrated into the body.

He didn't believe that he couldn't beat Guiyuan!

"Go to hell!" Meng Shenji said coldly, and a shadow actually flickered on his body. This shadow.

The round sky and the square place are exactly the shadow of the eternal kingdom, the most powerful treasure between heaven and earth and the king of ancient artifacts.

He activated the Eternal Kingdom, the King of Artifacts, and cooperated with the Supreme Three Swords to crash into Guiyuan without hesitation, making a mess.


As long as he fights back and kills Gui Yuan, his soul will be perfected, his merits will be complete, and he may be able to achieve the realm of the Yang God immediately!

But Guiyuan who just became Shattering Vacuum is definitely stronger than Shattering Vacuum!

Because his understanding of the Great Dao is completely superior to all the strong men in this world. Perhaps only Hong Yi, whose final achievement is infinitely close to the other side, can compare with him!

"Learn this lesson well!"

The three Taishang swords that were originally aimed at Guiyuan were all stopped in the Eternal Kingdom. Meng Shenji's eyes were horrified, and all his power was out of control!

And Guiyuan stepped in front of him.

Touch him gently on the forehead.

Guiyuan casually wiped out all the aftermath of the battle between the two, and sat back quietly.

"If you can get out, then take another step forward! Look forward to the Yangshen!"

"If you can't come out, then perish!"

Meng Shenji seemed to be stunned, and suddenly his eyes seemed to be lost, "The universe, space, time, Taishang Wangqing..."

"Do nothing, do nothing and do nothing..."

Meng Shenji murmured in his mouth, his breath was constantly changing, and his past insights seemed to have an outline at this moment, and they were constantly being integrated, and his soul realm was constantly improving.

Between his brows, the three knives began to be fused with a force.

Start to stick together.

The world is made up of time and space.

Providence is God’s will.

The Supreme Sword, the Way of Inaction!

Meng Shenji woke up, looked at Guiyuan who was sitting there, stared at Guiyuan blankly, knelt down suddenly, and said sincerely: "Please teach me the way of inaction!"

"Want to learn? Become a disciple!"

"I've met Master!"

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